
发布时间: 2019-11-16
DOI: 10.11834/jig.190094
2019 | Volume 24 | Number 11




expand article info 王云艳1,2, 罗冷坤1,2, 周志刚1,2
1. 湖北工业大学电气与电子工程学院, 武汉 430068;
2. 太阳能高效利用及储能运行控制湖北省重点实验室, 武汉 430068


目的 针对农作物种植趋向集中化、机械化和庄园化的现状,高分辨率遥感影像精准识别技术已广泛应用于农作物分类。研究表明,采用先进的深度学习算法挖掘高分辨率农作物影像信息,有利于高效地分析农作物长势和参量预测,为此,提出一种改进型深度神经网络(DeepLab)的高分辨率果园遥感图像分割算法。方法 首先提取原始数据的极化特征和基于相干/非相干分解的特征组成高维特征空间,然后选用流行学习降维方式获得最优3通道特征向量构成伪彩图,利用深度可分离网络(xception)、空洞卷积网络(atrous convolution)、多孔空间金字塔(ASPP)和上采样(upsample)搭建DeepLab的编码解码过程(encoder-decoder),最后将伪彩训练集和标签导入搭建的DeepLab进行训练并保存模型,利用模型对目标数据进行有效分类。结果 利用本算法对中国海南某地的Ⅰ期芒果、Ⅱ期芒果、Ⅲ期芒果、槟榔、龙眼5类水果进行分类,针对不同时期的同一种水果分类错误率下降了8%左右,相比传统的果园分类算法,本算法的kappa系数提高了约0.1,总体分类精度(OA)也有一定程度的提高。结论 本算法在保证不同类别水果分类准确率的基础上,提高了不同时期的同一类水果的分类准确率,在一定程度上提高了农作物长势分析的准确性,保证了高分辨率果园数据分析的可靠性。


高分辨率; 空洞卷积; 深度学习; 多孔空间金字塔; 深度可分离网络

Polarized SAR orchard classification based on improved DeepLab
expand article info Wang Yunyan1,2, Luo Lengkun1,2, Zhou Zhigang1,2
1. School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan 430068, China;
2. Key Laboratory of High Efficiency Utilization and Energy Storage Operation Control of Hubei Province, Wuhan 430068, China
Supported by: National Natural Science Foundation of China (41601394)


Objective With the growing national economy and the increasing demand for the quantity and quality of fruits, satisfying the degree of mastery of fruit farmers' information on large-scale orchards has been difficult for traditional field research methods. Hence, determining how to accurately obtain the same fruit types in different fruit types and different mature states in high-resolution remote sensing orchard images by using remote sensing methods and image-processing methods to obtain orchard distribution and fruit growth information in a timely and rapid manner has become a research focus. Improving the classification accuracy rate effectively is conducive to the dynamic monitoring of large-scale orchard, which has far-reaching significance for promoting the sustainable development of the Chinese fruit industry. In recent years, combining artificial intelligence collection and analysis of high-resolution crop remote sensing images to analyze crop distribution, growth, and parameters has become an important field of agricultural technology development. Sample collection, image data preprocessing, image classification, and sample analysis from crop land data are cumbersome data-mining processes. Traditional machine-learning algorithms are widely used in data-preprocessing stages and image classification. Using traditional threshold segmentation algorithms can effectively classify different fruit types, and wavelet algorithm, support vector machine algorithm, and random forest algorithm as good classifiers can greatly improve the classification accuracy. When neural networks are once again valued and deeply explored, a series of networks, such as convolutional neural networks, deep confidence networks, and adversarial networks, is applied in image classification, segmentation, and recognition. The depth-mining ability of image feature information can be used to obtain a complete feature space effectively. Data with complete feature space and label are easy to be learned by computers to obtain training models, which greatly improve classification accuracy. High-resolution remote sensing image recognition technology, which focuses on crop planting, mechanization, and manorization, has been widely used in crop classification. Using superior depth-learning algorithms to mine high-resolution crop image information is beneficial for the efficient analysis of crop growth and parameter prediction. Method Atrous convolution is more advantageous than other convolutional networks. It can mine detailed underlying feature information, but can easily cause overfitting and feature redundancy because substantial information space needs to be considered. Popular learning algorithms can effectively perform features. Preliminary classification extracts the feature space that is most conducive to deep learning classification. The depth-separable network and the porous space pyramid can be regarded as feature-encoding processes, and the upsampling process constitutes the backend decoding process. In this study, an improved deep neural network (DeepLab) high-resolution orchard remote sensing image segmentation algorithm is proposed. First, the polarization characteristics of the original data, the features based on coherent decomposition, and the features based on incoherent decomposition are used to form a high-dimensional feature space. Then, the popular learning dimension reduction method is used to obtain the optimal three-channel feature vector to form a pseudo-color map, and a depth separable network (xception), a cavity convolution network (atrous convolution), atrous spatial pyramid pooling (ASPP), and upsample are adopted to build the encoder-decoder of DeepLab. Finally, the pseudo-color training set and the label are imported into the constructed DeepLab to train and save the model, which can be used to effectively classify the target data. Result The proposed algorithm can be used to classify five types of fruits, namely, mango, phase Ⅱ mango, phase Ⅲ mango, betel nut, and longan, in a certain area of Hainan, China. The error rate of the same fruit classification for different periods decreases by approximately 8% according to the high-resolution image feature information-learning process of mango, betel nut, and longan. Compared with the traditional orchard classification algorithm, the proposed algorithm presents increased kappa coefficient by approximately 0.1 and improved overall classification accuracy to some extent. The proposed algorithm not only has considerable effects on different types of fruit classification but also a more accurate sample division effect in different periods of the same fruit. Conclusion The algorithm improves the classification accuracy of the same type of fruit in different periods on the basis of preserving the classification accuracy of different types of fruits. The accuracy of crop growth analysis is improved to a certain extent, and the reliability of high-resolution orchard data analysis is ensured. The DeepLab network is advancing to high-resolution data classification. This network can be feasibly applied to determine the status of rice development in different periods in the future because of its superiority in the analysis of different maturity states of the same species. The health of large areas of rice can be monitored.

Key words

high resolution; atrous convolution; deep learning; porous space pyramid; depth separable network

0 引言


近些年,高分辨率遥感技术[1]在森林树种、草地和城市地物识别上得到广泛应用,徐凯健等人[2]用观测时相同步、地理坐标匹配卫星传感器数据组成空间尺度观测序列,并结合支持向量机(SVM)模型来研究森林树种分类;安如等人[3]对卫星高分辨率影像和地面实测高光谱遥感数据实现多端元混合像元分解,提取可食牧草、毒杂草以及裸土组分信息来分类出不同种类的草地;He等人[4-5]应用稀疏编码描述直方图特征,生成小波偏振纹理的新纹理特征后,利用训练模型对地物进行分类,提出了一种基于非线性压缩感知的模型,用于极化合成孔径雷达(PolSAR)图像的分类。高分辨率遥感影像特征降维方式即利用线性或非线性变换将原始高维特征空间向量投影到低维空间,主要包括主成分分析法(PCA)、小波变换(WT)和最小噪声分离(MNF)等算法,特征分类算法除了支持向量机模型外,还包括常用的随机森林(RF)[6]、最大似然分类(MLC)[7]、K近邻算法(KNN)[8]等分类器算法。目前,高分辨率遥感影像分类方法主要有两类,一类为基于统计模式的影像分类方法,焦玮等人[9]结合模糊聚类及HSV(hue, saturation, value)色彩特征提出了一种有效的遥感图像检测算法,马凯等人[10]为了提高分类精度, 提出了一种结合BP(back propagation)神经网络的分类算法,有效解决了异物同谱现象。万欢等人[11]提取光谱数据,分析不同地物间光谱曲线特征和差异,采用决策树进行地物分类。另一类为基于光谱匹配的影像分类方法,利用光谱间的欧氏距离、马氏距离和巴氏距离等作为分类依据, 明群杰等人[12]对高分辨率数据进行光谱数据平滑与去噪处理后采用了光谱特征拟合、小波变换、光谱角匹配等多种光谱匹配方法对高原植物进行匹配识别。汤浩等人[13]通过对全卷积神经网络与后端的条件随机场的改进,有效地改善了特征空间进入分类器前的自适应性,但是基础网络的优越性存在缺陷,分类精度难以得到很大的提高。近些年来,Deeplab[14-15]作为一种端对端的图像数据挖掘网络映入人们的眼帘,不同于传统的通过深度卷积发掘图形信息空间的网络,它的网络后端将特征信息与标签进行了还原,使得分类结果得到了更加直观而且真实地反映。


1 相关工作

1.1 改进型xception

传统卷积是对1×1的卷积结果的每个通道分别进行3×3卷积操作,并将结果进行拼接;深度分离卷积(depthwise separable convolution)首先是在深度尺度上进行卷积,对输入的每一个通道分别做3×3的卷积操作,并将结果拼接,然后对拼接结果完成1×1的逐点卷积操作。如图 1所示,xception网络即将传统卷积层换成了深度分离卷积方式,它是一个深度可分离卷积层的线性叠加,这个架构易于修改, 同时特征提取的过程更加深层次。如图 2所示,改进型的xception网络中将所有的最大池化替换成带下采样的深度分离卷积,这样能够扩展特征图的分辨率,在每个3×3的深度卷积后增加归一化层和激活层,改进型的xception网络中深度卷积过程构成的DeepLab的前端编码过程,一定程度上提高了特征编码空间的丰富程度和准确性。

图 1 传统的深度可分离网络结构
Fig. 1 Traditional xception structure
图 2 改进型深度可分离网络结构
Fig. 2 Improved xception structure

1.2 拉普拉斯降维


1) 构造近邻图,首先连接样本点,连接每个点最近的$k$个点,$k$值为事先设定。

2) 利用热核函数来确定相邻点之间权重,其表达式为

$w=\exp \left(-\frac{\left\|x_{1}-x_{2}\right\|^{2}}{t}\right)$ (1)


3) 让相似的样本点在降维后的空间中距离较近,首先构建优化目标函数$f(x)$,计算为

$ f(x) = \sum\limits_{a, b} {{{\left\| {{y_a} - {y_b}} \right\|}^2}} \times w $ (2)

式中,${\mathit{\boldsymbol{y}}_a}, {\mathit{\boldsymbol{y}}_b}$是特征点在$m$维空间中的列向量,权重值可由式(1)得到。之后计算图拉普拉斯矩阵$\boldsymbol{L}$的特征向量与特征值,$\boldsymbol{L} \boldsymbol{Y}=\lambda \boldsymbol{D} \boldsymbol{Y}$,其中拉普拉斯矩阵为$\boldsymbol{L}=\boldsymbol{D}-\boldsymbol{H}, \boldsymbol{D}$为图的度矩阵,$\boldsymbol{H}$为图的邻接矩阵。对图拉普拉斯矩阵进行特征值分解,使用最小的$m$个特征值(非零)对应的特征向量作为降维后的结果。降维效果如图 3所示。

图 3 拉普拉斯特征映射降维效果
Fig. 3 LE dimension reduction effect

1.3 空洞卷积

空洞卷积实际上是对原图进行采样的过程,采样的频率根据参数空洞大小($S_{\mathrm{r}}$,下标${\rm r}$表示rate)来设定。如果设置$S_{\mathrm{r}}=1$,原图采样时不丢失任何信息即标准卷积操作;$S_{\mathrm{r}}>1$,采样时在原始数据上每隔$S_{\mathrm{r}}-1$像素采样,此时即增大了感受野的范围,具体区别如图 4所示。

图 4 普通卷积与空洞卷积结构
Fig. 4 Ordinary convolution and hole convolution structure

定义$\bf{Z}^{2} \rightarrow \bf{R}$,其中$\bf{Z}$为正整数空间, 然后设定${\mathit{\boldsymbol{ \boldsymbol{\varOmega} }}_r} = {[ - r, r]^2} \cap {{\bf{Z}}^2}, k = {(2r + 1)^2}$, 那么普通卷积计算为

$(\boldsymbol{F} * \boldsymbol{k})_{P}=\sum\limits_{s+t=p} \boldsymbol{F}(s) \boldsymbol{k}(t)$ (3)

接下来定义空洞因子为$l$, 则空洞卷积的计算为

$(\boldsymbol{F} * \boldsymbol{k})_{P}=\sum\limits_{s+l t=p} \boldsymbol{F}(s) \boldsymbol{k}(t)$ (4)



1.4 改进型ASPP结构

DeepLab网络受到基于卷积神经网络的区域性算法(R-CNN)中的空间金字塔池化方法的启发,在任意尺度区间可以用单一尺度中多重采样提取的表征特征进行更为准确地分类,改进型ASPP(atrous spatial pyramid pooling)结构包括对池化后的特征图分别采用$S_{\mathrm{r}}$为6、12、18的空洞卷积、对特征图进行1×1的卷积和特征图的3×3最大池化过程,然后通过全连接层还原为特征图大小后矢量叠加,如图 5所示,融合后的多尺度特征向量特征更为全面、表征性更强,相比原始的空间池化金字塔,特征空间不再只是依赖不同空洞大小的空洞卷积,其中特征包含了1×1的卷积过程和3×3的最大池化过程来更大程度地保留底层特征信息。

图 5 改进型多孔空间金字塔结构
Fig. 5 Improved ASPP structure


2 改进型DeepLab的分类算法结构

为了全面利用极化SAR数据中包含的信息,本方法将基于原始数据的极化SAR特征与基于目标分解的极化SAR特征相结合,共同组成完备的极化SAR数据高维特征表达空间,分别包括12维基于原始参数的极化特征、9维相干分解特征和21维非相干分解特征。然后选用拉普拉斯流行学习降维方式获得最优3通道特征量组成伪彩图,将伪彩图进行深度卷积提取低级细节特征,通过改进型ASPP提取高级语义信息,结合低级和高级特征空间进行解码过程即上采样得到目标分割模型。如图 6所示,整个算法利用编码模块即深度卷积和改进ASPP来逐步减少特征图的分辨率,捕获高级语义信息,解码模块逐渐恢复空间信息。具体流程如下:

图 6 改进型DeepLab算法结构
Fig. 6 Improved DeepLab algorithm structure

1) 利用ArcGIS软件对果园真实情况进行标注,获得感兴趣区域Ⅰ期芒果、Ⅱ期芒果、Ⅲ期芒果、槟榔、龙眼5类,然后对原始数据利用PolSARpro软件分别获取极化特征、9维相干分解特征和21维非相干分解特征组成高层特征表达空间。

2) 考虑到特征维度过少[17]不利于分类,过多又容易出现“维数灾难”[18]。通过流行学习算法中LE降维方式对高层特征表达空间降至3通道信息伪RGB图,通过步长为400将训练集、测试集和标签数据切割成400×400像素的大数据。

3) 将伪RGB图和单通道标签图像路径制作相应路径标签。

4) 将数据集、标签和预训练改进型xception模型导入改进型DeepLab网络中训练,保存权重模型和训练损失。

5) 利用保存的模型对400×400像素测试数据进行预测,然后设置步长为400来拼接测试数据极化SAR得到分类结果。

3 实验结果及分析

3.1 实验数据及环境

本文极化SAR图像采用中国海南陵水县果园数据,原始数据采用高分三号卫星获取分辨率为2 048 × 2 048像素的图像,通过步长为200分割为200 × 200像素的9 669幅图像构成数据集,取85%数据作为训练数据,剩下15%作为校验数据,原始数据和标签如图 7所示,实验环境在WIN10系统下,为了快速搭建改进型DeepLab网络,采用目前较为流行的深度学习框架tensorflow, 在实验中,为了提高实验网络的训练速度,采用单个8 GB容量GPU的计算模式,硬件上采用NVIDIA1080卡,利用GUP加速模式运行。

图 7 海南某地果园实验数据
Fig. 7 Data of a certain orchard in Hainan((a)raw data; (b)labels)

3.2 实验参数设置

为了更好地评估算法的有效性,本实验用kappa系数($κ$)、总体精度(OA)和特定类别的精度(accuracy)对实验结果进行了评估。$P_{ab}$表示预测类别$a$被分类到类别$b$的像素点数,${t_a} = \sum\limits_b {{P_{ab}}} $表示属于$a$类别的像素点总数,评级指标定义如下:


$\kappa=\frac{P_{0}-P_{C}}{1-P_{C}}$ (5)

$ {P_0} = \frac{{\sum\limits_{i = 1}^K {{P_{aa}}} }}{{\sum\limits_{i = 1}^K {{t_a}} }} $ (6)

$ {P_c} = \frac{{\sum\limits_{i = 1}^K {\left( {\sum\limits_b {{P_{Kb}}} \times \sum\limits_a {{P_{aK}}} } \right)} }}{{\sum\limits_{i = 1}^K {{t_a}} \times \sum\limits_{i = 1}^K {{t_a}} }} $ (7)



$ OA = \frac{{\sum\limits_{i = 1}^K {{P_{aa}}} }}{{\sum\limits_{i = 1}^K {{t_a}} }} $ (8)


$A c=\frac{P_{a a}}{t_{a}}$ (9)


3.3 实验结果

为了验证改进型DeepLab网络在高光谱果园图像上的分类有效性,本文在海南地区的果园数据上进行了6组实验,如图 8所示。

图 8 实验分类结果
Fig. 8 Experimental classification results ((a)manual label; (b)GLCM+SVM; (c)decompositon+SPM; (d)SDU-CNN; (e)DeepLab; (f)improved DeepLab)

图 8(b)-(e)为4组对比实验,分别为基于纹理计算与支持向量机算法(GLCM(gray level co-occurrence matrix)+SVM)、基于多通道分解与空间金字塔分类算法(decompositon + SPM(spatial pyramid matching))、基于统计分布单元与卷积神经网络算法(SDU(statistical distribution unit)-CNN)和DeepLab,每组实验的各类水果分类准确率和评价指标如表 1表 2所示。可以看出decompositon+SPM方法的分类总体精度最低,只有64.16%,对于3种时期的芒果误分类比较严重,并且槟榔和龙眼两种水果的分类精度也比较差。GLCM+SVM方法在槟榔和龙眼的分类精度上提高了10%左右,但是对于同种水果的不同时期状态分类效果依然很差。SDU-CNN方法相比前两种分类方法在芒果、槟榔和龙眼3种水果的分类精度都提高了10%左右。原始的DeepLab方法将Ⅰ期芒果、Ⅱ期芒果、槟榔的分类精度分别提高到了95.62%、91.56%和94.33%,但是对于Ⅲ期芒果和龙眼的分类依然存在比较大的误差。本算法在Ⅰ期芒果、Ⅱ期芒果、Ⅲ期芒果、槟榔、龙眼5类果园上的分类准确率达到了最高,分别为98.56%、98.33%、95.62%、99.23%、98.32%。

表 1 DeepLab类分割混淆矩阵
Table 1 DeepLab class partitioning confusion matrix

Ⅰ期芒果 Ⅱ期芒果 Ⅲ期芒果 槟榔 龙眼
Ⅰ期芒果 98.56 1.20 0.61 0.00 0.00
Ⅱ期芒果 1.30 98.33 0.43 0.00 0.00
Ⅲ期芒果 3.10 1.52 95.62 0.00 0.00
槟榔 0.00 0.00 0.10 99.23 0.56
龙眼 0.00 0.33 0.20 0.72 98.32

表 2 评价指标
Table 2 Evaluation indicators

方法 κ OA/% Ac/%
Ⅰ期芒果 Ⅱ期芒果 Ⅲ期芒果 槟榔 龙眼
GLCM+SVM 0.65 74.09 78.39 64.56 82.13 80.01 65.34
decomposition+SPM 0.61 64.16 61.33 55.83 86.64 58 59
SDU-CNN 0.76 80 76.17 79.56 84.48 73.21 86.6
DeepLab 0.89 91.14 95.62 91.56 85.62 94.33 88.56
改进型DeepLab 0.96 98.01 98.56 98.33 95.62 99.23 98.32

3.4 实验分析


4 结论



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