
发布时间: 2020-05-16
DOI: 10.11834/jig.190324
2020 | Volume 25 | Number 5




expand article info 胡伟, 高博川, 黄振航, 李瑞瑞
北京化工大学信息科学与技术学院, 北京 100029


目的 高分辨率遥感图像通常包含复杂的语义信息与易混淆的目标,对其语义分割是一项重要且具有挑战性的任务。基于DeepLab V3+网络结构,结合树形神经网络结构模块,设计出一种针对高分辨率遥感图像的语义分割网络。方法 提出的网络结构不仅对DeepLab V3+做出了修改,使其适用于多尺度、多模态的数据,而且在其后添加连接树形神经网络结构模块。树形结构通过建立混淆矩阵、提取混淆图、构建图分割,能够对易混淆的像素更好地区分,得到更准确的分割结果。结果 在国际摄影测量及遥感探测学会(International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,ISPRS)提供的两个不同城市的遥感影像集上分别进行了实验,模型在整体准确率(overall accuracy,OA)这一项表现最好,在Vaihingen和Potsdam数据集上分别达到了90.4%和90.7%,其整体分割准确率较其基准结果有10.3%和17.4%的提升,对比ISPRS官方网站上的3种先进方法也有显著提升。结论 提出结合DeepLab V3+和树形结构的卷积神经网络,有效提升了高分辨率遥感图像语义分割整体精度,其中易混淆类别数据的分割准确率显著提高。在包含复杂语义信息的高分辨率遥感图像中,由于易混淆类别之间的像素分割错误减少,使用了树形结构的网络模型的整体分割准确率也有较大提升。


卷积神经网络; 遥感图像; 语义分割; 树形结构; DeepLab V3+

Semantic segmentation of urban remote sensing image based on optimized tree structure convolutional neural network
expand article info Hu Wei, Gao Bochuan, Huang Zhenhang, Li Ruirui
College of Information Science and Technology, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China


Objective High-resolution remote sensing image segmentation refers to the task of assigning a semantic label to each pixel in an image. Recently, with the rapid development of remote sensing technology, we have been able to easily obtain very-high resolution remote sensing images with a ground sampling distance of 5 cm to 10 cm. However, the very heterogeneous appearance of objects, such as buildings, streets, trees, and cars, in very-high-resolution data makes this task challenging, leading to high intraclass variance while the inter-class variance is low. A research hotspot is on detailed 2D semantic segmentation that assigns labels to multiple object categories. Traditional image processing methods depend on the extraction technique of the vectorization model, for example, based on region segmentation, line analysis, and shadow analysis. Another mainstream study relies on supervised classifiers with manually designed features. These models were not generalized when dealing with high-resolution remote sensing images. Recently, deep learning-based technology has helped explore the high-level semantic information in imaged and provide an end-to-end approach for semantic segmentation. Method Based on DeepLab V3+, we proposed an adaptive constructed neural network, which contains two connected modules, namely, the segmentation module and the tree module. When segmenting remote-sensing images, which contain multiscale objects, understanding the context is important. To handle the problem of segmenting objects at multiple scales, DeepLab V3+ employs atrous convolution in cascade or in parallel captures multiscale context by adopting multiple atrous rates. We adopted a similar idea in designing the segmentation module. This module uses an encoder-decoder architecture. The encoder is composed of four structures: EntryFlow, MiddleFlow, ExitFlow, and atrous spatial pyramid pooling(ASPP). In addition, the decoder is composed of two layers of SeparableConv blocks. The middle flow has two Xception blocks, which are linear stacks of depth-separable convolutional layers with residual connections. The segmentation module could capture well the multiscale features in the context. However, these features pay less attention to the easily confused classes. The other core contribution of the proposed method is the tree module. This module is constructed adaptively during the training. In each round, the method computes the confusion matrix on the evaluation data and calculates the confusion degrees between every two classes. A graph could be constructed according to the confusion matrix, and we can obtain a certain tree structure through the minimum cut algorithm. According to the tree structure, we build the tree module, in which each node is a ResNeXt unit. These nodes are connected by the concatenated connections. The tree module helped distinguish the pixels between easily confused classes by adding several neural layers to process their features. To implement the proposed method, the segmentation model is based on the MXNet framework and uses two Nvidia GeForce GTX1080 Ti graphic cards for accelerated training. The input size of the image block is 640×640 pixels due to memory limitation. We set the momentum (momentum) to 0.9, the initial learning rate to 0.01, adjust the learning rate to 0.001 when the training reaches half, and adjust the learning rate to 0.000 1 when the training reaches 3/4. We perform data augmentation before training due to the small amount of data in the ISPRS(International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing) remote sensing dataset. For each piece of raw data, we rotate the image center by 10° each time and cut out the largest square tile. In this way, each training image can obtain 36 sets of pictures after rotation. In addition, because the original training image is very large in size, to directly place the entire image into the network for training is not possible. Thus, it needs to be cropped into image blocks of 640×640 pixels. We apply an overlap-tile strategy to ensure no obvious cracks in the segmentation result map after splicing. Result The model in this study performed the best in terms of overall accuracy (OA), which reached 90.4% and 90.7% on the Vaihingen and Potsdam datasets, respectively. This result indicates that the model can achieve high segmentation accuracy. In addition, in the performance of easily confused categories, for example, low shrub vegetation (low_veg) and trees, F1 values have greatly improved. In experiments of the Vaihingen dataset, the F1 values of the low shrub vegetation and tree species reached 83.6% and 89.6%, respectively. In experiments of the Potsdam dataset, the F1 values of the low shrub vegetation and tree species reached 86.8% and 87.1%. As for the average F1 value, the scores of the model on the Vaihingen and Potsdam datasets are 89.3% and 92.0%, respectively. This number is much higher than the other latest methods, indicating that the model in this study is the best for both the segmentation of remote sensing images and the average performance of each category. Additionally, compared with the model without the tree module, the proposed method has higher segmentation accuracy for each category. The OA by using tree module increased by 1.1%, and the average F1 value increased by 0.6% in the Vaihingen dataset. The OA and the average F1 value increased by 1.3% and 0.9% in the Potsdam dataset. The result shows that the tree module does not only target a certain category but also improves the overall segmentation accuracy. Conclusion The proposed network can effectively improve the overall semantic segmentation accuracy of high-resolution remote sensing images. The experimental results show that the proposed segmentation module with the tree module is greatly improved due to the reduction of the error on easily confused pixels. The proposed method in this study is universal and suitable for a wide range of application scenarios.

Key words

convolutional neural networks(CNN); remote sensing images; semantic segmentation; tree like structure; DeepLab V3+

0 引言

高分辨率遥感图像语义分割任务是指为遥感图像中的每一个像素分配语义标签的过程。近年来,随着遥感测绘技术的高速发展,已经可以轻而易举地获得地面采样间隔(ground sample distance,GSD)为5~10 cm的超高分辨率的光学遥感图像(Audebert等,2018)。城区高分辨率遥感图像以人工地物建筑为主体部分,辅以一些自然植被用地,人工地物建筑主要包括房屋、机场、道路、桥梁等。例如:对房屋目标的准确分割,可以迅速获得住宅房屋密度等城市用地指标,为城市进一步规划提供依据。因此,如何准确地理解上下文语义,对这些图像像素进行标注成为遥感图像分割领域的研究热点。


深度学习技术已经在计算机视觉领域取得了巨大成功,例如图像分类(Krizhevsky等,2012Hu等,2015)、目标检测(李旭冬等,2017)、语义分割(Long等,2015)等。深度卷积神经网络接收原始图像数据输入,以端到端的结构进行学习,根据特定任务得到最终分割结果。在遥感图像解译领域,深度卷积神经网络开展了广泛的研究。城区遥感图像包含的语义信息复杂(Cordts等,2016谭琨等,2019),具有人工地物目标种类多样、小型目标众多(Kampffmeyer等,2016)的特征,其易混淆数据往往在空间分布上是相邻或交错的,分割难度较大。全卷积神经网络(fully convolutional network, FCN)在2016年(Maggiori等,2016)首次应用于遥感图像分割任务,可以接受任意大小的图像输入和测试,并且避免了使用像素块带来的重复存储和计算卷积的问题,相比于传统的带有全连接的卷积神经网络(convolutional neural networks,CNN)更加高效,但是其分割结果不够精细,对图像的细节保留不够完整。在此基础上,“沙漏状网络”包括反卷积网络(DeconvNet)(Noh等,2015)、SegNet(Badrinarayanan等,2017)、U-Net(Ronneberger等,2015)和DeepUNet(Li等,2018)等方法陆续被提出,应用于遥感图像分割。这些网络在其解码器结构上进行了不同调整,并且取得了更高的分割准确率。

基于空洞卷积,DeepLab(Chen等,2017)提出了空间金字塔模块,其在输入特征图上应用多采样率的空洞卷积、多感受野卷积或池化操作,以探索多尺度上下文信息。DeepLab V3+(Chen等,2018)不仅采用了可分离卷积,同时为了融合多尺度信息,引入语义分割常用的编码器—解码器结构, 通过逐渐恢复空间信息来捕捉清晰的分割目标边界,细化分割结果,是目前图像语义分割领域表现较好的网络框架模型。

本文提出一种改进的DeepLab V3+的网络模型,在DeepLab V3+网络后面添加一种新颖的树形优化模块,用于提高对易混淆类别数据的分割能力。该方法采用端到端的网络训练,在国际摄影测量及探测学会(International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, ISPRS)两个遥感数据集上,与最新方法相比,得到了更高的分割精度。

1 语义分割网络结构

对于多类别的遥感图像分割任务,由于易混淆的类别数据在空间分布上通常是相邻或交错分布,此外一般的网络模型很难学习到有效的特征表示,因此分割的准确率并不高。本文为了改善易混淆类别数据分割准确率低的问题,设计了一种基于DeepLab V3+结构改进的树形网络模型。网络的主体结构如图 1所示,该网络结构分为两个部分:分割模块和树形模块。

图 1 网络模型整体示意图
Fig. 1 Overall schematic diagram of the network

1.1 分割模块

考虑到城区遥感图像的特点,在提取密集特征的基础上还要兼顾分割边缘的准确性,因此本文选用DeepLab V3+网络作为分割模型,如图 2所示。DeepLab V3+的网络模型主要由两部分组成:编码器部分和解码器部分。编码器模块由进入流、中间流、退出流和空洞空间金字塔池化(atrous spatial pyramid pooling, ASPP) 4个结构组成,解码器由两层SeparableConv块构成。其中多个Xception块是带有残差连接的深度可分卷积层的线性堆叠,SeparableConv即可分卷积层。相比于原来的DeepLab V3+结构,训练所用的图像数据和计算资源有限,因此本文将中间流结构中的Xception单元由16个降为2个。

图 2 DeepLab V3+:具有空洞卷积和ASPP的编码器—解码器结构
Fig. 2 DeepLab V3+: encoder-decoder with atrous convolution and ASPP

1.2 树形模块

本文网络模型的核心是树形处理结构。虽然DeepLab V3+网络具有优秀的性能,能够提取合理的上下文语义特征,也能够通过上采样最大限度保留边界信息,但是仍然解决不了在相邻区域中存在的易混淆类别像素的准确预测问题。树形网络模块是连接在基础网络模块后面的一个增强模块,它和基础网络模块一起构成了一个端到端的分割网络。树形网络通过计算混淆矩阵自适应构建,其作用是让易混淆类别的像素通过更深的树状层次,让易区分类别的像素通过较浅的树状层次,树的节点通过残差链接有效避免了梯度消失,延迟过拟合,提升网络精度和泛化性。ISPRS遥感数据集共包含6类数据,因此将树形结构设计为一个具有6个节点的二叉树状模型。树状结构中的每一个节点均为一个ResNeXt单元,结构如图 3所示,它需要经过32组相互独立且具有相同结构的整流变换流程,最后将结果进行融合。ResNeXt单元(Xie等,2017)是ResNet(He等,2016)结构的改进版,它能够在不增加参数复杂度的情况下提高准确率,每一个ResNeXt单元通过Plus连接第1层的卷积层,保证能够获得足够的特征信息量。除此之外,ResNeXt单元不仅可以避免在训练过程中出现梯度消失的现象,而且还可以通过减少超参数的数量来减小显存的训练开销。

图 3 树形模块示意图
Fig. 3 Illustration of tree-like block


$ {b_{ij}} = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {{a_{ij}} + {a_{ji}}}&{i > j}\\ 0&{{\rm{ 其他 }}} \end{array}} \right. $ (1)



2 实验数据集

本文在ISPRS Vaihingen和Potsdam两个遥感数据集(Gerke,2014)上进行了实验,并且展示了实验结果,数据集如图 4所示。ISPRS遥感数据集是一个在网上公开的遥感高分辨率图像数据集,主要包含了城市中心和周围的环境情况,其中包含遥感图像中最常见的土地覆盖类别:非渗透表面(impervious surfaces)、建筑(building)、低灌木植被(low_veg)、树木(tree)、车辆(car)和杂波层(clutter)。

图 4 ISPRS数据集示意图
Fig. 4 Overview of the ISPRS dataset
((a) Vaihingen; (b) Potsdam)

2.1 Vaihingen数据集

该数据集共包含33幅由无人机摄影机在德国Vaihingen镇上空拍摄的高分辨率图像,这组数据包含红外、红和绿(IR-Red-Green, IRRG)三通道的格式, 数字地表模型(digital surface model,DSM)(吴军等, 2015)格式和数据标注。每幅图像的平均尺寸为2 494×2 046像素,空间分辨率为9 cm。本组实验将随机选取11幅图像作为训练集、5幅作为验证集以及17幅作为测试集。

2.2 Potsdam数据集

Potsdam数据集共包含38幅俯拍高分辨率遥感图像,图像尺寸均为6 000×6 000像素,空间分辨率为5 cm。这组数据有RGB格式、DSM格式、IRRG格式和数据标注。由于数据集中有一幅图像存在大量错误标注(编号7_10),因此本组实验将随机选取17幅图像作为训练集、5幅图像作为验证集和15幅图像作为测试集。

3 实验评价标准


$ OA = \frac{{tp + tn}}{{tp + tn + fp + fn}} $ (2)

$ {F_1} = 2 \times \frac{{P \times R}}{{P + R}} $ (3)

$ P = \frac{{tp}}{{tp + fp}} $ (4)

$ R = \frac{{tp}}{{tp + fn}} $ (5)

式中,${tp}$表示将正类预测为正类数即真正率,${tn}$表示将负类预测为负类数即真负率,${fp}$表示将负类预测为正类数即假正率, ${fn}$表示将正类预测为负类数即假负率。

4 实验环境及数据预处理

本文分割模型基于MXNet框架实现,使用2块Nvidia GeForce GTX1080 Ti显卡进行加速训练。由于显存的限制,训练中输入的图像块大小为640×640像素,批量大小为4。训练80个回合(epoch),设置动量(momentum)为0.9,初始学习率设置为0.01,当训练到达一半时将学习率调整为0.001,当训练到达3/4时再将学习率调整为0.000 1。


另外,原始训练图像的尺寸非常大,不能直接将整幅图像放入网络中进行训练,需要裁剪为640×640像素大小的图像块。为了保证在拼接后的分割结果图中不会出现明显的裂痕,需要使用影像重叠策略(overlap-tile strategy)。影像重叠策略是在原始影像内部切割的时候进行重叠,在原始影像边缘部分进行镜像反射外推,如图 5所示,白色实线为训练图像的边界,红色区域为切割图像时的大小,而黄色区域为实际分割时有效区域的大小。

图 5 影像重叠策略示意图
Fig. 5 Schematic diagram of overlapping tiles

5 实验结果及分析

分别在Vaihingen和Potsdam两个数据集上进行了实验,实验结果见表 1表 2。其中楼梯视觉库(stair vision library, SVL) (Gerke,2014)的方法为ISPRS主办方提供的基准结果,基于Dempster-Shafer理论(Dempster-Shafer theory, DST)的方法(Sherrah,2016)为FCN加入条件随机场(conditional random field, CRF)单元的结果,苏黎世大学的方法(University of Zurich,UZ) (Volpi和Tuia,2017)则是反卷积网络的分割结果,以上结果均引自ISPRS官方网站。

表 1 不同模型在Vaihingen测试数据集上的分割结果对比
Table 1 Quantitative comparisons among different models on the ISPRS Vaihingen test set 

SVL(Gerke, 2014)86.691.
DST(Sherrah, 2016)90.593.783.489.272.689.185.9
UZ(Volpi和Tuia, 2017)89.292.581.686.957.387.381.5

表 2 不同模型在Potsdam测试数据集上的分割结果对比
Table 2 Quantitative comparisons among different models on the ISPRS Potsdam test set 

SVL(Gerke, 2014)83.591.772.
DST(Sherrah, 2016)92.596.486.788.094.790.391.7
UZ(Volpi和Tuia, 2017)89.395.481.880.586.585.886.7

5.1 实验整体结果分析

表 1表 2可以看出,本文模型均在整体准确率这一项中表现最好,在Vaihingen和Potsdam数据集上分别达到了90.4%和90.7%,说明该模型具有较高的分割精度。另外,在低灌木植被(low_veg)和树木(tree)这两个相互易混淆的类别的表现上,相比较于其他网络模型,${F_1}$值均有提升。在Vaihin-gen数据集的实验中,本文模型的低灌木植被和树木类别的${F_1}$值分别为83.6%和89.6%;在Potsdam数据集的实验中,本文模型的低灌木植被和树木类别的${F_1}$值分别为86.8%和87.1%。对于平均${F_1}$值这一指标,本文模型在Vaihingen和Potsdam数据集上的分数分别是89.3%和92.0%,远远高于其他3种方法,说明本文模型对于遥感图像的整体分割表现优秀,并且在树木之外的其他类别上,表现都是最好的。

5.2 树状模块性能分析

本文模型的一个创新点在于提出了一种树形的处理结构模块。在本节中,对网络是否带有树形模块进行了对照实验,实验结果如表 3所示,同时也使用了经典的直线型结构(Ss)和树状结构(Ts)进行对照实验,实验结果如表 4所示。

表 3 是否加入树形结构的对照实验结果
Table 3 Controlled experimental result with and without the tree-like block 

注:加粗字体为每列最优结果, 其中×代表未加入树形结构,√代表加入了树形结构。

表 4 不同附加模块的对照实验结果
Table 4 Control experiment results with different additional modules 





是否加入树状结构的对照实验结果示例如图 6所示。从图中可以看出,本文模型加入了树形结构后,分割精度明显提升,并且分割的边缘更加顺滑,没有产生气泡化现象。

图 6 测试集图像的全局和局部分割结果
Fig. 6 Global and local detailed segmentation results of test dataset
((a)original images; (b) ground truth; (c) network without tree-like block; (d) network with tree-like block)

6 结论

以DeepLab V3+作为基础结构,提出了一种基于树形结构优化的卷积神经网络模型。该模型可以有效地改善高分辨率下的城区遥感图像语义分割问题。在ISPRS的高分辨率遥感数据集上,本模型得到的整体分割准确率较其基准结果有10.3%和17.4%的提升,对比SVL、DST和UZ等多种先进方法也有显著提升。针对大多数类别,本模型也得到了最优的分割准确率,特别是对于易混淆类别数据,使用树形结构可以得到更顺滑更精确的分割结果。

虽然树形结构对于遥感图像中易混淆类别的数据分割精度有一定程度的提升,但是未来仍有需要解决的难点:1)树形结构是否适用于所有的分割网络模型,例如基于现有的所有分割网络模型,加入该结构是否均可以在原有基础上得到一定程度的提升,仍然需要大量实验的验证;2)尽管使用了数据增广的手段,但是网络模型训练的数据量仍较小,是否可以通过生成对抗网络(generative adversarial network,GAN)的思想增大数据量,进一步提升优化模型结构,以获得更高的分割精确度,这也是未来的重点工作方向。


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