Current Issue Cover

王文杰1, 唐娉1, 朱重光1(中国科学院遥感应用研究所,北京 100101)

摘 要
A Wavelet Transform-Based Image Fusion Method


Wavelet transform based image fusion method have been used broadly these years. In this article, in order to adequately make use of all kinds of remote sensing images' information, it puts forward a new energy based wavelet fusion method which also uses image restoration and enhancement model to merge the images of CBERS 1(China Brazi1 Earth Resource Satellite) and SPOT PAN(Systeme Pour 1'Observation de la Terre Panchromatic) image. Image restoration technique can both increase image acutance and improve image quality. By processing CBERS 1 imgae with image restoration technique, we can not only overcome the blurred image disadvantage, but also improve the fusion result image's quality finally. Compared with the result of IHS?PCA and HPF traditional fusion methods, it is proved that this method can get a perfect result for the application aim of "enhancing the result image's spatial resolution with preserving spectral information and effectively overcome the blurred disadvantage of CBERS 1 image".
