Current Issue Cover

孟一平1,2, 唐帆1,2, 董未名1, 黄飞跃3, 张晓鹏1(1.中国科学院自动化研究所, 北京 100190;2.中国科学院大学, 北京 100049;3.腾讯科技有限公司, 上海 200000)

摘 要
目的 随着用户对图像传播的个性化要求不断提升,图像-与文本融合成为了目前传播的新形式。为用户照片自动地添加具有美观的水印文字成为图像处理的一个新方向-视觉媒体的自动设计。通过结合设计学原理和计算机视觉原理,为水印文字块在图像中的位置和配色进行优化。方法 基于视觉显著性理论及构图学理论,为水印文字块确定最佳位置。然后根据视觉反差和颜色和谐化理论为文字选取合适颜色。为更完美呈现文字与图像的和谐关系,基于色彩和谐化理论对原图像进行自适应的色轮模板匹配,并以此选取文本色彩。结果 为验证本文所提出的算法,采用用户调查方式分别与腾讯的水印相机及华夏地理(国家地理杂志中文网)配图作对比。与腾讯的水印相机相比,排版与配色后的结果优于仅和谐化后结果(73.25%:17.42%),同时也优于水印相机原图(73.25%:9.32%)。与华夏地理编辑人工处理后的图片相比,本算法远胜于原始推送结果(97.2%:2.8%)。本算法可以全自动、快捷为用户提供满意的输出结果。结论 无论在与目前自动化的水印相机相比还是简单的人工编辑排版相比,本文算法在提高图文混合排版的设计感及美感上有一定的作用。
Automatic layout and color matching of photo watermark

Meng Yiping1,2, Tang Fan1,2, Dong Weiming1, Huang Feiyue3, Zhang Xiaopeng1(1.Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China;2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;3.Tencent Inc., Shanghai 200000, China)

Objective The increasing demand for personalized pictures has encouraged the fusion of images and texts to form a new type of media, which has resulted in the new field of image processing:visual media automatic design. Visual automatic design focuses on technology that can automatically add aesthetic text watermarks to users' pictures. In this study, we optimized the location and color schemes of text watermarks based on the principle of design and computer vision.Methods We selected the best location of text watermarks on the basis of visual saliency theory and composition theory. We selected a suitable color was by considering visual contrast and color harmonization. To successfully combine texts and images, we adaptively matched the original images with the template of the color wheel to select the appropriate text color.Results Comparing the digital watermarking of Tencent (73.25%:9.32%) and of the pictures in National Geographic (Chinese version) (97.8%:2.8%) with that of the proposed algorithm showed that the algorithm automatically provided satisfactory results.Conclusion The proposed algorithm improves the design and enhances the aesthetics of the combined text and image layouts whether the current watermark camera or the simple editing is involved.
