
李晓强, 张煌, 赵洋洋, 汪晶晶(上海大学计算机工程与科学学院, 上海 200072)

摘 要
Anti-collusion fingerprinting scheme capable of tracing pirate

Li Xiaoqiang, Zhang Huang, Zhao Yangyang, Wang Jingjing(School of Computer Engineering and Science, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200072, China)

Digital fingerprinting is a technique for identifying users who use multimedia content for unintended purposes. This paper develops a new fingerprinting scheme based on OFFO (Optimal Focused Fingerprints from Orthogonality)and BIBD (Balanced Incomplete Block Design). This scheme considers OFFO as basic signal and transforms the continuous code into antipodal form of binary code, and uses balanced incomplete block designs to construct multilayer fingerprinting. Theoretical analysis and experimental results demonstrate that, compared with the similar fingerprinting scheme, the proposed scheme can more exactly identify at lest one of colluders with the same user number.
