
发布时间: 2019-08-16
DOI: 10.11834/jig.180599
2019 | Volume 24 | Number 8




expand article info 李婵1, 宋焕生1, 武非凡1, 王伟1, 王璇2
1. 长安大学信息工程学院, 西安 710064;
2. 烟台大学计算机与控制工程学院, 烟台 264005


目的 云台相机因监控视野广、灵活度高,在高速公路监控系统中发挥出重要的作用,但因云台相机焦距与角度不定时地随监控需求变化,对利用云台相机的图像信息获取真实世界准确的物理信息造成一定困难,因此进行云台相机非现场自动标定方法的研究对高速公路监控系统的应用具有重要价值。方法 本文提出了一种基于消失点约束与车道线模型约束的云台相机自动标定方法,以建立高速公路监控系统的图像信息与真实世界物理信息之间准确描述关系。首先,利用车辆目标运动轨迹的级联霍夫变换投票实现纵向消失点的准确估计,其次以车道线模型物理度量为约束,并采用枚举策略获取横向消失点的准确估计,最终在已知相机高度的条件下实现高速公路云台相机标定参数的准确计算。结果 将本文方法在不同的场景下进行实验,得到在不同的距离下的平均误差分别为4.63%、4.74%、4.81%、4.65%,均小于5%。结论 对多组高速公路监控场景的测试实验结果表明,本文提出的云台相机自动标定方法对高速公路监控场景的物理测量误差能够满足应用需求,与参考方法相比较而言具有较大的优势和一定的应用价值,得到的相机内外参数可用于计算车辆速度与空间位置等。


车道线模型; 消失点; 自动标定; 高速公路; 云台相机

Auto-calibration of the PTZ camera on the highway
expand article info Li Chan1, Song Huansheng1, Wu Feifan1, Wang Wei1, Wang Xuan2
1. School of Information Engineering, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, China;
2. School of Computer and Control Engineering, Yantai University, Yantai 264005, China
Supported by: National Natural Science Foundation of China (61572083); Ministry of Education Joint Fund (6141A02022610); Key Projects of Key Research and Development Programs in Shaanxi Province(2018ZDXM-GY-047); Central University Team Development Project(300102248402)


Objective In the field of image processing, camera calibration is used to determine the relationship between the 3D geometric position of a point in space and the corresponding point in an image. Camera calibration mainly aims to obtain the camera's intrinsic, extrinsic, and distortion parameters. The intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of the camera can be used to calculate vehicle speed and spatial location, and detect and recognize traffic events, among others. Recently, pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) cameras have been playing an important role in highway monitoring systems due to their wide field of view and high flexibility. The image obtained by the PTZ camera is changed as the focal length and angles of the PTZ camera change with demand, which makes obtaining the camera parameters difficult. Therefore, research on the autocalibration method of the PTZ camera has an important application value in the highway intelligent monitoring system. The calibration of the PTZ camera is mainly based on vanishing points. A set of parallel lines in space intersect on a point in the image through the perspective transformation of the camera. The intersection point is the vanishing point. Three vanishing points that are orthogonal to each other can be formed in the 3D space. According to the number of vanishing points, the calibration method is divided into two categories:based on double (VVH, VVW, VVL) and single vanishing point (VWH, VLH, VWL). V denotes a vanishing point, W denotes the distance between the two-lane lines on the road, L denotes the length of the lane line on the road, and H denotes the height of the camera. Method The PTZ camera has two characteristics:the roll angle is zero, and the principal point is at the center of the image. Therefore, the camera model can be reasonably simplified based on the above characteristics. Determining the focal length, the pan angle, the tilt angle, and the height of the camera is necessary to obtain the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of the camera. In an actual highway scene, the height of the camera is known. This study proposes a PTZ camera autocalibration method based on two vanishing point constraints and lane line model constraint, which belongs to the VVH method. First, the SSD algorithm is used to detect the vehicle objects, and the optical flow method is used to track the vehicle objects to obtain the object trajectory set. Given that the road is partially curved, each trajectory needs to be processed to obtain a trajectory set that conforms to the linear features. The linear trajectories in the trajectory set are voted in the cascaded Hough transform space to obtain a longitudinal vanishing point. Second, in the actual highway scene, the vehicle object is relatively small in the image because of the high camera height. Therefore, the general method of obtaining a second vanishing point by detecting the edge of the vehicle is not applicable in the scene. No other parallel lines can be used in the scene to directly obtain the second vanishing point. Therefore, taking the physical metric of the lane line model as the constraint, the enumeration strategy is used to obtain the estimated value of the horizontal vanishing point. Finally, an accurate calculation of the calibration parameters of the PTZ camera is achieved under the condition of known camera height. Result The proposed autocalibration of the PTZ camera is performed in different scenes of multiple highways in Zhejiang Province. Videos corresponding to these scenes have standard and high definitions. The height of the PTZ camera in all scenes is 13.0 m. This study used the differences between the actual physical distance of the lane line in the scene and its test distance as the measure of the calibration error. The average errors at different distances were 4.80%, 4.55%, 4.78%, and 4.99%. The proposed method cannot be compared with the existing autocalibration because of different error measures. However, this study uses the same scene for manual calibration to prove that the proposed algorithm is reasonable and has certain practical values. The average error of manual calibration is about 2%. The autocalibration results are not as good as the manual calibration results because no artificial intervention exists. However, the average errors of autocalibration are less than 5%. Conclusion The proposed method has the following advantages:1) It makes full use of the characteristics of the PTZ camera to simplify the camera model and calibration process. 2) It optimizes the vehicle's motion trajectory set and uses the cascaded Hough transform to obtain the longitudinal vanishing point stably and accurately. 3) It makes full use of various kinds of markers in the scene and proposes a method of enumerating tentative acquisition to obtain horizontal vanishing points. Experimental results show that the algorithm could meet application requirements. The obtained camera parameters can also be used in other scenes, such as traffic parameter calculation and vehicle classification. The method of extracting lane lines by Hough transform is susceptible to light. Therefore, we can change the method of extracting lane lines to improve calibration accuracy.

Key words

lane line model; vanishing point; auto-calibration; highway; pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) camera

0 引言



上述方法存在以下问题:需要人为干预标定过程、需已知相机的内参数或者相机架设高度较低等。但在实际的高速公路场景中,相机架设高度较高,车身水平边缘难以获取,即使获取到水平边缘但因其长度较短使得横向消失点不稳定,因此上述方法并不适用高速公路场景。本文提出一种基于消失点约束与车道线模型约束的云台相机自动标定方法,利用纵向消失点、横向消失点和相机高度计算得到相机标定矩阵,该方法是自动的、无需人工干预的且不需要知道相机的内参数,即使相机架设高度超过10 m也可以准确获取纵向消失点。

1 高速公路云台相机自动标定原理

1.1 云台相机成像模型


假设世界坐标系中存在一点$Q$($x$, $y$, $z$),图像坐标系中存在一点为$q$($u$, $v$),其对应的映射关系为

$ \left[\begin{array}{ccc}{\alpha u} & {\alpha v} & {\alpha}\end{array}\right]^{\mathrm{T}}=\boldsymbol{R}_{T K}\left[\begin{array}{llll}{x} & {y} & {z} & {1}\end{array}\right]^{\mathrm{T}} $ (1)

$ \begin{align} & \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ {{\boldsymbol{R}}_{TK}}= \\ & \left[ \begin{matrix} f\cos (\theta ) & -f\sin (\theta ) & 0 & 0 \\ a & b & -f\cos (\phi ) & fH\cos (\phi ) \\ c & d & -\sin (\phi ) & H\sin (\phi ) \\ \end{matrix} \right] \\ \end{align} $

式中, $a=-f \sin (\phi) \sin (\theta)、b=-f \sin (\phi) \cos (\theta)$$c=\cos (\phi) \sin (\theta)、d=\cos (\phi) \sin (\theta)$; $f$为焦距,单位为像素;$H$为相机高度,其单位为m。$θ$为偏转角,$ϕ$为俯仰角,$0 < \phi < \pi / 2, 0 \leqslant \theta \leqslant \pi$$α$为尺度因子。

1.2 自动标定模型

图 1所示为自动标定模型的示意图,世界坐标系以$O_{\mathrm{w}}$为坐标原点,$x$轴、$y$轴、$z$轴两两相互垂直。相机坐标系以$O_{\mathrm{c}}$为坐标原点,${{x}_{\text{c}}}$轴、${{y}_{\text{c}}}$轴、${{z}_{\text{c}}}$轴两两相互垂直。$O_{\mathrm{c}}$在图像平面的映射为$O_{\mathrm{i}}$$V_{1}$$V_{2}$表示两个消失点,这两个点在图像平面的坐标分别为$V_{1}=\left(u_{1}, v_{1}\right)$$V_{2}=\left(u_{2}, v_{2}\right)$$O_{\mathrm{i}}$在直线$V_{1} V_{2}$上的投影为$V_{\mathrm{i}}$

图 1 自动标定模型
Fig. 1 Auto-calibration model


$ f=\left\|O_{\mathrm{c}} O_{\mathrm{i}}\right\|=\sqrt{\left\|O_{\mathrm{e}} V_{\mathrm{i}}\right\|^{2}-\left\|O_{\mathrm{i}} V_{\mathrm{i}}\right\|^{2}} $ (2)

式中,$O_{\mathrm{c}} V_{\mathrm{i}}$是图像中心与地平线之间的距离,由两个消失点决定,即

$ \left\|O_{\mathrm{c}} V_{\mathrm{i}}\right\|=\sqrt{\left\|V_{1} V_{\mathrm{i}}\right\| \cdot\left\|V_{\mathrm{i}} V_{2}\right\|}=\sqrt{-\left(v_{1} v_{2}+u_{1} u_{2}\right)} $ (3)

$ \phi=\tan ^{-1}\left(\frac{-v_{1}}{f}\right) $ (4)

$ \theta=\tan ^{-1}\left(\frac{-u_{1} \cdot \cos (\phi)}{f}\right) $ (5)


2 高速公路云台相机自动标定方法


2.1 基于车辆轨迹的纵向消失点


1) 使用SSD(single shot multibox detector)[14]目标检测算法,首先根据车辆类型将其分为小车(car)、卡车(truck)、客车(bus)3类,利用高速公路视频从不同的视角(正视角、后视角、侧视角、俯视角、内视角)截取样本训练得到模型。利用模型检测车辆目标,并用矩形框将其包络起来,称为Bounding Box,如图 2(a)所示为SSD车辆目标检测结果。

图 2 车辆目标检测与跟踪结果
Fig. 2 Results of vehicle target detection and tracking((a) vehicle target detection; (b) vehicle target tracking)

2) Bounding Box内提取特征点, 利用光流法[15]对车辆目标跟踪得到轨迹集$\boldsymbol{T}=\left\{\boldsymbol{T}_{i}, i=1, \cdots, n\right\}$,其中$\boldsymbol{T}_{i}=\left\{\left(u_{j}, v_{j}\right), j=1, \cdots, k\right\}$,如图 2(b)所示为车辆目标跟踪结果。

3) 在实际场景中道路存在弯曲部分,为了稳定地获取纵向的消失点,需对轨迹集$\boldsymbol{T}$剔除,即对$\forall \boldsymbol{T}_{i}, \boldsymbol{T}_{i}=\left\{\boldsymbol{T}_{i k}^{P}, k=1, \cdots, m\right\}$,对于$1≤k≤m$,若$\boldsymbol{T}_{i k}^{P}$不满足线性条件,则将其剔除得到$\boldsymbol{T}_{i}^{*}$,继而得到新轨迹集${{\boldsymbol{T}}^{*}}=\left\{ \boldsymbol{T}_{i}^{*}, i=1, \cdots, n \right\}$

4) 将轨迹集$\boldsymbol{T}^{*}$在级联霍夫变换[16]投票得到局部最大值,该值对应图像坐标系中的纵向消失点。

图 3(a)所示,红点为纵向消失点$V_{1}$在笛卡儿坐标系[10]下的位置,将其转换到图像坐标系下的结果如图 3(b)所示,其图像坐标为(77,112)。

图 3 纵向消失点结果
Fig. 3 Results of longitudinal vanishing point((a) longitudinal vanishing point in cascaded Hough transform; (b) longitudinal vanishing point in image coordinate system)

2.2 基于车道线模型的横向消失点


基于VVH提出了一种以车道线为标定对象,利用“车道线长6 m,车道线之间长9 m”的信息的自动标定方法,采用霍夫变换提取车道线得到点集$\boldsymbol{P}=\left\{\left(u_{i}, v_{i}\right), i=1, \cdots, n\right\}$,其中$n$为偶数。具体的枚举算法流程如下:

1) 利用纵向消失点的图像坐标$V_{1}=\left(u_{1}, v_{1}\right)$初始化横向消失点的图像坐标,即$V_{1}$=$V_{2}$,确定试探方向$d$并初始化枚举步长$s$

2) 沿着试探方向$d$枚举横向消失点,即$V_{2}=\left(u_{1}+(d \times s) \times i, v_{1}\right), i=1, \cdots, n$

3) 利用$V_{1}$$V_{2}$和相机高度$H$, 利用式(2)—(5)计算得到相机内外参矩阵${{\boldsymbol{R}}_{\boldsymbol{TK}}}$

4) 构建车道线模型。针对$P_{0}$,利用$\boldsymbol{R}_{\mathrm{TK}}$计算其在世界坐标系中的位置($z$为零,因为在地面上),构建$n$/2段车道线模型并投影到图像上;

5) 车道线模型不断贴合实际的车道线;

6) 循环执行步骤2)—5),车道线模型与实际车道线贴合时对应的相机内外参数即为所求。

当自动标定准确后,利用该状态下的纵向消失点、横向消失点和相机高度,利用式(2)—(5)得到相机的焦距、偏转角和俯仰角,再利用式(1)得到相机的标定矩阵,利用该矩阵可为后续计算车速等信息奠定基础。图 4所示为本文自动标定方法的整体流程图。

图 4 自动标定方法流程
Fig. 4 Process of auto-calibration method

3 实验结果分析

基于提出的高速公路云台相机自动标定算法在浙江省杭金衢高速公路不同的场景进行实验,包含标清相机拍摄的场景和高清相机拍摄的场景。此外,所有场景中的云台相机在架设时高度已知,为13.0 m。

3.1 相机高度对场景标定误差的影响

在实验场景中,相机高度在架设时已知。为了体现算法的实用性,针对相机高度这一参数验证其对场景标定误差的影响。本文的相机架设高度为13 m,间隔0.5 m进行大量实验,实验结果如图 5所示。

图 5 相机高度对标定精度影响结果图
Fig. 5 Effect of height to calibration error

从实验结果可以看出,在相机高度为其真实架设高度即13 m时,不同的真实物理距离对应的测试距离的平均误差最小,且距离真实高度越近,测试距离的平均误差越小。

3.2 标定误差分析

依据《公路工程技术标准》,车道线的长度为6 m,车道线之间的距离为9 m,将这一标准作为相机自动标定误差衡量的标准。如图 6所示,图中AB之间的实际物理距离为6 m,BC之间的实际物理距离为9 m,AC之间的实际物理距离为15 m,AD之间的实际物理距离为30 m,AE之间的实际物理距离为45 m,AF之间的实际物理距离为60 m。利用这一标准,在车道线模型与检测到的车道线比较的过程中,不断比较车道线的测试长度与其对应实际物理距离之间的差异来判断相机标定是否准确。误差定义为

$ \delta_{i}=\frac{\left|L_{i}-l_{i}\right|}{L_{i}}, i=6, 15, 30, 45 $ (6)

$ \overline{\delta}_{i}=\frac{\sum\limits_{j=1}^{n} \delta_{i}}{n}, i=6, 15, 30, 45 ; n=1, \cdots, 100 $ (7)

$ \omega_{i}=\frac{\sum\limits_{k=1}^{m} \overline{\delta}_{i}}{m}, i=6, 15, 30, 45 $ (8)

图 6 实际物理距离示意图
Fig. 6 Actual physical distance


图 7是K362场一次自动标定不同的实际物理距离(6 m、15 m、30 m、45 m)对应的测试距离结果。以6 m的测试结果为例,随着横向消失点不断枚举试探,测试距离长度随着试探次数的增加而不断增大,前半部分增长速度较快,后半部分增长较慢,不断逼近6 m的实际距离。虽有小幅度波动,但总体趋势不变。15 m、30 m、45 m与6 m所得趋势一样。如图 8所示为本次自动标定的部分示意图,红色点为初始点$P_{0}$的图像位置。图 8(a)—(d)车道线模型的长度随着横向消失点的不断试探而增长,当$ii$=121时,车道线模型与实际的车道线基本重合,其对应的相机内外参数即为所求, $ii$表示枚举试探的次数。

图 7 不同实际距离对应的测试距离
Fig. 7 Test distance for different actual distances((a) 6 m; (b) 15 m; (c) 30 m; (d) 45 m)
图 8 自动标定部分结果图
Fig. 8 Part results of auto-calibration ((a) $ii$=0; (b) $ii$=40; (c) $ii$=80; (d) $ii$=121)

针对某场景反复进行10次标定的实验结果如图 9所示。当实际物理距离为6 m时,测试距离的误差最小值为1.35%,最大值为9.78%,平均值为4.74%。当实际物理距离为15 m时,测试距离的误差最小值为1.62%,最大值为6.54%,平均值仅为4.18%。误差最小值与最大值差异较大的原因在于利用霍夫变换提取车道线的方法易受到光照等条件的影响,且如果地面有污渍等存在,车道线的提取并不准确。从平均值可以看出,误差均在5%以内,且实际距离不断变长时,测试距离误差的平均值呈现下降趋势。同样的距离差在实际距离较大时,误差可以降低,即可以利用全局信息使得自动标定的误差降低。

图 9 某场景10次标定结果的误差
Fig. 9 Error of 10 calibration results in a scene

此外,将该算法用于不同场景下进行测试,每个场景进行100次实验。实验结果的柱状图如图 10所示。不同的实际物理距离对应的误差最小值均小于1%,虽然最大值超过10%,但平均误差均分别为4.63%、4.74%、4.81%、4.65%,均小于5%。

图 10 多场景自动标定误差图
Fig. 10 Error of auto-calibration in multi-scenes


为了证明本文算法误差在合理的范围内,对自动标定使用的原始场景进行手动标定,其结果如图 11所示。不同实际距离所对应的误差最小值均趋于0,且其平均误差在2%左右,最大误差也不超过6%。使用自动标定方法因没有人为干预,误差没有手动标定的结果好,但自动标定的误差的平均值在5%以内,符合应用需求,可以认为本文提出的高速公路云台相机自动标定误差合理。

图 11 多场景手动标定误差图
Fig. 11 Error of manual calibration in multi-scenes

4 结论



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