
发布时间: 2021-01-16
DOI: 10.11834/jig.200432
2021 | Volume 26 | Number 1




expand article info 廖文龙1,2, 赵华卿2, 严骏驰1
1. 上海交通大学, 上海 200240;
2. 安徽酷哇机器人有限公司, 芜湖 241010


目的 相机外参标定是ADAS(advanced driver-assistance systems)等应用领域的关键环节。传统的相机外参标定方法通常依赖特定场景和特定标志物,无法实时实地进行动态标定。部分结合SLAM(simultaneous localization and mapping)或VIO(visual inertia odometry)的外参标定方法依赖于点特征匹配,且精度往往不高。针对ADAS应用,本文提出了一种相机地图匹配的外参自校正方法。方法 首先通过深度学习对图像中的车道线进行检测提取,数据筛选及后处理完成后,作为优化问题的输入;其次通过最近邻域解决车道线点关联,并在像平面内定义重投影误差;最后,通过梯度下降方法迭代求解最优的相机外参矩阵,使得像平面内检测车道线与地图车道线真值重投影匹配误差最小。结果 在开放道路上的测试车辆显示,本文方法经过多次迭代后收敛至正确的外参,其旋转角精度小于0.2°,平移精度小于0.2 m,对比基于消失点或VIO的标定方法(精度为2.2°及0.3 m),本文方法精度具备明显优势。同时,在相机外参动态改变时,所提出方法可迅速收敛至相机新外参。结论 本文方法不依赖于特定场景,支持实时迭代优化进行外参优化,有效提高了相机外参精确度,精度满足ADAS需求。


外参标定; 地图匹配; 车道线; 梯度下降; 在线标定

Online extrinsic camera calibration based on high-definition map matching on public roadway
expand article info Liao Wenlong1,2, Zhao Huaqing2, Yan Junchi1
1. Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China;
2. Anhui COWAROBOT Co., Ltd., Wuhu 241010, China
Supported by: Science and Technology Innovation 2030(2020AAA0107600); National Natural Science Foundation of China(61972250)


Objective Camera calibration is one of the key factors of the perception in advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) and many other applications. Traditional camera calibration methods and even some state-of-the-art calibration algorithms, which are currently widely used in factories, strongly rely on specific scenes and specific markers. Existing methods to calibrate the extrinsic parameters of the camera are inconvenient and inaccurate, and current algorithms have some obvious disadvantages, which might cause serious accidents, damage the vehicle, or threaten the safety of passengers. Theoretically, once calibrated, the extrinsic parameters of the camera, including the position and the posture of camera installation, will be fixed and stable. However, the extrinsic parameters of a camera change throughout the lifetime of a vehicle. Real-time dynamic calibration is useful in cases when vehicles are transported or when cameras are removed for maintenance or replacement. Other extrinsic parameter calibration methods solves the estimation by simultaneous localization and mapping or visual inertia odometry (VIO) technologies. These methods try to extract point features and match points with the same characters, and the spatial transformation of different frames is calculated accordingly from the matched point pairs. However, according to the absence of texture information such as when one is in an indoor environment, the accuracy of extrinsic parameters is not always satisfactory. The common situation is that the algorithm cannot obtain any feature from the existing frames or the features that are obtained are not enough to calculate the position. To solve this problem and achieve the requirement of ADAS, this paper proposes a self-calibrating method that is based on aligning the detected lanes by the camera with a high-definition (HD) map. Method Feature extraction is the first step of calibration. The most common feature extraction method is to acquire features from frames, calculate the gradient or other specific information of every single pixel, and select the pixels with the most significant values as the detected features. In this paper, we introduce a state-of-the-art algorithm that uses deep learning to detect lane points in the images grabbed from the camera. Some parts of the extrinsic parameters, including longitudinal translation, are unobservable when the vehicle is moving; thus, a data filtering and post-processing method is proposed. Images are classified into three classes: invalid frame, data frame, and key frame. The data filtering rule will efficiently divide the obtained frames into these three types according to the information the frame carries. Then, in the next step, the reprojection error (or loss) is defined in the imaging plane. The process consists of four steps: 1) The lane detected in the HD map is projected to the image plane, and the nearest neighborhood is associated with every detected lane point. This step is similar to feature matching, but it focuses only on the distance of the nearest potential match points. 2) The distance of points and the normal vectorial angle is calculated, and different weights are assigned based on different image types. 3) The geometric constraints of lanes in the image plane and frame of the camera are solved. The initial guess of the extrinsic parameter is determined; the guess is often imprecise and valid only in the cases when the lane is a straight line and the camera translation is known. 4) A gradient descent-based iterative optimal method is used to minimize the reprojection error, and the optimal extrinsic parameter could be determined at the same time. We use such methods to calibrate the camera extrinsic for the vehicles because of several reasons and advantages. The extrinsic parameters are calibrated by using gradient descent because extrinsic parameters are hypothesized to change slowly enough during the lifetime of a vehicle. Therefore, optimizing the extrinsic parameters by using gradient descent could maintain the accuracy of the current extrinsic parameters. Even when outliers occur, the system could remain stable for a period of time rather than have rapidly changing extrinsic parameters, which is considered dangerous when the vehicle is in motion. Deep learning is used to calibrate the extrinsic parameters because the lanes look different according to different road conditions. With any current method, losing some features of the lane points is common. However, the deep learning method does not have such problems; with enough training data, lanes in any extreme case could be used, even in totally different environments or in most cases of extreme weather. Result Experiments on an open road show that the designed loss function is meaningful and convex. With 250 iterations, the proposed method can converge to the true extrinsic parameter, and its rotation accuracy is 0.2° and the translation accuracy is 0.03 m. Compared with the VIO-based and another lane detection-based method, our approach is more accurate with the HD map information. Another experiment shows that the proposed method can quickly converge to the new true value when extrinsic parameters change dynamically. Conclusion With the use of lane detection, the proposed method does not depend on specific scenarios or marks. Through the matching of the detected lane and the HD map with numerical optimization, the calibration can be performed in real time, and it improves the accuracy of extrinsic parameters more significantly than other methods. The accuracy of the proposed method meets the requirements of ADAS, showing great value in the field of industry.

Key words

extrinsic parameter calibration; map alignment; lane; gradient descent; online calibration

0 引言

在ADAS(advanced driving-assistance systems)或自动驾驶领域,通常使用相机感知车辆周围的障碍物或道路标示(Dabral等,2014周欣等,2003)。应用于相机图像上的检测及跟踪通常参考相机坐标系,需要将其转换至车辆坐标系或世界坐标系, 从而实现车辆的控制。相机内参以及安装参数(相机以及车辆坐标系之间的相对关系,亦或相机外参)显著影响了相机感知周围环境的精度,如何快速有效地对相机内外参进行标定是ADAS车辆量产以及维护的重要环节。业内已经对相机外参标定进行了广泛深入研究,但在ADAS应用领域仍然存在如下挑战:

1) 在车辆维修、后装市场相机安装时,如何在开放道路场景下快速进行外参标定;

2) 在车辆长达10年以上的生命周期内,相机外参随着时间推移而逐渐变化,如何及时在线调整相机外参。



Esquivel等人(2007), Carrera等人(2011), Yang和Shen(2017)提出了在自然环境下结合视觉里程计(visual odometry)或vSLAM(visual simultaneous localization and mapping)实时进行相机外参标定,这类方法无需特定参考物,可在线实时对相机外参进行标定。但在车载相机应用中,由于道路空旷,图像特征点较少,无法精确建立特征点间的帧间约束。另外不同于广泛研究的visual-inertial system (VINS)或visual-inertial odometry(VIO)车载相机仅能在平面内运动,部分状态量无法通过有限时间的测量确定,其标定结果通常难以满足ADAS精度需求。一般来说,车载相机需检测200 m范围内的行人、车辆等障碍物,其检测精度约1 m,假定相机视场(filed of view, FOV)为57°,根据几何关系可知相机外参精度要求为旋转角约0.2°,平移约0.2 m。



随着ADAS的基础设施逐渐成熟,道路高精度地图作为ADAS必备的要素之一(Ghallabi等,2018)也逐步完善,在实际应用中其可通过测绘车或行驶轨迹测量获得(Knoop等,2017),亦可通过导航电子地图供应商处购买获得。另外,ADAS车辆通常配备组合导航高精度定位系统,低成本解决方案下RMS(root mean square)可达20 mm (Li等,2017)。

车辆行驶于高精度地图覆盖范围时,车道线信息是普遍存在且特征明显的,利用车道线进行外参标定是自然且直接的方法。结合车辆位姿以及高精度地图的车道线信息,本文提出了一种相机地图匹配的在线外参标定方法,该方法首先假设某一外参$\mathit{\boldsymbol{T}}$,并根据该外参将世界坐标系$\mathit{\boldsymbol{W}}$下的车道点${\mathit{\boldsymbol{P}}_w}$投影至相机坐标系$\mathit{\boldsymbol{C}}$得到3维点${\mathit{\boldsymbol{P}}_c}$,合理设计误差函数$L$评价${\mathit{\boldsymbol{P}}_c}$以及相机检测的车道点${\mathit{\boldsymbol{D}}_c}$的投影误差$L\left({\mathit{\boldsymbol{T}}_v^c} \right)$,采用最小化车道线曲线至像平面重投影误差(bundle adjustment)的思想(Triggs等,1999)求解最优相机外参$\mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat T}}_v^c$


1) 将外参标定问题转换为相机—地图车道线重投影误差最小化问题,外参平移及旋转部分均能在线迭代优化;

2) 根据高精度地图与相机匹配,不假设车道线为平面或直线等形式,提高了外参标定精度;

3) 将高精度地图车道线投影至像平面并采用最近邻域关联相机观测,有效解决了车道线无法进行特征匹配以及投影误差高、计算复杂度等问题;

4) 采用像平面距离以及法向量夹角重新定义投影误差,该投影误差与外参单调下降,避免了局部极小;

5) 设计简单可行的数据筛选规则,避免在道路环境下,外参纵向平移部分不可观而导致的外参发散。

实验表明,在实际ADAS场景中,本文方法可有效迭代求解相机外参,其旋转角精度小于0.2°,平移小于0.1 m,对比其他方法精度显著提升。同时,在外参改变时,本文方法能够快速收敛至变化后外参,满足ADAS应用需求。

1 问题分析

图 1所示建立坐标系,相机外参标定即确定相机坐标系$\mathit{\boldsymbol{C}}$与车辆坐标系$\mathit{\boldsymbol{V}}$之间的坐标系变换${\mathit{\boldsymbol{T}}_v^c}$${\mathit{\boldsymbol{T}}_v^c}$由旋转角$\left({{\theta _{{\rm{roll }}}}, {\theta _{{\rm{pitch }}}}, {\theta _{{\rm{yaw }}}}} \right)$以及平移$\left({{T_X}, {T_Y}, {T_Z}} \right)$构成, ${{\theta _{{\rm{roll }}}}}$为滚转角,${{\theta _{{\rm{pitch }}}}}$为俯仰角,${{\theta _{{\rm{yaw }}}}}$为偏航角。

图 1 坐标系关系(相机坐标系$\mathit{\boldsymbol{C}}$,车辆坐标系$\mathit{\boldsymbol{V}}$以及地图坐标系$\mathit{\boldsymbol{W}}$)
Fig. 1 Coordinate system relationship (camera coordinate system $\mathit{\boldsymbol{C}}$, vehicle coordinate system $\mathit{\boldsymbol{V}}$ and map coordinate system $\mathit{\boldsymbol{W}}$)


记图像畸变校正后的像平面内的车道线点为${(u, v)^{\rm{T}}}$,根据小孔成像模型有如下关系

$ {\mathit{\boldsymbol{z}}_c}\left({\begin{array}{*{20}{l}} u\\ v\\ 1 \end{array}} \right) = {\rm{ }}\mathit{\boldsymbol{M}}{\mathit{\boldsymbol{P}}_c} = {\rm{ }}\mathit{\boldsymbol{MT}}_v^c\mathit{\boldsymbol{T}}_w^v{\mathit{\boldsymbol{P}}_w} $ (1)



$ L\left({\mathit{\boldsymbol{T}}_v^c} \right) = \int {\left\| {\left({\frac{{\mathit{\boldsymbol{MT}}_v^c\mathit{\boldsymbol{T}}_w^v{\mathit{\boldsymbol{P}}_w}}}{{{\mathit{\boldsymbol{z}}_c}}} - {{(u, v, 1)}^{\rm{T}}}} \right)} \right\|} {\rm{d}}{\mathit{\boldsymbol{P}}_w} $ (2)

式中,${{\mathit{\boldsymbol{P}}_w}}$为高精度地图中车道线在世界坐标系下的位置,${\mathit{\boldsymbol{T}}_w^v}$通过全球定位系统(global positioning system, GPS)、惯性测量单元(inertial measurement unit, IMU)以及轮速等信息融合获得。由于${{\mathit{\boldsymbol{P}}_w}}$以及${\mathit{\boldsymbol{T}}_w^v}$已知,则损失为${\mathit{\boldsymbol{T}}_v^c}$的函数。


$ \mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat T}}_v^c = {\mathop{\rm argmin}\nolimits} L\left({\mathit{\boldsymbol{T}}_v^c} \right) $ (3)

由于车道线在车辆纵向上无明显纹理特征,因此无法建立${\mathit{\boldsymbol{P}}_w}$${{{(u, v)}^{\rm{T}}}}$之间的一一映射。故式(3)无法直接求解,为简化处理,将上式中的点到点的误差转换为点集到点集的误差,则有

$ L\left({\mathit{\boldsymbol{T}}_v^c} \right) = \int {\left\| {\frac{{\mathit{\boldsymbol{MT}}_v^c\mathit{\boldsymbol{T}}_w^v{\mathit{\boldsymbol{P}}_w}}}{{{\mathit{\boldsymbol{z}}_c}}} - {{(u, v, 1)}^{\rm{T}}}} \right\|} {\rm{d}}t $ (4)

2 标定方法




2.1 车道线检测

本文采用深度学习中的像素分割技术对车道线进行实时检测。U-Net++(Zhou等,2018)是图像分割领域常用的一种网络结构,常用于医学图像处理等领域,基于该网络本文定义了左车道线以及右车道线两个语义要素,并经过训练实现车道线检测,其检测结果如图 2所示。

图 2 车道线检测结果
Fig. 2 Result of lane detection ((a) data frame; (b) key frame)

2.2 数据筛选

车道线通常由曲线以及直线构成,无论是曲线或直线,其曲率均较小。极限情况下,在车道线曲率为0且车辆不频繁变道时,对于任意形式的$L\left(\mathit{\boldsymbol{T}} \right)$

$ \frac{{\partial L}}{{\partial {T_x}}} \equiv 0 $ (5)



1) 当图像中检出的车道线像素个数小于一定阈值时作为无用帧,以避免车辆在通过路口以及交通拥堵时图像内无明显车道线;

2) 距离上一关键帧车辆行驶距离以及车辆偏航角度均小于一定阈值时作为无用帧,以避免采集重复车道线信息;

3) 在不满足规则1)和2),且车辆与车道线真值(地图)夹角大于一定阈值时作为关键帧;

4) 其他情形所采集图像作为数据帧。

由于无用帧不包含车道线信息,或仅包含已统计的车道线信息,因此不参与$L\left({\mathit{\boldsymbol{T}}_v^c} \right)$优化。

记数据帧以及关键帧的数量分别为${N_D}$${N_K}$,显然${N_D} \gg {N_K}$,故不区分关键帧以及数据帧将导致外参对$\left({{T_y}, {T_z}, {\theta _{{\rm{yaw }}}}, {\theta _{{\rm{pitch }}}}, {\theta _{{\rm{roll }}}}} \right)$过优化,而${{T_x}}$陷入局部极小。因此,本文设计如下更新规则:

${N_D} + {N_K} > {C_1}$${N_K} \ge {C_2}$时,已收集足够的关键帧,故对$\left({{T_x}, {T_y}, {T_z}, {\theta _{{\rm{yaw }}}}, {\theta _{{\rm{pitch }}}}, {\theta _{{\rm{roll }}}}} \right)$进行优化。

${N_D} + {N_K} > {C_1}$${N_K} < {C_2}$时,所收集关键帧较少,仅对$\left({{T_y}, {T_z}, {\theta _{{\rm{yaw }}}}, {\theta _{{\rm{pitch }}}}, {\theta _{{\rm{roll }}}}} \right)$进行优化。


2.3 重投影误差

对于$\mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat T}}_v^c$求解的关键在于重投影误差$L$的定义以及数值优化方法的选择。重投影误差$L$是衡量在某一确定的外参${\mathit{\boldsymbol{T}}_v^c}$下相机所检测的车道线与地图中车道线真值的偏离程度。

重投影误差可以定义在像平面坐标系或车辆坐标系下,后者误差通常为欧氏距离,有明显的物理含义。考虑到实际道路的高低起伏(包括上下坡、排水等因素),地面通常为3D曲面,此时将单目相机检测的车道线反向投影至车辆坐标系计算复杂度较高,因此本文在像平面坐标系定义重投影误差,记像平面内检出的车道线点位置为(${u_i}, {v_i}$),对应该车道点的法线方向为${{\varphi _i}}$,则式(4)可转换为

$ L = \sum\limits_i^j {\left({{\omega _1}\left\| {\left({{u_i} - u_j^w, {v_i} - v_j^w} \right)} \right\| + {\omega _2}\left\| {{\varphi _i} - \varphi _j^w} \right\|} \right)} $ (6)

式中,法线方向${{\varphi _i}}$具体计算参考Ouyang和Feng(2005)的方法。$\left({u_j^w, v_j^w} \right)$为地图中车道线点在像平面内的投影$\mathit{\boldsymbol{P}}_j^{{c^\prime }}$。如前文所述,为解决车道线点的点匹配问题,本文采用最近邻域方法(Muja和Lowe,2014)生成每一个检测的车道线点$\mathit{\boldsymbol{P}}_i^c$对应的真实车道线在像平面内的投影$\mathit{\boldsymbol{P}}_j^{{c^\prime }}$,即重投影误差计算过程可表述为如下步骤:

1) 基于相机外参${\mathit{\boldsymbol{T}}_v^c}$以及车辆位姿${\mathit{\boldsymbol{T}}_w^c}$将地图中的车道线点集(距离车辆200 m范围内)投影至相机坐标系;

2) 根据相机内参矩阵将已进行坐标系变换点集投影至像平面;

3) 计算已投影地图车道线点集以及检出的车道线点集法线方向;

4) 根据最近邻域原则确定地图车道线点以及检出车道线点的关联;

5) 根据式(6)确定重投影误差。


$ \left({{\omega _1}, {\omega _2}} \right) = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {\left({\omega _1^C, \omega _2^C} \right)}&{\mathit{\boldsymbol{I}} \in {\mathit{\boldsymbol{I}}_D}}\\ {\frac{{{N_D}}}{{{N_K}}}\left({\omega _1^C, \omega _2^c} \right)}&{\mathit{\boldsymbol{I}} \in {\mathit{\boldsymbol{I}}_K}} \end{array}} \right. $ (7)

式中,${\left({\omega _1^C, \omega _2^C} \right)}$为超参数。

2.4 非线性优化


2.4.1 初值估计

正确的初值可加快$\mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat T}}_v^c$的收敛,并避免陷入局部极小或发散。根据ADAS前视相机一般安装规则以及道路建设规范,可做如下简化:

1) 车辆所处的地面为平面;

2) 车载相机检测到的车道线为直线,且左右车道线相互平行;

3) 车载相机正向安装且安装纵向位置${{T_x}}$以及安装高度${{T_z}}$已知。


$ \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {x = {A_1}z + {B_1}}\\ {y = {A_2}z + {B_2}} \end{array}} \right. $ (8)


$ \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {u = {u_0} + {f_x}\left({{A_1} + \frac{{{B_1}}}{z}} \right)}\\ {v = {v_0} + {f_y}\left({{A_2} + \frac{{{B_2}}}{z}} \right)} \end{array}, \quad \mathit{\boldsymbol{M}} = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{f_x}}&0&{{u_0}}\\ 0&{{f_y}}&{{v_0}}\\ 0&0&1 \end{array}} \right]} \right. $ (9)

根据式(9)知像平面内车道线为直线,可在像平面内对直线进行拟合,拟合后方程为$u = Av + B$

考虑车道线远处逐渐相交的约束,通过直线方程计算左右车道线的交点${z \to \infty }$时(${u, {v_0}}$)坐标,有

$ \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {{u_\infty } = \mathop {\lim }\limits_{z \to \infty } u = {A_1}{f_x} + {u_0}}\\ {{v_\infty } = \mathop {\lim }\limits_{z \to \infty } v = {A_2}{f_y} + {v_0}} \end{array} $ (10)

由于相机安装高度${T_z}$已知,忽略俯仰角${{\theta _{{\rm{pitch }}}}}$的影响,则相机检测的最近车道点在相机坐标系下$y = {T_Z}$, 联立式(9)(10)及$y = {T_Z}$,可求得相机坐标系下的车道线方程。

将地图中车道线投影至车辆坐标系,并拟合直线方程。对上述两直线进行配准即可获得初始相机安装参数$\left({{T_x}, {T_y}, {\theta _{{\rm{yaw }}}}, {\theta _{{\rm{pitch }}}}, {\theta _{{\rm{roll }}}}} \right)$

2.4.2 梯度下降


$ {\mathit{\boldsymbol{T}}_k} = {\mathit{\boldsymbol{T}}_{k - 1}} - \lambda \nabla L\left({{\mathit{\boldsymbol{T}}_{k - 1}}} \right) $ (11)

式中,$\lambda $为步长。步长决定了梯度下降收敛速度以及精度,本文选择步长为应用需求精度上限的四分之一。由于式(4)无法解析表示,本文采用离散数值方法计算梯度。

3 实验

采用实际路测车辆在浙江某地开放道路进行算法验证。测试车辆配备多种传感器,如图 3所示,其配置安装了NovAtel组合导航定位系统、32线激光雷达以及多个焦距为6 mm的分辨率为1 920×1 080像素的车载相机。计算资源方面采用了配备Intel i7 7700 CPU,8 GB DDR3 RAM以及NVIDIA 1080TI显卡的工业控制计算机。

图 3 实验车辆配置
Fig. 3 Vehicle configuration for experiment((a) vehicle for experiment; (b) lidar and cameras; (c) front camera; (d) RTK+IMU positioning system)

测试车在浙江德清公开道路正常行驶,行驶路径如图 4所示,图中点集为车辆行驶路径,背景为谷歌地球。其总路程约11.7 km,该路程中包括了路口、变道、并线、掉头以及左右转等种场景。

图 4 谷歌地球上的实验车辆行驶路径
Fig. 4 Driving path of vehicle on Google Earth

通过测试车的车载激光雷达收集道路点云数据,经过运动补偿、坐标变换(由组合导航定位系统提供)、人工语义标注及后处理可获得高精度地图数据如图 5所示。随机选择50个车道线端点,对比高精度RTK(real time kinematic)可知该地图精度(标准差)约为10 cm。

图 5 测试路段高精度地图(UTM坐标系下的3维点云,每个点具备属性信息,浅红色点为车道线点)
Fig. 5 Hd map of the test road(each 3D point cloud in the UTM coordinate system has attribute information, the light red point is the lane point)

3.1 重投影误差与外参误差关系

采用(100 m, 2°)的采样间隔,分析函数$L\left({\mathit{\boldsymbol{T}}_v^c} \right)$在不同外参下的下降梯度。由于外参维数较高,采用单一变量法进行简单分析,可得全路段的$L\left({\mathit{\boldsymbol{T}}_v^c} \right)$与外参误差关系如图 6所示。

图 6 重投影误差与外参误差关系
Fig. 6 The relationship between error and extrinsic ((a) relationship between error and rotation; (b) relationship between error and translation)

图 6可知,在旋转误差$\theta \in \left[ { - {{30}^\circ }, {{30}^\circ }} \right]$且平移误差${T_n} \in [ - 0.5{\rm{m}}, 0.5{\rm{m}}]$范围内$L(\boldsymbol{T})$无局部极小,且随着外参误差逼近0,损失值也单调逼近全局极小。因此,所定义$L(\boldsymbol{T})$合理有效,采用梯度下降方法可快速收敛至最优外参。

3.2 梯度下降优化

设定(50 m, 1°)的采样间隔,超参数${C_1} = 20, {C_2} = 20$,对上述数据进行优化。采用pytorch进行梯度下降,单次梯度下降约为50 ms。如图 7所示,损失在求解过程中稳步下降,且在第231次迭代处收敛,收敛后相机旋转角精度小于0.2°,相机平移小于0.1 m。

图 7 外参误差收敛过程
Fig. 7 Convergence process of extrinsic error((a) rotation; (b) translation)

由于相机外参会随着时间改变而改变,为模拟相机安装位姿的实时变化,在$t = 64$时刻切换相机输入。随着数据帧或关键帧图像获取,实时滚动对外参进行优化。在$t + 1$时刻,由于大量图像数据于外参变换前采集,而对应于正确外参的图像数据此时仅为1帧,因此算法收敛至错误的外参。如图 8所示,随着新的有效图像逐渐参与优化,逐渐逼近新的外参,在$t + 1 + {C_1}$后,所有采集的图像均对应一个新的真实外参,其精度恢复至(0.1 m, 0.1°)。由于滚动优化的进行,外参迭代初值与最优外参误差较小,即梯度下降迭代次数较小。在$t + 1 + {C_1}$时刻,梯度下降迭代次数为21次,优化时间为1 016 ms,满足实时应用。

图 8 外参突变时收敛过程
Fig. 8 Convergence process of extrinsic when groundtruth change((a) rotaion; (b) translation)

3.3 对比实验

确定外参的方法较多,但与本文所研究问题完全相似的较少。为证明所提方法的有效性,本文将所提方法与基于VINS标定方法(Yang和Shen,2017)以及基于消失点标定方法(李婵等,2019)进行外参标定精度对比,如表 1所示。VINS标定方法输出的是相机与IMU之间的坐标系关系,在已知IMU与车辆坐标系间的坐标系变化时,该标定问题与求解$\mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat T}}_v^c$等价。基于消失点标定方法输出的是相机与世界之间的坐标系关系,在已知车辆实时位姿时,该标定问题也与求解$\mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat T}}_v^c$等价。由于该方法依赖于相机安装高度已知,且仅标定滚转角和偏航角, 故不对外参平移部分进行对比。

表 1 不同方法的精度对比
Table 1 Accuracy comparison of different methods

VINS 消失点 本文
角度误差/(°) 2.2 6 0.2
平移误差/m 0.34 N/A 0.03
注:N/A为不适用(not applicable)。


相对于VINS标定法,本文方法在外参角度以及平移精度上更优。其原因主要有两个方面:1)通过深度学习提取车道线特征,并将其与地图真值匹配,其消除了相机匹配相机时的观测误差; 2)本文通过合理设计数据筛选规则,避免了由于车辆运动曲率较小、部分外参不可观从而导致估计误差较大的缺陷。

4 结论




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