Current Issue Cover

朱延娟1, 周来水1, 张丽艳1(南京航空航天大学CAD/CAM工程研究中心,南京 210016)

摘 要
Algorithm for Three-Dimensional Fragments Reassembly


Fragments comparison and reassembly are necessary in art conservation or artifacts restoration.An approach to the problem of object reconstruction from broken fragments of arbitrary 3D objects is proposed in this paper.The triangle mesh model derived from the range data of fragment is preprocessed to remove some unwanted limitations,and then the fragment contour is extracted.The discrete points on the boundary curve are interpolated by quintic B-spline.With the spline curve,the curvature and torsion of every point are calculated and the geometric property is also analyzed.Feature points are detected based on the total curvature of every point,and the contour is segmented accordingly.The similarity between feature segments belonging to different contours is measured according to the variations of curvature and torsion,meanwhile the normal vector is utilized to verify the matchable probability of similar space curves.Thus,the Euclidean transformation of matching contours is computed to achieve the fragment reassembly.Experimental results demonstrate the approach is robust and efficient.
