
发布时间: 2020-04-16
DOI: 10.11834/jig.190235
2020 | Volume 25 | Number 4




expand article info 陈亮, 吴攀, 刘韵婷
沈阳理工大学, 沈阳 110159


目的 为解决真实环境中由类内差距引起的面部表情识别率低及室内外复杂环境对类内差距较大的面部表情识别难度大等问题,提出一种利用生成对抗网络(generative adversarial network,GAN)识别面部表情的方法。方法 在GAN生成对抗的思想下,构建一种IC-GAN(intra-class gap GAN)网络结构,使用卷积组建编码器、解码器对自制混合表情图像进行更深层次的特征提取,使用基于动量的Adam(adaptive moment estimation)优化算法进行网络权重更新,重点针对真实环境面部表情识别过程中的类内差距较大的表情进行识别,使其更好地适应类内差异较大的任务。结果 基于Pytorch环境,在自制的面部表情数据集上进行训练,在面部表情验证集上进行测试,并与深度置信网络(deep belief network,DBN)和GoogLeNet网络进行对比实验,最终IC-GAN网络的识别结果比DBN网络和GoogLeNet网络分别提高11%和8.3%。结论 实验验证了IC-GAN在类内差距较大的面部表情识别中的精度,降低了面部表情在类内差距较大情况下的误识率,提高了系统鲁棒性,为面部表情的生成工作打下了坚实的基础。


深度学习; 生成对抗网络; IC-GAN(intra-class gap GAN); 面部表情识别

Depth learning recognition method for intra-class gap expression
expand article info Chen Liang, Wu Pan, Liu Yunting
Shenyang Ligong University, Shenyang 110159, China
Supported by: National Key Research and Development Program of China (2017YFC0821001, 2017YFC0821004-5); Natural Science Foundation of Liaoning Province, China(20170540788)


Objective China has a large population of 1.3 billion in 2005, accounting for 19% of the world's population. This number is equivalent to the population of Europe or Africa added to the populations of Australia, North America, and Central America. It is one of the few populous countries in the world, and its huge population size has brought many problems. With the rapid development of the economy, the number of people working outside of their homes is increasing, the population is moving frequently, and the safety of the floating population is even difficult to control. The huge mobile population provides the city's infrastructure and public services tremendous pressure. Thus, to conduct a comprehensive check on the area of adult traffic, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive, is difficult for security and related staff. Particularly, complex environmental safety problems, such as subways, railway stations, and airports, are becoming increasingly serious. Unstable events occur frequently, security situation is receiving much attention, and urban management and service systems are seriously lagging behind. These conditions need to be improved, especially after the September 11 incident in the United States. The situation has aroused widespread concern in the international community. Meanwhile, expression is the most intuitive way for humans to express emotions. In addition to language communication, expressions are extremely effective means of communication. People usually express their inner feelings through specific expressions. Expression can be used to judge other person's thoughts. For expressions used to express information, psychologist Mehrabian summed up a formula:emotional expression=7% of words + 38% of sound + 55% of facial expressions. Expression is one of the most important features of human emotion recognition. Expression is the emotional state expressed by facial muscle changes. Through the facial expression of the person's face, to evaluate abnormal psychological state, speculate on extreme emotions, and observe the facial expressions of pedestrians in the subway, railway station, and airport to further judge the psychology of the person is possible. We provide technical support to determine who is suspicious and prevent certain criminal activities in a timely manner. Strengthening urban surveillance and identifying the facial expressions of criminals are especially important. Expression plays an important role in human emotion cognition. However, factors affecting facial expression recognition in safety screening are extremely large, and the large intra-class gap seriously inflluences the accuracy of facial expression recognition. The problem of large gaps in facial expression recognition in a real environment is solved by identifying suspected molecules to be monitored should be identified, and the security personnel should prepare in advance to accurately identify them. Facial expressions are also particularly important for preventing security problems. The era of large data has arrived. Meanwhile, with the advancement of computer hardware, deep learning continues to develop. The traditional facial expression recognition method cannot meet the needs of the development of the times, and a new algorithm based on deep learning facial expression recognition is coming soon. Learning methods are widely used in facial expression recognition. Although facial recognition intelligent recognition technology has a long history of research, a large number of research methods have been proposed. However, due to the large facial expression gap, the expression is complex, and the influencing factors are many. The current intelligent recognition effect of facial expression results is not ideal. Considering the deep learning because of its powerful expressive ability, this study introduces the model structure of traditional neural network and carries out corresponding experiments and analysis in the context of real-life facial expression recognition and proposes real-world facial expression recognition research based on deep learning. In the next period, real-world facial expression recognition will make considerable progress. This work further studies the realistic facial expression recognition based on deep learning. Method This study constructs a new IC-GAN(intra-class gap GAN(generative adversarial network)) recognition network model, providing good adaptability to the facial expression recognition task with large gap within the class. The network consists of a convolutional layer, a fully connected layer, an active layer, a BathNorm layer, and a Softmax layer, in which a convolutional assembly encoder and a decoder are used to perform deep feature extraction on facial expression images, and download and parse from the network. The video self-made mixed facial expression data set is based on the real environment, the image is expanded, and the facial expression data are normalized. The complexity of the facial expression features with large differences within the class also increased the network training and network recognition. The momentum-based Adam is used to update the network weight, adjust the network parameters, and optimize the network structure based on this factor. In this study, the facial expression category data are trained based on the Pytorch platform in deep learning and tested on the verification set of the self-made mixed facial expression data set. Result When the input image is 256×256 pixels, the IC-GAN network model can reduce the false positive rate of the expression in large difference in the class, image blur, and facial expression incompleteness, and improve the system robustness. Compared with deep belief network(DBN) deep trust network and GoogLeNet network, the recognition result of IC-GAN network is 11% higher than that of DBN network and 8.3% higher than that of GoogLeNet network. Conclusion The IC-GAN accuracy in facial expression recognition with large gaps in the class is verified by experiments. This condition reduces the misunderstanding rate of facial expressions in large intra-class differences, improves the system robustness, and lays down the solid foundation for facial expression generation.

Key words

deep learning; generative adversarial network(GAN); intra-class gap GAN(IC-GAN); facial expression recognition

0 引言


目前,深度学习模型通过卷积神经网络(convolutional neural network,CNN)对数据进行深层次的特征提取,已经在计算机视觉尤其是图像识别领域取得了巨大成功(曹金梦等,2018)。Zhang等人(2003)使用深度置信网络(deep belief network,DBN),通过BP(back propagation)神经网络实现对面部表情的识别,取得了可观的识别结果;超密集网络(ultra dense network,UDN)(Liu等,2015Simonyan和Zisserman,2014),通过CNN与玻尔兹曼机对面部动作进行特征提取,使用支持向量机(support vector machine,SVM)作为网络末端分类器,对表情进行分类。Szegedy等人(2015)提出了深层网络结构GooogLeNet,网络结构进一步加深,将大尺度卷积分解成多个小尺度卷积,计算量大大减少,Top-5错误率降至3.57%,相比之前的网络取得了非常可观的结果。GoogLeNet的创新主要在于Inception,且在Inception v1的基础上,相继提出了Inception v2,Inception v3,Inception v4(Szegedy等,2015, 2016),Top-5错误率逐步降低,取得令人满意的识别效果,Inception v4在Network in Network结构中识别效果更是尤为突出,将错误率进一步降至3.08%。

面部表情识别已有大量研究,但对真实环境下由类内差距引起的识别效果不理想等问题的研究相对较少。针对上述问题,本文利用生成对抗网络(generative adversarial network,GAN)(Bowles等,2018),融合Softmax分类器构建一种新的IC-GAN(intral-class gap GAN)网络,在面部表情识别中建立对抗关系,提取面部表情特征,实现对类内差距较大的面部表情图像进行识别,降低面部表情识别过程中因受类内差距影响导致识别效率低和误识的问题。

1 面部表情识别模型的构建

1.1 IC-GAN模型

本文构建的面部表情识别网络结构IC-GAN如图 1所示。IC-GAN输入真实数据$\mathit{\boldsymbol{x}}$,通过编码器将$\mathit{\boldsymbol{x}}$编码为潜在向量$\mathit{\boldsymbol{z}}$,解码器作为生成网络将$\mathit{\boldsymbol{z}}$重构为$\mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat x}}$,判别器将原始输入图像$\mathit{\boldsymbol{x}}$与重构图像$\mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat x}}$进行对比,同时在生成对抗网络的基础上加入全连接层与Softmax分类器,在本文构建的类内差距较大的面部表情数据集上进行识别,训练生成器$G$和判别器$D$两个模型来进行网络优化。IC-GAN包括如下3个部分:

图 1 IC-GAN网络结构
Fig. 1 IC-GAN network structure

1) 生成器。由编码器GE(x)和解码器GD(z)构成,编码器将输入图像$\mathit{\boldsymbol{x}}$通过卷积层进行特征提取,$\mathit{\boldsymbol{x}}$映射得到面部表情矢量矩阵$\mathit{\boldsymbol{z}}$,其中生成器的解码部分GD(z)采用深度卷积生成对抗网络(deep convolutional GAN,DCGAN)结构(Suárez等,2017),使用反转置卷积层、ReLU、BatchNorm和Tanh激活层将图像的矢量$\mathit{\boldsymbol{z}}$重构$\mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat x}}$,随后使用卷积,批量归一化和ReLU对重构图像$\mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat x}}$进行编码,其中,BatchNorm层对上一层的输出进行归一化操作,ReLU和LeakyReLU激活函数对卷积进行非线性操作。

2) 判别器。对原始图像$\mathit{\boldsymbol{x}}$判为真,重构图像$\mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat x}}$判为假,判别器通过不断优化重构图像$\mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat x}}$与原始图像$\mathit{\boldsymbol{x}}$的差距,进行网络的迭代训练,直到达到最好效果,理想情况下重构图像与原始图像无异,判别器使用Softmax通过一个[0, 1]之间的数来表示数据来自真实数据的概率,Softmax在这里仅判断某类表情识别结果是真或假的概率,判断训练何时停止。其中1表示输入的数据来自真实数据$\mathit{\boldsymbol{x}}$,0表示输入的数据是生成器生成的并尽可能服从真实数据分布的假数据$\mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat x}}$,判别器的输入类型为(xreal, 1)和(xfake, 0),输出为real或fake。

3) 全连接层和Softmax分类器。通过Softmax分类器对面部表情进行识别,以概率大小依次向下排列,在最上方输出最大概率的表情,输出层output是5个输出,分别对应5个表情类别,用来关联真实图像$\mathit{\boldsymbol{x}}$和重构图像$\mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat x}}$的相关性,加快生成器和判别器的迭代进程,保证重构图像$\mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat x}}$的正确性。模型f学习正常类别数据分布,并最小化输出异常分数A($\mathit{\boldsymbol{x}}$)。

1.2 Softmax分类器

作为网络的表情输出层,Softmax将网络得到的多个值进行归一化处理,输出一个[0, 1]之间的值来表示面部表情类别的概率,Softmax输出的表情置信度越高,面部表情识别结果越准确。Softmax采用较为简单且容易计算的交叉熵损失参与网络权重的更新,Softmax的计算过程为

$ {z_i} = \sum\limits_j {{\omega _{ij}}} {x_{ij}} + b $ (1)

$ {S_i} = \frac{{{{\rm{e}}^{zi}}}}{{\sum {{k^{{e^{zk}}}}} }} $ (2)

$ {y_i} = \frac{{{{\rm{e}}^{zi}}}}{{\sum {{{\rm{e}}^{zk}}} }} $ (3)

式中,${z_i}$表示网络的第$i$个输出,${\omega _{ij}}$表示第$i$个神经元的第$j$个权重,$b$是偏置;${S_i}$表示第$i$个神经元的输出,${y_i}$表示Softmax的第$i$个输出值, $k$表示向量维数。

2 网络目标优化

为优化生成器$G$的参数并学习训练数据的分布,在生成器与判别器${D_I}$之间执行最小—最大策略。利用目标函数${L_I}\left({G, {D_I}, I, P} \right)$联合训练,${D_I}$试图最大化正确分类真实和重构图像的概率,$G$则尽量骗过判别器,生成器和判别器的目标函数可优化为

$ \begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{L_I}\left( {G,{D_I},I,P} \right) = {E_{I \sim {p_{{\rm{data}}\left( I \right)}}}}\left[ {\log {D_I}\left( I \right)} \right] + }\\ {{E_{I \sim {p_{{\rm{data}}\left( I \right)}}}}\left[ {\log \left( {1 - {D_I}\left( {G\left( {I\left| p \right.} \right)} \right)} \right)} \right]} \end{array} $ (4)

式中,${p_{{\rm{data}}}}$表示真实数据的分布,$I\tilde{\ }{p_{{\rm{data}}\left(I \right)}}$表示$I$服从真实数据分布,$E\left(\cdot \right)$表示数学期望。

2.1 损失函数定义


1) 重构误差损失。在像素层面上减小原始图像和重构图像的差距,具体为

$ {L_{{\rm{con}}}} = {E_{x \sim pX}}{\left\| {\mathit{\boldsymbol{x}} - G\left( \mathit{\boldsymbol{x}} \right)} \right\|_1} $ (5)


2) 特征匹配误差损失。本文使用特征匹配方法(Chen和Hu,2019),以减少训练的不稳定性,在图像特征层面进行优化,具体为

$ {L_{{\rm{adv}}}} = {E_{x \sim pX}}{\left\| {f\left( \mathit{\boldsymbol{x}} \right) - f\left( {G\left( \mathit{\boldsymbol{x}} \right)} \right)} \right\|_2} $ (6)

式中,$f\left(\cdot \right)$代表判别器模型变换。

3) 潜在向量$\mathit{\boldsymbol{z}}$与重构潜在向量$\mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat z}}$的面部表情信息的编码损失。$\mathit{\boldsymbol{z}}$$\mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat z}}$之间的损失函数为

$ {L_{\rm{T}}} = \left\| {h\left( \mathit{\boldsymbol{z}} \right) - h\left( {\mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat z}}} \right)} \right\|_2^2 $ (7)

式中,$h\left(\cdot \right)$代表编码变换。式(7)保证了$\mathit{\boldsymbol{z}}$$\mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat z}}$的内容相关性,可以防止网络解码过程中与图像无关信息的干扰。

4) Softmax层的交叉熵损失。面部表情的真实结果$\mathit{\boldsymbol{y}}$与表情的识别结果$\mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat y}}$间的损失函数为

$ {L_{\rm{S}}} = \left\| {k\left( \mathit{\boldsymbol{y}} \right) - k\left( {\mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat y}}} \right)} \right\|_2^2 $ (8)

式中,$k\left(\cdot \right)$代表Softmax的交叉熵损失过程,$k\left(\mathit{\boldsymbol{y}} \right)$代表真实结果,$k\left({\mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat y}}} \right)$代表识别结果。式(8)可以降低网络损失,最终使得面部表情识别的结果更为精确。


$ L = {\omega _{{\rm{adv}}}}{L_{{\rm{adv}}}} + {\omega _{{\rm{con}}}}{L_{{\rm{con}}}} + {\omega _{\rm{T}}}{L_{\rm{T}}} + {\omega _{\rm{S}}}{L_{\rm{S}}} $ (9)

式中,${\mathit{\boldsymbol{\omega }}_{{\rm{adv}}}}$${\mathit{\boldsymbol{\omega }}_{{\rm{con}}}}$${\mathit{\boldsymbol{\omega }}_{\rm{T}}}$${\mathit{\boldsymbol{\omega }}_{\rm{S}}}$是调节损失的参数。

2.2 参数优化算法

基于梯度的优化算法有随机梯度下降(stochastic gradient descent,SGD)、AdaGrad(Cherry等,1998)、RMSProp(Hadgu等,2015)和Adam(adaptive moment estimation)(Kingma和Ba,2014)等多种。Adam是动量梯度下降Momentum和RMSprop的结合,在IMDB(the internet movie database)表情分类数据集上应用优化logistic回归算法,适用于卷积神经网络,其在偏差修正上体现出当梯度稀疏时比其他算法更加快速和优秀,在解决深度学习问题上更具有高效性。因此本文选用Adam优化方法更新网络的权重,使网络的损失值最小,根据经验选择产生最佳结果,算法具体步骤如下:

1) 对参数${v_{dw}}$${s_{dw}}$初始化,利用动量梯度下降算法进行加权计算。具体为

$ v_{dw}^{\left[ l \right]} = {\beta _1}v_{dw}^{\left[ l \right]} + \left( {1 - {\beta _1}} \right)\frac{{\partial J}}{{\partial {W^{\left[ l \right]}}}} $ (10)

$ s_{dw}^{\left[ l \right]} = {\beta _2}s_{dw}^{\left[ l \right]} + \left( {1 - {\beta _2}} \right)\frac{{\partial {J^2}}}{{\partial {W^{\left[ l \right]}}}} $ (11)

式中,$l$是隐层数,${\beta _1}$为动量梯度下降算法的超参数,${\beta _2}$为RMSprop算法的加权超参数,$W$为权重,$J$为损失函数。

2) 对加权后的梯度进行偏差纠正,具体为

$ v_{d{w^l}}^{{\rm{cor}}} = \frac{{v_{dw}^l}}{{1 - {{\left( {{\beta _1}} \right)}^t}}} $ (12)

$ s_{dw\left[ l \right]}^{{\rm{cor}}} = \frac{{s_{dw}^{\left[ l \right]}}}{{1 - {{\left( {{\beta _1}} \right)}^t}}} $ (13)


3) 采用RMSprop算法对梯度平方进行更新,同时纠正矩估计偏差。

4) 对算法梯度值权值更新,更新模型的参数,具体为

$ {W^{\left[ l \right]}} = {W^{\left[ l \right]}} - \alpha \frac{{v_{d{w^{\left[ l \right]}}}^{{\rm{cor}}}}}{{\sqrt {s_{d{w^{\left[ l \right]}}}^{{\rm{cor}}}} + \varepsilon }} $ (14)

式中,$\alpha $为步长,$\varepsilon $为小常数,防止分母为0。

3 实验

实验配置为Inter Core i7-7700 CPU,主频3.6 GHz,GeForce GTX 1070Ti显卡,16 GB内存,操作系统Ubuntu16.04,平台PyTorch (v0.4.0)。

3.1 实验数据

实验为真实环境中的面部表情识别。为更贴近真实环境,评价本文识别算法的有效性,构建了一个类内差距较大的混合数据集,以Multi-PIE和JAFFE(the Japanese female facial expression database)表情数据集为基础,从网络下载面部表情图像并进行样本扩充,自制所需的面部表情数据集,选择不同国家、不同年龄、不同职业的人群的5种面部表情进行实验,包括憎恶(abomination)、快乐(happy)、中立(neutral)、焦虑(anxious)、惊讶和恐惧(surprise and fear),增加了类内差距较大的面部表情特征的复杂度,样本总数为4 452幅,分为5类标签,如表 1所示。

表 1 实验数据
Table 1 Experimental data

标签 数量/幅
憎恶 849
快乐 917
中立 1 052
焦虑 785
惊讶和恐惧 852

为解决样本数量少的问题,使用OpenCV对部分不清晰表情图像进行预处理,通过旋转图像角度、调整色调、改变饱和度和曝光度等方法对样本集进行扩充,将模糊和受光线影响较严重的图像进行锐化和增强处理,然后将图像调整为256 × 256像素,以期完成面部表情识别实验。为验证实验的准确性,将数据集的80%作为训练集,20%作为测试集。

3.2 网络训练

根据网络特点和研究者的经验设置网络参数,其中学习率为0.000 2,${\beta _1}$=0.5,${\beta _2}$=0.999,epoch分别为100、200、300、400,batch为64。实验中利用以上参数对IC-GAN网络和传统的DBN、GoogLeNet(Simonyan和Zisserman,2014Hinton,2011)网络进行训练,并结合本文的面部表情图像数据,应用IC-GAN模型进行实验验证。图 2为IC-GAN模型中epoch最大设为400时的网络训练集Loss曲线图。

图 2 网络训练Loss曲线图
Fig. 2 Network training Loss curve

图 2可知,IC-GAN模型在训练时达到了较好的训练效果,Loss曲线缓慢下降,当经过400次迭代运算后,训练集Loss值下降到了0.05以下,网络达到了很好的识别效果。

在本文预留的测试数据集上对训练好的IC-GAN模型进行测试,对于测试样本,某类表情的异常分数$A\left({\mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat x}}} \right)$定义为

$ A\left( {\mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat x}}} \right) = {\left\| {{G_E}\left( \mathit{\boldsymbol{x}} \right) - E\left( {G\left( {\mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat x}}} \right)} \right)} \right\|_1} $ (15)


通过计算测试集$\mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat D}}$内的单个测试样本$\mathit{\boldsymbol{x}}$$A\left({\mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat x}}} \right)$来评估整体的性能,产生一组异常分数$\mathit{\boldsymbol{S}} = \left\{ {{s_i}:A\left({{{\mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat x}}}_i}} \right), {{\mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat x}}}_i} \in \mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat D}}} \right\}$。应用特征缩放在[0, 1]的概率范围内的异常分数为

$ s_i^\prime = \frac{{{s_i} - \min (\mathit{\boldsymbol{S}})}}{{\max (\mathit{\boldsymbol{S}}) - \min (\mathit{\boldsymbol{S}})}} $ (16)

根据分类器对表情样本分别进行预测,设判别为正常表情的概率为${p_0}$,判别为不正常表情样本的概率为${p_1}$,则${p_0} > {p_1}$的概率即为AUC(area under curve),AUC表示曲线ROC(receiver operating characteristic)下的面积,值的范围在0.1~1之间,最大分数对应的标签的$rank$记为$n$,次之记为$n - 1$$M$代表正类分数为最小的值,$N$为不正常表情样本,则

$ {A_{{\rm{UC}}}} = \frac{{\sum\limits_{{s_i} \in p - c} {rank} \left( {{s_i}} \right) - \frac{{M \times \left( {M + 1} \right)}}{2}}}{{M \times N}} $ (17)

式中,$p - c$代表对分数取平均值。

本文通过AUC值对比判断网络性能,AUC值越大则分类越准确。图 3是epoch为400时3个不同网络在数据集上的结果,其中x轴是网络的AUC值,y轴是5种表情类别。通过图 3可以看出,IC-GAN在各个表情上的AUC值明显比DBN和GoogLeNet网络高,其中对于类内差距较大的“惊讶和恐惧”类表情,BP神经网络、DBN网络和IC-GAN网络的AUC值都较低,IC-GAN的AUC值明显高于其他两个网络,因此IC-GAN网络在表情识别中达到了最佳的性能,能更好地适应面部表情的识别任务。

图 3 不同网络的训练AUC值
Fig. 3 Training AUC values for different networks

图 4是IC-GAN输入潜在向量$\mathit{\boldsymbol{z}}$中的元素个数分别为32、100、256、512、1 024时的AUC值,其中横轴刻度上的1,2,3,4,5分别代表“快乐”、“憎恶”、“中立”、“焦虑”、“惊讶和恐惧”。由图 4可知,当输入潜在向量$\mathit{\boldsymbol{z}}$的大小为100时,IC-GAN网络的AUC值最高,网络模型的性能最佳,但是对于“焦虑”等负面类别表情,训练集少,且面部表情变化特征不明显,易与中性表情特征相混淆,模型的学习能力仍有欠缺,所以识别准确率比较低。

图 4 基于潜在向量z的不同大小模型的整体性能
Fig. 4 Overall performance of models based on different sizes of potential vectors z

图 5是随着$\mathit{\boldsymbol{z}}$值的变化,IC-GAN网络的AUC值。由图 5可知,$\mathit{\boldsymbol{z}}$中元素个数为100时,网络的AUC值最高。实验证明$\mathit{\boldsymbol{z}}$在0~100时,网络的识别准确率逐渐增高,但当$\mathit{\boldsymbol{z}}$值高于100时,网络的识别准确率反而呈现下降趋势,因此过多的潜在向量输入容易导致网络发生过拟合,引起识别率下降。

图 5 IC-GAN网络在不同z值时的AUC值
Fig. 5 AUC value of IC-GAN network at different z

3.3 对比实验

将IC-GAN模型与传统的DBN和GoogLeNet模型进行对比,验证本文构建的IC-GAN模型的性能,3种网络的平均耗时对比如表 2所示。由表 2可知,本文构建的IC-GAN网络的平均耗时最少。

表 2 3种网络的平均耗时对比
Table 2 Comparison of average time-consuming among three networks  

网络模型 平均耗时
DBN 0.077
GoogLeNet 0.039
IC-GAN 0.025

面部表情识别问题中的难点是存在类内差距、图像模糊和面部表情拍摄不全的情况,且识别过程中易受这些条件的影响,导致表情识别效果差,识别错误率高,而且面部表情识别任务与ImageNet数据集不同,不需要大型、极深的网络模型。对此本文主要在原始GAN网络的基础上,加入了面部识别中必须的条件,限制了原始图像$\mathit{\boldsymbol{x}}$与重构图像${\mathit{\boldsymbol{\hat x}}}$之间的相关性差距,构建了新型的IC-GAN网络,并使用IC-GAN网络模型与DBN、GoogLeNet模型在面部表情验证集上进行对比实验,分析并对比IC-GAN网络与DBN、GoogLeNet在面部表情识别的性能。面部表情识别验证集包括700幅图像,在网络输入尺寸为256 × 256像素时,IC-GAN网络与DBN、GoogLeNet在面部表情识别验证集上的识别准确率如图 5所示。

图 6是DBN、GoogLeNet和IC-GAN网络在Multi-PIE类内差距较小的数据集和混合数据集上5种表情类别的识别结果。可以看出,在实验参数相同的情况下,不同网络对清晰且类内差距较小的面部表情图像的识别准确率不相上下,但是对于类内差距较大的面部表情,IC-GAN网络对面部表情识别的准确率远高于DBN和GoogLeNet对表情识别的准确率,表明IC-GAN网络的识别结果更加精准。

图 6 不同网络对面部表情识别的准确率
Fig. 6 Accuracy of discriminating facial expression by different networks ((a) when intral-class gaps are smaller; (b) when intral-class gaps are larger)

4 结论



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