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胡学敏1, 黄婷玉1, 余雅澜1, 任佳佳1, 谢微2, 陈龙3(1.湖北大学;2.临沂大学;3.中国科学院自动化研究所)

摘 要
Decision technologies of simulation to reality for autonomous driving: A survey

(Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Since the mid-1980s, many research institutions have been developing autonomous driving technologies. The main idea of autonomous driving technology is to perceive the ego-vehicle states and its surroundings in real time through sensors, then utilize an intelligent system for decision-making planning, and finally execute the driving operation through the control system. The decision-making module, which is an important component in autonomous driving systems, bridges surrounding perception and vehicle control, and it is mainly responsible for finding optimal paths or correct and reliable behaviors for the ego-vehicle so as to effectively drive on the road. In the research process of autonomous driving decision-making technologies which are very strict for the safety, if the training is done directly in the real world, it will not only lead to a significant cost increasement but also miss some marginal driving scenarios. In this case, many researches first conduct in the simulation world before applying new autonomous driving models in the real world. However, the simulation can only provide an approximate model of vehicle dynamics and its interaction with the surrounding environment, and the vehicle agent trained only in the simulation world cannot be generalized to the real world. There is still a gap between the reality and simulation, which is called the reality gap (RG) and poses a challenge for the transfer of developed autonomous driving models from simulated vehicles to real vehicles. To solve the problem of reality gap, researchers have proposed many approaches. This paper presents the principles and state-of-the-art methods of transferring knowledge from simulation to reality (sim2real) and parallel intelligence (PI) as well as their applications in decision making for autonomous driving. Sim2real approaches reduce RG by simply transferring the learned models from the simulation to the reality environments. In autonomous driving, the basic idea of sim2real is to train the vehicle agent in the simulation environment and then transfer it to the reality environment using various methods, which can greatly reduce the number of interactions between the vehicle agent and the reality environment. It can also improve the effectiveness and performance of decision-making algorithms for autonomous driving. At present, the main sim2real methods include robust reinforcement learning (RL), meta-learning, curriculum learning, knowledge distillation, transfer learning, as well as some other helpful techniques such as domain randomization and system identification, which have their own way of reducing the reality gap. For example, transfer learning bridges the reality gap by directly addressing the differences between domains. Considering that vehicle agents in the real world may be exposed to problems that do not exist in the simulation world, some researchers use meta-learning to bridge the gap. Sim2real methods handle the RG problem in some way, but the computational cost remains a challenge, especially when dealing with complex and dynamic environments, which limits the application range of sim2real methods. In order to solve the problem, the parallel intelligence which solves the RG problem by parallelly performing the simulation environment with the reality environment is proposed. It is a new paradigm based on the ACP method (artificial society, computational experiment, and parallel execution), which deeply integrates simulated and real scenarios. The main process of parallel intelligence is to form a complete system through repeated interactions between the artificial and physical systems, and reduce the RG through parallel execution and computational experiments. Among them, the computational experiment is divided into description learning, prediction learning, and prescriptive learning, which gradually transitions from the simulation environment to the real world. Parallel intelligence and sim2real technologies extend the physical space to the virtual space, and model the real world through virtual-real interaction, so that the vehicle agent can learn knowledge and experience through the simulation environment and the reality environment. The core technology of PI is to make decisions through the interaction between the real driving system and the artificial driving system, and realize the management and control of the driving system by using the comparison, learning, and experiment of the two systems. Compared with sim2real methods, parallel intelligence deals with the relationship between simulated and real scenarios from a higher technical level, solves complex modeling problems, and greatly reduces the difference between simulated to real scenarios. In the field of autonomous driving, parallel intelligence has developed several branches, mainly including the parallel system, parallel learning, parallel driving, and parallel planning. Moreover, the theoretical system has been continuously developed and achieved remarkable results in many fields such as transportation, medical treatment, manufacturing, and control. Subsequently, some autonomous driving simulator such as AirSim, CARLA, etc. are presented in this paper. Simulators for autonomous driving are usually to minimize the mismatch between real and simulated setups by providing training data and experience, thus enabling deployment of vehicle agents into the real world. Finally, existing challenges and future perspectives in sim2real and PI methods are summarized. With the continuous development of simulation to reality technologies, more breakthroughs and progresses in autonomous driving will be achieved in the future.
