
发布时间: 2020-08-16
DOI: 10.11834/jig.190533
2020 | Volume 25 | Number 8




expand article info 翟鹏博1,2, 杨浩1, 宋婷婷1, 余亢1, 马龙祥1,2, 黄向生3
1. 中国科学院微电子研究所, 北京 100029;
2. 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049;
3. 中国科学院自动化研究所, 北京 100190


目的 针对现有语义分割算法存在的因池化操作造成分辨率降低导致的分割结果变差、忽视特征图不同通道和位置特征的区别以及特征图融合时方法简单,没有考虑到不同感受视野特征区别等问题,设计了一种基于膨胀卷积和注意力机制的语义分割算法。方法 主要包括两条路径:空间信息路径使用膨胀卷积,采用较小的下采样倍数以保持图像的分辨率,获得图像的细节信息;语义信息路径使用ResNet(residual network)采集特征以获得较大的感受视野,引入注意力机制模块为特征图的不同部分分配权重,使得精度损失降低。设计特征融合模块为两条路径获得的不同感受视野的特征图分配权重,并将其融合到一起,得到最后的分割结果。结果 为证实结果的有效性,在Camvid和Cityscapes数据集上进行验证,使用平均交并比(mean intersection over union,MIoU)和精确度(precision)作为度量标准。结果显示,在Camvid数据集上,MIoU和精确度分别为69.47%和92.32%,比性能第2的模型分别提高了1.3%和3.09%。在Cityscapes数据集上,MIoU和精确度分别为78.48%和93.83%,比性能第2的模型分别提高了1.16%和3.60%。结论 本文采用膨胀卷积和注意力机制模块,在保证感受视野并且提高分辨率的同时,弥补了下采样带来的精度损失,能够更好地指导模型学习,且提出的特征融合模块可以更好地融合不同感受视野的特征。


语义分割; 卷积神经网络; 感受视野; 膨胀卷积; 注意力机制; 特征融合

Two-path semantic segmentation algorithm combining attention mechanism
expand article info Zhai Pengbo1,2, Yang Hao1, Song Tingting1, Yu Kang1, Ma Longxiang1,2, Huang Xiangsheng3
1. Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China;
2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;
3. Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
Supported by: National Science and Technology Major Project of China (2018ZX01031201);National Natural Science Foundation of China (61573356)


Objective Semantic segmentation is a fundamental problem in the field of computer vision where the category of each pixel in the image needs to be labeled. Traditional semantic segmentation uses a manual design to extract image features or edge information and uses the extracted features to obtain the final segmentation map through machine learning algorithms. With the rise of deep convolutional networks, some scholars have applied convolutional neural networks to semantic segmentation to improve its accuracy. However, the existing semantic segmentation algorithms face some problems. First, a contradiction is observed between the perceptual field of view and the resolution. When obtaining a large perceptual field of view, the resolution is often reduced, thereby generating poor segmentation results. Second, each channel of the feature map represents a feature. Objects at different positions should pay attention to different features, but the existing algorithms often ignore such difference. Third, the existing algorithms often use simple cascading or addition when fusing feature maps of different perception fields. For objects of different sizes, the various characteristics of the visual field are not given the same amount of importance. Method To address the aforementioned problems, this paper designs a semantic segmentation algorithm based on the dilated convolution and attention mechanism. First, two paths are used to collect the features. One of these paths uses dilated convolution to collect spatial information. This path initially utilizes a convolution kernel with a step size of 2 for fast downsampling and then experimentally selects a feature map with a downsampling factor of 4. Afterward, an expansion convolution with expansion ratios of 1, 2, and 4 is selected, and the obtained results are cascaded as the final feature map output while maintaining the resolution to obtain high-resolution feature maps. Meanwhile, the second path uses ResNet to collect features and obtain an expanded field of view. The ResNet network uses a residual structure that can well integrate shallow features with deep ones while simultaneously avoiding the difficulty of convergence during training. Feature maps are extracted with 16 and 32 times downsampling size from the ResNet network to expand the perception field. The attention mechanism module is then applied to assign weights to each part of feature maps to reflect their specificity. The attention mechanism is divided into the spatial attention, channel attention, and pyramid attention mechanisms. The spatial attention mechanism obtains the weight of each position on the feature map by extracting the information of different channels. Global maximization and average pooling are initially utilized in the spatial dimension. In this way, the characteristic information of different channels at each position is synthesized and used as the initial attention weight. Afterward, the initial spatial attention weights are processed by convolutional layers and batch normalization operations to further learn the feature information and are outputted as the final spatial attention weights. The channel attention mechanism obtains the weight of different channels by extracting the information of each channel. Maximum and average global pooling are initially applied in the channel dimension. Through these two pooling operations, the feature information on each channel is extracted, and the number of parameters is reduced. The output is treated as the initial attention weight, and a 3×3 convolution layer is used to further learn the attention weight, enhance the salient features, and suppress the irrelevant features. The pyramid attention mechanism uses a convolution of different perception fields and obtains the weights for each position in different channels. The initial feature map is operated by using convolution kernels with sizes 1×1, 3×3, and 5×5 to fully extract features at different levels of the feature map, and the output is treated as the initial attention weight. The feature maps are then multiplied to obtain the final state. Weights are assigned to the channel of each position on the feature map to effectively make the salient features get more attention and to suppress the irrelevant features. The three weights obtained are then merged to obtain the final attention weight. A feature fusion module is designed to fuse the features of different perception fields of the two paths in order to ascribe varying degrees of importance to the features of different perception fields. In the feature fusion module, the feature maps obtained from the two paths are upsampled to the same size by using a quadratic linear difference. Given that the features of different perception fields have varying degrees of importance, the obtained feature maps are initially cascaded, global pooling is applied to obtain the feature weights of each channel, and weights are adaptively assigned to each feature map. These maps are then upsampled to the original image size to obtain the final segmentation result. Result The results were validated on the Camvid and Cityscapes datasets with mean intersection over union(MIoU) and precision as metrics. The proposed model achieved 69.47% MIoU and 92.32% precision on Camvid, which were 1.3% and 3.09% higher than those of the model with the second-highest performance. Meanwhile, on Cityscapes, the proposed model achieved 78.48% MIoU and 93.83% precision, which were 1.16% and 3.60% higher than those of the model with the second-highest performance. The proposed algorithm also outperforms the other algorithms in terms of visual effects. Conclusion This paper designs a new semantic segmentation algorithm that uses dilated convolution and ResNet to collect image features and obtains different features of the image in large and small perception fields. Using dilated convolution improves the resolution while ensuring the perceived field of view. An attention mechanism module is also designed to assign weights to each feature map and to facilitate model learning. A feature fusion module is then designed to fuse the features of different perception fields and reflect their specificity. Experiments show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the other algorithms in terms of accuracy and shows a certain application value.

Key words

semantic segmentation; convolutional neural network; perception field; dilated convolution; attention mechanism; feature fusion

0 引言

语义分割是计算机视觉领域中的一项基本任务,要求根据上下文信息以及空间结构信息对图像中的每一个像素标明类别(姜枫等,2017)。图像的语义分割在各领域都有重要应用。在健康医疗领域,语义分割技术可以从患者的X光或B超图像中精准地提取病变部位,提高诊断效率;在自动驾驶领域,通过语义分割技术可以获得障碍物的具体信息,帮助汽车躲避障碍;在安防领域,语义分割技术可以从安检图像中准确分割危险物品,实现危险品的自动检测,提高安检效率。随着深度学习技术的发展,以及GPU(graphics processing unit)运算能力的提高,训练大规模、深层次的神经网络已经成为语义分割领域的主流模式,并取得了极大进展。

AlexNet(Krizhevsky等,2012)是第一个被提出的深度卷积神经网络模型,在2012年的ILSVRC(ImageNet large scale visual recognition challenge)竞赛上,AlexNet凭借84.6 %的top-5准确率取得第1名的成绩,而第2名的准确率仅为73.8 %。AlexNet的出现引起了众多学者的关注,揭开了深度学习的大幕。Long等人(2015)提出全卷积神经网络(fully convolutional networks,FCN),通过将原来分类网络VGG16(visual geometry group 16-layer net)(Simonyan和Zisserman,2014)最后部分的全连接层改为卷积层,实现了将深层次粗糙的网络层的语义信息与浅层精细的网络层的表层信息结合的目的,从而实现精确分割。Badrinarayanan等人(2015)提出语义分割网络SegNet在解码器中使用反池化的方式对产生的特征图进行上采样,使得一些细微边缘信息保存完整。同时在特征提取部分,SegNet使用与FCN相同的全卷积网络,大幅减少了参数数量。Ronneberger等人(2015)提出的U-Net采用U型结构,将编码器阶段的特征图拼接到解码器阶段对应大小的特征图,将空间语义信息与像素信息进行融合,允许解码器学习在下采样中丢失的信息,提升了分割效果。Chen等人(2014)提出的DeepLabV1采用空洞卷积,在减小特征图尺寸的同时保持分辨率不变,并且在网络的最后使用条件随机场(conditional random field,CRF)模型,恢复边缘的信息,实现了准确定位。Paszke等人(2016)针对低延迟高速度的任务提出ENet,大幅提高了模型速度,比原来的网络模型快了18倍,比FLOPs(floating-point operations per second)少了79倍,参数数量少了79倍,准确率与原来模型接近。Zhao等人(2017)提出了PSPNet(pyramid scene parsing network),采用膨胀卷积(Yu和Koltun,2015)修改基础的残差网络ResNet(residual network)(He等,2016)架构,经过最初的池化层,在整个编码器网络中采用相同的分辨率。另外,PSPNet将额外的损失函数加入整体学习,取得了最优的结果。马震环等人(2019)提出了一种新型的解码器结构,首先将深层特征与浅层特征级联起来,然后通过自注意力机制,得到最后的解码特征,减少了解码上采样带来的精度损失。程晓悦等人(2019)提出了一种新型的语义分割算法,将密集层结构添加到网络中,并且采用分组卷积加快计算速度,同时添加注意力机制改善分割效果。



1 网络模块设计

1.1 整体网络设计

本文网络的整体架构没有采用传统的U型结构,而是采用两条路径下采样(Yu等,2018),如图 1所示。空间信息路径采用膨胀卷积,获得较多的细节信息。语义信息路径采用ResNet提取特征,获得较大的感受视野,同时仿照人类视觉机制设计注意力模块(Vaswani等,2017)用以提高准确率。最后设计了特征融合模块,将采集到的不同感受视野的特征融合到一起,获得更佳的结果。

图 1 整体架构示意图
Fig. 1 Structure of model

1.2 膨胀卷积


$ \begin{array}{l} O\left({x, y} \right) \cdot H\left({x, y} \right) = \\ \sum\limits_{i = 0}^w {\sum\limits_{j = 0}^h {H\left({i, j} \right)} \cdot O\left({x - i, y - j} \right)} \end{array} $ (1)

式中,$O\left({x, y} \right)$是原始图像在点$\left({x, y} \right)$处的像素值,$H\left({x, y} \right)$是与其相乘的卷积核,大小为$w \times h$


$ \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {O\left({x, y} \right) \cdot H'\left({x, y} \right) = }\\ {\sum\limits_{i = 0}^w {\sum\limits_{j = 0}^h {H'\left({i, j} \right)} \cdot O\left({x - l \times i, y - l \times j} \right)} } \end{array} $ (2)

式中,$l$为膨胀因子, ${H'\left({x, y} \right)}$为膨胀卷积核。

从式(1)和式(2)可以看出,膨胀卷积实质上就是对卷积核进行了0填充,这样做可以在增加卷积核感受视野的同时保留原始的像素信息,增大了分辨率。若卷积核的尺寸为$k$,膨胀率为$l$,则膨胀卷积的实际有效尺寸为$k + \left({k - 1} \right) \times \left({l - 1} \right)$。与相同大小的普通卷积相比,膨胀卷积不仅扩大了感受视野,还保持了与普通卷积相同的分辨率,示意图如图 2所示。

图 2 膨胀卷积示意图
Fig. 2 Dilated convolution

1.3 注意力机制

为了弥补下采样造成的细节丢失,更好地指导模型训练,本文采用了一种注意力机制,通过对特征图进行加权处理达到增强目标特征并且抑制背景的目的(Gilra和Gerstner,2017)。注意力机制主要由空间注意力机制、通道注意力机制和金字塔注意力机制组成,如图 3所示。

图 3 注意力机制架构
Fig. 3 Structure of attention

1.3.1 空间注意力机制

空间注意力机制主要是仿照人的视觉机制提出的。人眼在看到一幅图像时,会自动给予关键位置更大的注意力,例如看到兔子时,会更多地关注兔子的耳朵。因此,图像特征图的不同部分应该有不同的权重(Zhang等,2018)。本文提出的空间注意力机制如图 4所示。

图 4 空间注意力示意图
Fig. 4 Spatial attention



$ O\left({i, j} \right) = \max \left({{I_m}\left({i, j} \right)} \right), m \in \left({1, c} \right) $ (3)

式中,${{I_m}\left({i, j} \right)}$为第$m$个通道上的特征图在$\left({i, j} \right)$位置的特征值,$O\left({i, j} \right)$位置为经过最大值池化后的特征图,$c$为通道数。


$ P\left({i, j} \right) = \frac{1}{d}\sum\limits_{n = 1}^d {{T_n}\left({i, j} \right)} $ (4)

式中,${T_n}\left({i, j} \right)$为第$n$个通道特征图在$\left({i, j} \right)$位置的特征值,${P_n}\left({i, j} \right)$为经过平均值池化后的特征图,$d$为通道数。



$ S\left(x \right) = \frac{1}{{1 + {{\rm{e}}^{ - x}}}} $ (5)

式中,$S\left(x \right)$为输出的响应,$x$为输入。


1.3.2 通道注意力机制

卷积神经网络提取的特征图的每个通道都代表一种图像特征,例如纹理,形状等。在图像中,每种特征蕴含的信息不同,对图像分割的贡献程度也不同。因此应当对每种不同特征给予不同关注度(Woo等,2018),分配不同权重。为此,设计通道注意力机制为特征分配权重,使得网络集中关注重要特征,如图 5所示。

图 5 通道注意力示意图
Fig. 5 Channel attention



$ {O_c} = \max \left({{I_c}\left({i, j} \right)} \right) $ (6)

式中,$i \in \left({1, h} \right)$$j \in \left({1, w} \right)$$c$代表第$c$个特征图,${O_c}$代表特征图经过最大池化后的输出。


$ {P_m} = \frac{1}{w}\frac{1}{h}\sum\limits_{i = 1}^h {\sum\limits_{j = 1}^w {{I_m}} } \left({i, j} \right) $ (7)

式中,$i \in \left({1, h} \right)$$j \in \left({1, w} \right)$$m$代表第$m$个特征图,${P_m}$代表特征图经过平均池化后的输出。


1.3.3 金字塔注意力机制

人类视觉在辨别物体时往往综合多种信息。例如,区别兔子和猫时更关注耳朵的形状特征,区别熊猫与狗熊时,更关注颜色特征。由此可以看出,特征图上不同位置的不同特征获得的关注度也应当不同。为了能够更好地获得图像不同位置的不同信息,提出一种金字塔式的注意力模型,通过提取图像不同感受视野的特征图,获取不同感受野下的图像信息,将这些信息融合,获得最后的权重系数,如图 6所示。

图 6 金字塔注意力示意图
Fig. 6 Pyramid attention


1.4 特征融合模块

不同类别的物体,感受视野大小的重要性不同。对较大的物体,大感受视野获取的特征比较重要,而对较小的物体,较大感受视野的特征会采集过多的周边信息,引来误差。传统的特征融合方法一般是级联或相加,这样的简单做法没有考虑不同特征图的感受视野不同,忽略了特征之间的特异性。对此,本文设计的特征融合模块为不同感受视野的特征图分配不同权重,实现了更好的特征融合,如图 7所示。

图 7 特征融合模块示意图
Fig. 7 Feature fusion


2 实验结果与分析

实验数据采用语义分割领域常见的Camvid(Brostow等,2009)和Cityscapes(Cordts等,2016)数据集。Camvid数据集是剑桥大学主推的数据库,是第1个具有对象类语义标签的数据库,包含32类别,800幅图像。Cityscapes数据集是奔驰公司发布的数据库,包括50个城市的30类物品的标注,其中训练集图像2 795幅,测试集图像500幅。两个数据集的示例和本文算法在两个数据集上的结果展示如图 8图 9所示。

图 8 Camvid数据集示例及本文算法在该数据集上的测试结果
Fig. 8 Camvid dataset example and the test results of our method on this dataset
((a) original images; (b) label images; (c) predict images)
图 9 Cityscapes示例及本文算法在该数据集上的测试结果
Fig. 9 Cityacapes dataset example and the test results of our method on this dataset
((a) original images; (b) label images; (c) predict images)

2.1 评价标准

使用平均交并比(mean intersection over union,MIoU)和精确度(precision)作为度量标准。

MIoU是语义分割领域常用的度量标准,主要是计算两个集合的交集与并集之比。使用时需在每个类别内部分别计算MIoU,然后再计算整体的平均值。MIoU越大,模型的效果越好, 具体计算为

$ M = \frac{1}{{m + 1}}\sum\limits_{i = 0}^m {\frac{{{p_{ii}}}}{{\sum\limits_{j = 0}^m {{p_{ij}} + \sum\limits_{j = 0}^m {{P_{ji}} - {P_{ii}}} } }}} $ (8)



$ P = \frac{i}{s} $ (9)


2.2 结果分析

实验采用的框架为Pytorch1.0,CUDA版本为10.1,CUDNN版本为7.4,工作站配置了48个Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v4 @ 2.20 GHz,内存128 GB,4张GTX 1080TI显卡。

对输入数据进行增强处理,将输入图像按一定比例做水平翻转、随机裁剪和随机明暗亮度变化,最后得到的图像大小为1 024×1 024像素。使用ResNet-18作为基础网络,加载在ImageNet上预训练的权重。网络采用带动量的随机梯度下降为优化器,动量为0.9,初始学习率为0.01,衰减率为0.999 5,训练80 000次。

本文网络架构首先在空间路径上选取2、4、8、16、32倍等不同的下采样倍数进行测试,实验结果表明,4倍下采样的MIoU和精确度分别为77.28 %和92.28 %,优于其他下采样倍数。然后选取不同比率的膨胀卷积进行测试,结果显示,比率为2和4时的MIoU和精确度分别为77.83 %和92.86 %,优于其他比率的实验。以上实验均在Cityscapes数据集上完成,具体实验结果见表 1表 2。同时,为了证明注意力机制模块的有效性,在Cityscapes数据集上对网络添加注意力模块和未添加注意力模块进行测试。实验证明,添加注意力模块后,网络性能得到了提高。实验结果如表 3所示。

表 1 不同下采样倍数的实验结果
Table 1 Experimental results of different downsampling times

下采样倍数 MIoU/% 精确度/%
2 76.43 90.12
4 77.28 92.28
8 74.65 86.75
16 71.20 83.65
32 69.32 82.48

表 2 不同比率的膨胀卷积的实验结果
Table 2 Experimental results of different ratio for expansion convolution

膨胀卷积比率 MIoU/% 精确度/%
2, 4 77.83 92.86
4, 8 77.23 90.28
8, 16 76.65 88.42
16, 24 74.21 86.63
24, 32 73.14 85.25

表 3 添加及未添加注意力机制的实验结果
Table 3 Experimental results of adding attention mechanism or not

注意力机制 MIoU/% 精确度/%
未添加 77.83 91.83
添加 78.51 93.91

为了证明设计的网络对比其他算法的优势,在相同硬件设备与软件环境下,在Camvid和Cityscapes数据集上分别进行实验。训练时对输入图像均按一定比例做水平翻转、随机裁剪、随机明暗亮度变化,各算法的最优结果如表 4所示。可以看出,基于本文算法模型的MIoU和精确度在Camvid数据集上分别为69.47 %和92.32 %,在Cityscapes数据集上分别为78.48 %和93.83 %,均优于其他算法。

表 4 不同算法实验结果比较
Table 4 Comparison of experimental results for different algorithms

方法 Camvid数据集 Cityscapes数据集
MIoU/% 精确度/% MIoU/% 精确度/%
BiseNet 68.17 89.23 77.32 90.23
DeepLabV3(Chen等,2017) 60.35 84.32 72.32 84.21
PSPNet 60.57 85.32 74.52 86.75
AdapNet(Valada等,2017) 58.87 83.32 69.34 82.54
ENet 51.62 80.28 64.43 80.32
SegNet 55.48 82.34 66.25 81.24
DeepLabV1 58.45 83.12 70.4 83.29
本文 69.47 92.32 78.48 93.83

3 结论



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