Current Issue Cover

郝琮晖1, 杜悠扬2, 王璐2, 王贝贝1(1.南开大学计算机学院;2.山东大学软件学院)

摘 要
Survey of Digital Face Rendering and Appearance Recovery Methods

haoconghui, duyouyang1, wanglu, wangbeibei2(1.School of software, Shandong University;2.College of computer science,Nankai University)

In recent years, digital human has sparked widespread interest and discussion. Within this domain, the human face has become a central focus of attention as a key component in achieving realistic digital humans. Consequently, the associated techniques have found extensive applications in fields such as film, gaming and virtual reality. There has been a growing demand for achieving facial realism rendering and high-quality facial inverse recovery. However, due to the complex multi-layered material structure of face, it’s challenging to achieve facial realism rendering. Furthermore, the rendering of skin is highly influenced by the composition of internal skin chemicals, such as melanin and hemoglobin. Even factors like temperature and blood flow rate may have an influence on skin’s appearance. The semi-transparency of skin introduces difficulties in simulating subsurface scattering effects, not to mention the micro features present on the face. All of the above makes it a challenging problem in the rendering domain. Additionally, due to people""s exposure to numerous real human faces in daily life, there is a heightened sensitivity to the texture and details of digital human faces, which places even greater demands on their realism and accuracy. Meanwhile, the recovery of facial geometry and appearance is a crucial method for building facial datasets. However, high-quality facial recovery is often constrained by the high costs of acquisition equipment, and many studies are also limited by the acquisition speed for facial data, making it challenging to capture dynamic facial appearance. Lightweight recovery methods also face challenges related to the lack of facial material datasets and the difficulty of separating scene information from images. This paper provides an overview of recent advances in the rendering and recovery of digital human faces. Firstly, we introduce methods for achieving realistic facial rendering, categorizing them based on diffusion approximation and Monte Carlo approaches. Among these, methods based on diffusion approximation are limited by strict assumptions and come with some errors, but they offer fast computation. On the other hand, methods based on the Monte Carlo approach provide high precision and robust results but require longer computation times to converge. We have placed particular emphasis on the development and challenges of methods based on diffusion approximation, as well as recent Monte Carlo research aimed at improving the convergence rate for applications in facial rendering including zero-variance random walks, next event estimation and path guiding. Secondly, this paper further categorizes high-precision facial recovery methods based on whether specialized lighting equipment is used, distinguishing between active illumination and passive capture techniques, and provides detailed explanations for each category. Additionally, it summarizes the equipment required for these recovery processes. We also explore lightweight facial recovery methods incorporating deep learning, classifying them into three categories: geometric detail recovery, texture mapping recovery, and facial geometry combined with reflection information recovery. It offers in-depth insights into each of these approaches. Finally, the paper outlines the future trends in facial realism rendering and recovery methods based on the current state of research. It is hoped that this paper can provide novice researchers in the field of facial rendering and appearance recovery with valuable background knowledge.
