
发布时间: 2019-08-16
DOI: 10.11834/jig.180649
2019 | Volume 24 | Number 8




expand article info 李红艳, 李春庚, 安居白, 任俊丽
大连海事大学信息科学技术学院, 大连 116026


目的 遥感图像目标检测是遥感图像处理的核心问题之一,旨在定位并识别遥感图像中的感兴趣目标。为解决遥感图像目标检测精度较低的问题,在公开的NWPU_VHR-10数据集上进行实验,对数据集中的低质量图像用增强深度超分辨率(EDSR)网络进行超分辨率重构,为训练卷积神经网络提供高质量数据集。方法 对原Faster-RCNN(region convolutional neural network)网络进行改进,在特征提取网络中加入注意力机制模块获取更多需要关注目标的信息,抑制其他无用信息,以适应遥感图像视野范围大导致的背景复杂和小目标问题;并使用弱化的非极大值抑制来适应遥感图像目标旋转;提出利用目标分布之间的互相关对冗余候选框进一步筛选,降低虚警率,以进一步提高检测器性能。结果 为证明本文方法的有效性,进行了两组对比实验,第1组为本文所提各模块间的消融实验,结果表明改进后算法比原始Faster-RCNN的检测结果高了12.2%,证明了本文所提各模块的有效性。第2组为本文方法与其他现有方法在NWPU_VHR-10数据集上的对比分析,本文算法平均检测精度达到79.1%,高于其他对比算法。结论 本文使用EDSR对图像进行超分辨处理,并改进Faster-RCNN,提高了算法对遥感图像目标检测中背景复杂、小目标、物体旋转等情况的适应能力,实验结果表明本文算法的平均检测精度得到了提高。


遥感图像; 目标检测; 注意力机制; 卷积神经网络; 图像超分辨率

Attention mechanism improves CNN remote sensing image object detection
expand article info Li Hongyan, Li Chungeng, An Jubai, Ren Junli
School of Information Science and Technology, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026, China
Supported by: National Natural Science Foundation of China (61471079)


Objective Remote sensing image object detection aims to locate and identify the object of interest in remote sensing images, and it is one of the core issues in remote sensing image processing. Object detection in optical remote sensing images is a fundamental and challenging problem in the field of aerial and satellite image analysis and is an important part of automated extraction of remote sensing information. Object detection in remote sensing images plays an important role in a wide range of applications, having a broad application value in the fields of national defense security, urban construction planning, and disaster monitoring. In recent years, it has received great attention. The application range of remote sensing images is expanding day by day, thereby giving fast and effective remote sensing object detection methods a broad application prospect. With the rapid development of platform and sensor technology, the spatial resolution of remote sensing images continues to increase, and the visual difference from natural images is decreasing. An increasing number of computer vision methods can be applied to high-spatial-resolution remote sensing image object recognition, but problems of low detection accuracy and low efficiency still exist and need to be addressed. Method In this paper, an improved convolutional neural network (CNN) detection method for attention mechanism is proposed and tested on the NWPU_VHR-10 dataset. The dataset is a 10-level geospatial object detection dataset. Some of the images have low resolution, which affects the experimental results. Therefore, some low-quality images in the dataset were reconstructed with enhanced depth super-resolution (EDSR) network in super-resolution to provide a high-quality dataset for training CNNs. This paper studies how to use the Faster-RCNN model for multi-class object recognition to adapt to some characteristics of remote sensing images that are different from natural images. The original Faster-RCNN network was improved as follows:An attention mechanism was added to the feature extraction network module. Then, an attention CNN was obtained for more information. The object is focused by inhibiting other useless information from adapting to the background of the large range of remote sensing image vision, which leads to the complex problem of small targets. Weak non-maximal suppression is used to adapt to the target rotation of the remote sensing image. To improve detector performance, the cross-correlation between target distributions is used to further screen redundant candidate frames and reduce false alarm rate. Result Two sets of comparative experiments were conducted to prove the validity of the method. The first set of comparative experiments is the ablation experiment between the four modules mentioned in this paper:attention mechanism module, non-maximal suppression, cross-correlation filtering mechanism, and image super-resolution processing for low-quality images. Experimental results show that the improved attentional CNN has higher detection accuracy than the original Faster-RCNN in 10 categories. The average detection accuracy improved by 12.2%. All the modules mentioned in this paper effectively improved the object detection of aerial remote sensing images. Moreover, the added attention module is a lightweight module that hardly increases the computational cost of the network model. Thus, it does not reduce the efficiency of the network. The second set of comparative experiments is the comparison and analysis of the improved attentional CNN and other existing traditional methods and deep learning methods on the open dataset NWPU_VHR-10. The average detection accuracy of this algorithm is 79.1%, which is higher than that of other algorithms. Conclusion CNN has great application potential in remote sensing image object detection and is a research hotspot at present and in the future. How to better apply CNN to object detection of aerial remote sensing images has important theoretical significance. In this study, the enhanced depth super resolution network is used to super-resolve some low-resolution images in the dataset. The attentional mechanism was proposed to improve the gross-RCNN to enable the algorithm to focus on the target region of interest in the image, that is, the extracted features that are more valuable for the current detection task. It improves the adaptability of the algorithm to the complex background, small objects caused by a wide field of view, and object rotation caused by the angle of view used in aerial photography for aerial remote sensing image object detection. Experimental results show the improved average detection accuracy of the proposed algorithm.

Key words

remote sensing images; object detection; attention mechanism; convolutional neural networks (CNN); image super-resolution

0 引言



近几年,深度卷积神经网络在自然图像分类、目标识别等领域取得了成功,原因是深度卷积神经网络能通过大量有监督训练获得更具表征能力的特征。目前主流的基于深度学习的检测模型可以分为两大类:one-stage检测算法和two-stage检测算法。one-stage检测算法包括单次检测器(YOLO)[8]和单网多尺度检测器(SSD)[9];two-stage检测算法包括区域建议网络R-CNN (region convolutional neural network)[10]的系列算法。与传统的基于人工工程的特征相比,依赖于深层体系结构的神经网络能从图像像素级获取更具表达能力的特征[11],因此特征设计的负担就转移到网络建设中。很多研究人员从深度学习框架出发,设计算法以提高遥感图像中目标检测精度。例如旋转不变卷积神经网络(RICNN)[7],该网络模型是在AlexNet[12]的基础上引入和学习新的旋转不变层来实现的, 对遥感图像目标检测中的物体旋转效果良好,但是在进行卷积之前在图像上生成了大量感兴趣区域,这些感兴趣区域之间存在较大的重叠区域会被重复性地卷积计算,浪费计算资源;基于单次检测器的视感知检测算法[13]不需要区域建议阶段,但由于归一化图像会导致目标特征丢失。

Faster-RCNN[14]是对R-CNN和Fast-RCNN[15]的进一步完善,将选择性搜索(selective search)算法替换成了区域生成网络(RPN)并整合到深度网络中,不仅解决了选择性搜索算法CPU实现速度慢的问题,而且与深度网络结合,共享前面的卷积计算,提高计算效率。本文将Faster-RCNN用到光学遥感图像目标识别中,并根据光学遥感图像目标检测中的问题进行改进。1)为适应遥感图像视野范围大导致的背景复杂和小目标问题,在特征提取网络中加入注意力机制模块;2)为解决目标旋转对检测精度的影响,使用弱化的非极大值抑制;3)提出利用目标分布之间的互相关对冗余候选框进一步筛选,降低虚警率,进一步提高检测器性能。

1 数据预处理

1.1 小样本数据集数据增强


1.2 图像超分辨率处理

NWPU_VHR-10数据集中的图像裁剪自Google Earth和Vaihingen数据集,数据增强时采用了缩放变形的增强方式,而将裁剪下来的图像的一小部分直接调整成原图大小会导致图像质量降低,直接放大调整后的图像,会降低分辨率且丢失特征信息,如图 1所示。

图 1 缩放变形导致图片质量降低示例
Fig. 1 Example of image quality degradation due to scaling distortion

为解决上述问题,对分辨率降低的遥感图像进行超分辨率处理,采用增强深度超分辨率网络(EDSR)[16],重构出一幅高分辨率图像,重构效果优于最邻近像元法和双线性内插法,EDSR网络结构如图 2所示,其残差块与原ResNet[17]和SRResNet[18]中残差块的对比如图 3所示。

图 2 EDSR网络结构
Fig. 2 The network structure of EDSR
图 3 原始ResNet、SRResNet和EDSR中残差块对比
Fig. 3 Comparison of residual blocks among original ResNet, SRResNet and EDSR

图 2图 3可以看出,该模型在传统残差网络基础上去除了批标准化(BN)模块并对模型规模进行了扩展。由于BN层消耗了与它前面的卷积层相同大小的内存,在去掉这一步操作后,相同的计算资源下,EDSR可以堆叠更多的网络层或使每层提取更多的特征从而得到更好的性能表现,既能保证训练稳定又能节约训练空间。EDSR在训练时先训练低倍数的上采样模型,这样能减少高倍数上采样模型的训练时间,同时训练结果也好,很好地解决了因缩放形变导致的图像分辨率降低的问题。

2 改进卷积网络

2.1 注意力模型的使用


传统方法和现有卷积神经网络方法都不能很好地解决遥感图像中的小目标问题,本文在原始Faster-RCNN框架上引入注意力模型对遥感图像进行目标检测,使用的是一种结合了空间和通道的注意力机制模块:CBAM(convolutional block attention module)[20], 使用的特征提取网络是ResNet101,将CBAM模块加入到ResNet结构中, 需要在ResNet的每个残差块后加入该模块,结构如图 4所示。给定一个中间的特征映射$\boldsymbol{F} \in R C \times H \times W$作为输入,CBAM依次推断出一个1维通道注意力图谱$\boldsymbol{M} \boldsymbol{c} \in R C \times 1 \times 1$和一个2维的空间注意力图谱$\boldsymbol{M} \boldsymbol{s} \in R 1 \times H \times W$,然后将注意力映射图谱乘以输入特征图谱以进行自适应特征细化,比仅关注通道的注意力机制效果更好。由于CBAM是一个轻量级的模块,可以集成到CNN框架中,开销可以忽略不计,并且可以和CNN一起进行端到端的训练,实验证明该模块的加入提高了网络的检测性能。

图 4 基于残差结构的CBAM模块
Fig. 4 CBAM module based on residual structure

2.2 用Soft-NMS替换NMS

在检测器对图像中的目标物体进行检测时,最后选定的候选框(bounding box)必然会有一定的重叠现象,当重叠度很高(高于某一阈值$Nt$)时,将置信度最高的作为输出,而其他的预测结果直接去掉,这种方法称为非极大值抑制(NMS)。但是由于光学遥感图像视角的特殊性,基本都是高空俯视,所以会出现目标的多方向问题即旋转。但是实验中对数据集进行的目标标注框都是水平竖直的,所以会出现大量目标框重叠的现象,类似自然图像中的目标相互遮挡,为了克服NMS对这种场景的不适应,本文用弱化的非极大值抑制(Soft-NMS)[21]替换NMS。NMS过于简单直接,而Soft-NMS就是对函数进行平滑,文献[21]提出两种平滑函数,一种是线性加权函数,一种是高斯加权函数。


$ s_{i}=\left\{\begin{array}{ll}{s_{i}} & {f_{\mathrm{IoU}}\left(\boldsymbol{M}, \boldsymbol{b}_{i}\right) <N t} \\ {0} & {f_{\mathrm{IoU}}\left(\boldsymbol{M}, \boldsymbol{b}_{i}\right) \geqslant N t}\end{array}\right. $ (1)


$ s_{i}=\left\{\begin{array}{ll}{s_{i}} & {f_{\text { IoU }}\left(\boldsymbol{M}, \boldsymbol{b}_{i}\right) <N t} \\ {s_{i}\left(1-f_{\text { IoU }}\left(\boldsymbol{M}, \boldsymbol{b}_{i}\right)\right)} & {f_{\text { IoU }}\left(\boldsymbol{M}, \boldsymbol{b}_{i}\right) \geqslant N t}\end{array}\right. $ (2)


$ {{s}_{i}}={{s}_{i}}{{\text{e}}^{\frac{-{{f}_{\text{IoU}}}{{\left( \boldsymbol{M}, {{\boldsymbol{b}}_{i}} \right)}^{2}}}{\sigma }}}, \quad \forall {{\boldsymbol{b}}_{i}}\notin \boldsymbol{D} $ (3)

式中,$s_{i}$表示$\boldsymbol{b}_{i}$的得分,$\boldsymbol{M}$为当前得分最高的框,$\boldsymbol{b}_{i}$为待处理框,$\boldsymbol{D}$表示最终的检测框集合,$\text{IoU}$ (intersection over union)表示重叠率,$f_{\mathrm{IoU}}\left(\boldsymbol{M}, \boldsymbol{b}_{i}\right)$$\boldsymbol{M}$$\boldsymbol{b}_{i}$之间的重叠率。$\boldsymbol{b}_{i}$$\boldsymbol{M}$$f_{\mathrm{IoU}}$越大,$s_{i}$下降得越厉害。实验证明,在其他条件相同的情况下,将使用线性加权与高斯加权进行对比,使用高斯加权效果更好,并且都比原网络检测精度有所提高,证明了改进后网络的有效性。

2.3 引入互相关

图 5是统计数据集NWPU_VHR-10各类目标在每幅图像中的分布情况,横轴为图像标号,纵轴为包含的该类目标的个数,通过图 5可以清晰地看出10类目标分布之间存在一定的关联性,例如,棒球场和篮球场经常会出现在同一幅图像中,但是棒球场和桥梁一起出现的情况就很少。

图 5 10类目标的分布情况
Fig. 5 Distribution of 10 classes ((a)aircraft; (b)ship; (c)oil tank; (d)baseball filed; (e)tennis court; (f)basketball court; (g)playground; (h)port; (i)bridge; (j)car)

本文使用互相关函数表示它们之间的关联关系。互相关函数是信号分析中的概念,表示两个时间序列之间的相关程度,即描述信号$x(t), y(t)$在任意两个不同时刻$t_{1}, t_{2}$的取值之间的相关程度。


$ (f * g)(\tau)=\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} f^{*}(t) g(t+\tau) \mathrm{d} t $ (4)


$ (f * g)(n)=\sum\limits_{-\infty}^{+\infty} f^{*}[m] g(m+n) $ (5)

式中,$f*g$表示$f(t)$$g(t)$的互相关函数,$f^{*}$表示$f$的复共轭函数,从式(4)(5)可以看到,互相关函数和卷积运算类似,也是两个序列滑动相乘,反映的是两个函数在不同的相对位置上互相匹配的程度,与要分析的同一幅图像中两个目标的相关性(即同时出现的概率)不谋而合,所以引入互相关机制。由于各目标在图像中的分布属于离散函数,所以使用式(5)进行计算,计算结果采用离散标准化即式(6)进行归一化,10类目标两两之间的互相关值用$R\left(x_{i}, x_{j}\right)$表示。


$ x^{*}=\frac{x-x_{\min }}{x_{\max }-x_{\min }} $ (6)


$ {{s}_{i}}={{s}_{i}}{{\text{e}}^{\frac{-{{\left( 1-R\left( \boldsymbol{M}, {{\boldsymbol{b}}_{i}} \right) \right)}^{2}}}{\sigma }}}, \forall {{\boldsymbol{b}}_{i}}\notin \boldsymbol{D} $ (7)

式中,$\boldsymbol{b}_{i}$表示当前检测框,${{s}_{i}}$表示检测框$\boldsymbol{b}_{i}$的得分,$\boldsymbol{M}$表示当前置信度最高的目标框,$R$($\boldsymbol{M}$, $\boldsymbol{b}_{i}$)表示$\boldsymbol{M}$$\boldsymbol{b}_{i}$类别之间的相关性。

3 实验结果与分析

图 6是本文在NWPU_VHR-10数据集上对9幅图像进行检测的结果,可以看出, 无论是对田径场这种较大目标还是车辆这种较小目标,本文算法都能较为精确地检测到目标并给出合理的包围框。

图 6 在9幅图像上的检测示例
Fig. 6 Examples of detection on nine images((a) aircraft; (b) oil tank and ship; (c) tennis court; (d) baseball field and playground; (e) baseball field and basketball court; (f) baseball field, tennis court and basketball court; (g) port; (h) bridge; (i) car)

准确率(precision)和召回率(recall)是经常使用的对目标检测结果进行分析的指标。图 7是可视化的Faster-RCNN与本文算法的precision-recall(P-R)曲线对比,横轴是召回率,纵轴是准确率,$p$($r$)是准确率关于召回率的函数,函数曲线与坐标轴之间的面积AP可以更直观地表现分类器性能, 计算为

$ f_{\mathrm{AP}}=\int_{0}^{1} p(r) \mathrm{d} r $ (8)

图 7 Precision-recall曲线对比
Fig. 7 Comparison of precision-pecall curves ((a) original Faster-RCNN; (b) our method)


为验证本文算法的有效性,在公开数据集NWPU_VHR-10上对本文所提各模块进行消融实验,再与3种传统方法BoW[2]、基于稀疏编的特征(FDDL)的检测算法[4]、局部融合检测器(COPD)[22]和2种卷积神经网络算法T(transterred)-CNN[23]、RICNN[7]以及原Faster-RCNN进行对比试验。测试平台CPU为Intel Core i7 7700,GPU为NvidiaGTX1060 6 GB显存,操作系统为Ubuntu x64。使用平均准确率(AP)和均值平均精度(mAP)评价目标检测单个目标和总体性能。

表 1是本文各模块的消融实验对比,原始的Faster-RCNN检测精度是66.9%,表中结果验证了本文对数据的高分辨率处理以及对网络的3方面改进对提高平均检测精度是有效的,尤其是注意力机制模块的加入,使得特征提取网络能够获得更多与任务目标相关的信息而舍弃其他无用信息。

表 1 本文各模块的消融实验对比
Table 1 Comparison of ablation experiments for each module in this paper


表 2是7个算法在NWPU_VHR-10数据集上的平均准确率对比。从表 2可以看出,本文算法虽然在储油罐上的准确率比T-CNN和RICNN算法低,但数据集中旋转情况最严重的网球场和码头的准确率都高于其他对比方法,田径场的准确率更是达到了99.7%。证明本文算法对遥感图像物体旋转适应性良好。

表 2 7个算法在NWPU_VHR-10数据集上的平均准确率对比
Table 2 Comparison of average precision for seven algorithms in NWPU_VHR-10 dataset

图像 算法
飞机 25.0 29.2 62.3 66.1 88.3 89.9 95.2
船舰 58.5 37.6 68.9 56.9 77.3 67.9 79.7
储油罐 63.2 77.0 63.7 84.3 85.3 63.4 73.7
棒球场 9.0 25.8 83.3 81.6 88.1 93.2 96.4
网球场 4.4 2.8 32.1 35.0 40.4 69.7 71.6
篮球场 3.2 3.7 36.3 45.9 58.4 52.9 72.1
田径场 7.8 20.1 85.3 80.0 86.7 94.6 99.7
港口 53.0 25.4 55.3 62.0 68.6 61.6 73.2
桥梁 12.2 21.5 14.8 42.3 61.5 21.8 57.0
车辆 9.1 4.5 44.0 42.9 71.1 54.2 72.0
mAP 24.6 24.8 54.6 59.7 72.6 66.9 79.1

从计算复杂度上看,由于RICNN算法采用了选择性搜索算法,在每幅图像上获取类别不同、尺度不一、位置不同的感兴趣区域,并将这些感兴趣区域归一化送入卷积神经网络进行计算,会因感兴趣区域重叠而重复进行卷积计算, 从而浪费计算资源。而本文采用的Faster-RCNN将感兴趣区域提取与卷积神经网络融合在一起,使用端到端的网络进行目标识别,共享卷积计算结果,提高计算效率,降低计算复杂度,使得检测速度得到了提升。

4 结论



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