
发布时间: 2019-08-16
DOI: 10.11834/jig.180475
2019 | Volume 24 | Number 8




expand article info 宁凯1, 张东波1,2, 印峰1,2, 肖慧辉1
1. 湘潭大学信息工程学院, 湘潭 411105;
2. 机器人视觉感知与控制技术国家工程实验室, 长沙 410012


目的 为了提高扫地机器人的自主性和智能化程度,为扫地机器人配备视觉传感器,使其获得视觉感知能力,通过研究有效的垃圾检测分类模型与算法,实现对垃圾的定位与识别,引导扫地机器人对垃圾进行自动识别与按类处理,提高工作的目的性和效率,避免盲动和减少能耗。方法 选择检测速度较快的YOLOv2作为主网络模型,结合密集连接卷积网络,嵌入深层密集模块,对YOLOv2进行改进,提出一种YOLOv2-dense网络,该网络可以充分利用图像的高分辨率特征,实现图像浅层和深层特征的复用与融合。结果 测试结果表明,智能扫地机器人使用本文方法可以有效识别不同形态的常见垃圾类别,在真实场景中,测试识别准确率为84.98%,目标检测速度达到26帧/s。结论 实验结果表明,本文构建的YOLOv2-dense网络模型具有实时检测的速度,并且在处理具有不同背景、光照、视角与分辨率的图片时,表现出较强的适应和识别性能。在机器人移动过程中,可以保证以较高的准确率识别出垃圾的种类,整体性能优于原YOLOv2模型。


YOLOv2网络; 扫地机器人; 密集连接; 神经网络; 深度学习

Garbage detection and classification of intelligent sweeping robot based on visual perception
expand article info Ning Kai1, Zhang Dongbo1,2, Yin Feng1,2, Xiao Huihui1
1. College of Information Engineering, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan 411105, China;
2. Robot Visual Perception & Control Technology National Engineering Laboratory, Changsha 410012, China
Supported by: National Natural Science Foundation of China (61602397)


Objective Home service robots have attracted widespread attention in recent years due to their close relationship with the daily lives of humans. Sweeping robots are the first home service robots that have entered the consumer market and are available extensively. At present, the intelligent sweeping robots on the market have only basic functions such as automatic path planning, automatic charging, and automatic obstacle avoidance, thereby greatly reducing the workload of housework, which is an important reason it is widely accepted by the market. Despite this situation, the current level of intelligence of sweeping robots remains low, and the main shortcomings are reflected in two aspects:First, high-level perception and discriminating ability toward the environment are lacking. For example, the behavior pattern adopted in the cleaning process is usually a random walk mode, and some higher intelligence sweeping robots may support simple path planning functions, such as taking a "Z" path. However, this function is generally classified under the "blind" mode, because the robot will perform cleaning activities whether or not garbage is present in its working path. Therefore, the work efficiency is low, and the energy consumption is greatly increased. Second, the current sweeping robots generally do not have the ability to distinguish the category of garbage. If garbage can be handled according to their correct category, then it will not only facilitate the sorting of garbage but also meet environmental protection requirements. Sweeping robots are equipped with visual sensors to achieve visual perception to improve their autonomy and intelligentization. A study of the effective classification model and algorithm of garbage detection can develop the process of location and garbage recognition, and a sweeping robot can be guided to automatically recognize and deal with different types of garbage, thereby improving the purpose and efficiency of its work. Moreover, the sweeping robot can avoid being in the blind state and reduce unnecessary energy consumption. Method The proposed garbage detection and classification method based on machine vision technology aims to improve the autonomous ability of the sweeping robot. This method selects the YOLOv2 network as the main network, which has a fast detection speed in the regression method. The YOLOv2 network is combined with the dense convolutional network (DenseNet) to make full use of the high-resolution features of detection objects. The shallow and deep features of object detection can be reused and fused by embedding deep dense modules to reduce the loss of feature information. Finally, a garbage detection and classification model is built by using a multiscale strategy to train the detection network. The self-built sample dataset is used in the training and testing process. To expand the sample size, the experiment uses the image data enhancement tool ImageDataGenerator provided by Keras to perform horizontal mirror flip, random rotation, cutting, zooming, and other types of processing. The training process of the YOLOv2-dense network is as follows:First, the original image is obtained through data enhancement, and the dataset obtained by the original image and the data enhancement is manually marked. Then, YOLOv2-dense training is performed with the dataset, and the training model is obtained. To adapt large dynamic changes in the scale of the object during the movement of the mobile robot, a multiscale training strategy is adopted for network training, and the detection model is obtained. The mobile robot experiment platform uses the omnidirectional motion of the Anycbot four-wheel-drive robot chassis, the AVR motion controller, and the NVIDIA Jetson TX2 of the 256-core GPU as the visual processor. Result The detection network model is trained and tested with our self-built dataset. Test results show that the improved network structure can retain more original picture information and enhance the extraction ability of target features, and this method can effectively identify the common types of garbage, including different forms of liquid and solid, and quickly and accurately mark out the location of the garbage. Real-time detection with different angles and distances presents good results. The accuracy of YOLOv2 detection is only 82.3%, and the speed is 27 frames per second. By contrast, the accuracy of the proposed improved network YOLOv2-dense reaches 84.98%, which is 2.62% higher than that of YOLOv2, and a speed of 26 frames per second can be achieved, which satisfies real-time detection. Conclusion The experimental results show that the YOLOv2-dense network model built in this study has the speed of real-time detection. It shows strong adaptability and recognition performance when dealing with pictures with different backgrounds, illuminations, visual angles, and resolutions. For the same object, the detection effect is greatly changed at different angles and scales, and the detection performance of long-distance objects is poor. Moreover, for 3D objects, different viewing angles have a greater impact on detection. The result of the object detection is dynamically changed during the movement of the robot. The proposed method can ensure that the type of garbage is accurately identified most of the time or within a certain distance and angle of view. Moreover, the proposed method can guarantee the identification of garbage types with higher accuracy, and its overall performance is better than that of the original YOLOv2 model.

Key words

YOLOv2 network; sweeping robot; dense connectivity pattern; neural networks; deep learning

0 引言



目前,围绕扫地机器人自主进行垃圾检测与分类开展的工作尚未见有公开报道。垃圾检测与分类属于计算机视觉领域的物体检测与分类问题。在物体检测领域,近年来常用基于手工设计具有不变性的局部特征描述方法[6](例如经典的SIFT(scale-invariant feature transform)[7]、SURF(speeded up robust features)[8]、ORB(oriented fast and rotated brief)[9]、HOG(histogram of oriented gridients)[10]等描述算子)处理遮挡、复杂背景等问题。但是手工设计特征鲁棒性差,算法适应性不强。采用基于深度学习的卷积神经网络(CNN)[11-12]方法可以较大幅度提升目标检测的性能[13]。早期Girshick等人[14]提出的Region-CNN(R-CNN)采用区域候选方法实现目标检测,但主要问题是每一个region proposal都需要输入到CNN中进行计算,导致计算量很大。为了提高效率,在R-CNN基础上,Girshick[15]提出了Fast Region-CNN(Fast R-CNN),成功解决了R-CNN重复计算问题。同时,通过微调候选框位置,其训练和测试时间都得到了提升;随后Ren等人[16]提出了Faster Region-CNN(Faster R-CNN),引入RPN(region proposal network)网络提取proposal,真正实现了端到端的网络学习,但在速度上仍然无法满足实时的要求。为了实现实时检测,Redmon等人[17]提出基于回归的YOLO(you only look once)模型,将分类和定位两个任务统一到同一个网络,具有实时检测能力,但准确性低于Fast R-CNN与Faster R-CNN。同年Liu等人[18]提出SSD(single shot multibox detector),该方法结合了YOLO的回归思想和Faster R-CNN的anchor机制,同时兼顾了速度和准确率。而Redmon等人[19]在原有的YOLO基础上提出改进的YOLOv2(you only look once version 2),在YOLO的基础上进一步提高了检测精度,在PASCAL VOC2007数据集上准确率达到76.8%,并且在Geforce GTX Titan X上达到67帧/s。上述网络模型随着网络的加深,数据信息在经过多层网络之后很有可能逐渐消失,且梯度消失问题会越来越明显。为了实现多层的特征重复利用,缓解梯度消失问题,本文在YOLOv2的基础上,结合密集连接卷积网络[20]改进现有YOLOv2模型,有望进一步提升网络性能。


1 实验数据集

1.1 垃圾分类与处理方式


常见垃圾按照形态可分为固体和液体两大类,固体类垃圾按照体积大小采取两种处理方式:1)清扫处理模式。该模式针对7类小体积物体,包括果壳、卫生纸、纸屑以及其他小型物体类。2)抓取处理模式。该模式针对9类大体积物体,包括易拉罐、废纸团、瓶子、包装袋、纸盒、纸杯、塑料杯和塑料袋等。固体类垃圾分类示意图如图 1所示。

图 1 固体类垃圾类别及处理方式
Fig. 1 Solid waste classification diagram

液体类垃圾按照处理方式分为两大类:1)擦除处理模式。该模式针对透明液体如酒水,以及非透明物体包括牛奶、橙汁、西瓜汁、可乐以及其他有颜色饮料共6类。2)高温蒸汽加擦除处理模式。该模式针对污渍如墨汁、油渍等共3类。其中透明类液体附着在地面上,由于透明、形状不确定,特征提取困难,识别难度大。液体类垃圾分类示意图如图 2所示。

图 2 液体类垃圾类别及处理方式
Fig. 2 Liquid waste classification diagram

1.2 实验数据集获取

由于没有公开的数据集,实验所用数据是在实际家居环境中通过摄像头获取和整理的,包括视频和单张图片。视频图片中通常包含不同的物体,从中抽取了1 241张图片样本;而单张图片通常只包含一类物体,从中抽取了1 133张图片样本。采集过程考虑了角度、视角、距离、光照等多种可能情况的影响。实验采集的各类垃圾样本图片的示例如图 3所示。

图 3 各类垃圾样本图片示例
Fig. 3 Examples of various types of garbage samples

为了增加网络训练的样本规模,对现有样本进行扩充,实验使用Keras提供的图像数据增强工具ImageDataGenerator对训练样本进行了水平镜像翻转、随机旋转、裁切、缩放等处理,最后得到5 440张图片,其中80%作为训练集,20%作为测试集。数据增强处理示例如图 4所示。对所有增强后的图片均使用LabelImg工具标注了真实垃圾物体的矩形区域坐标,生成并保存了对应图片中垃圾的坐标信息。

图 4 数据增强处理示例
Fig. 4 Example of data augmentation ((a)original; (b)random rotation and mirroring Ⅰ; (c)random rotation and mirroring Ⅱ)

2 YOLOv2-dense检测模型

2.1 YOLOv2网络

YOLO模型借鉴GoogLeNet网络结构实现端到端的学习,通过回归的方法直接在整张图上提取候选区域,并利用回归的方法输出候选框的位置和类别。YOLO检测模型流程如图 5所示,首先,图像被模型划分为大小为$C×C$的网格,如果一个物体的中心落在某个网格内,则落入物体的网格负责检测该物体。每个网格预测$B$个边框(bounding boxes),边框信息采用5组信息$T(x, y, w, h, confidence)$表示,即每个边框的中心坐标$(x, y)$,宽高$(w, h)$和置信度$confidence$共5个参数。采用YOLO模型能够实现目标实时检测,但是检测的准确率不高。

图 5 YOLO检测流程
Fig. 5 Detection process of YOLO

YOLOv2是YOLO检测模型的改进版,包括22个卷积、5个池化层,卷积层用于提取图像特征,池化层负责特征降维、压缩参数和数据的数量。YOLOv2在最后阶段移除了dropout层,并在卷积层后加入了批量归一化(batch normalization)操作,避免过拟合。将YOLO网络中最后一个1×1的卷积层移除,增加了3个3×3×1 024的卷积层,最后再接上输出是类别个数的1×1卷积层。

YOLOv2模型网络结构如图 6所示。与YOLO相似,YOLOv2同样将输入图像分成$C×C$个网格,若某个物体中心位置的坐标落入到某个网格,则该网格就负责检测出这个物体。滑动窗口的信息也采用5组信息$T(x, y, w, h, confidence)$表示, 其中,$x$$y$是当前网格预测到的检测对象的置信度中心位置的横坐标与纵坐标,$w$$h$分别是滑动窗口的宽度和高度,$confidence$是置信度,反映当前滑动窗口是否包含检测对象及其预测准确性的估计概率,计算为

$ \begin{align} & confidence=\text{P}\left( object \right)\times IOU_{\text{pred}}^{\text{truth}}= \\ & \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \left\{ \begin{matrix} IOU_{\text{pred}}^{\text{truth}} & 有目标 \\ 0 & 无目标 \\ \end{matrix} \right. \\ \end{align} $ (1)

图 6 YOLOv2网络
Fig. 6 YOLOv2 network

式中,$\text{P}\left(object \right)$表示滑动窗口包含检测对象的概率,$IOU_{{\rm{pred}}}^{{\rm{truth}}}$表示滑动窗口与真实检测对象区域的重叠面积,若单元格中存在目标,则$\text{P}\left(object \right)$为1,此时置信度$confidence$$IOU_{{\rm{pred}}}^{{\rm{truth}}}$,否则${\rm{P}}\left({object} \right)$为0,置信度$confidence$为0。在测试时,通过式(2)计算候选框中特定类别的置信分数。

$ \begin{array}{l} {\rm{P}}\left( {\mathit{clas}{\mathit{s}_\mathit{i}}|{\rm{ }}\mathit{object}} \right) \times {\rm{P}}(\mathit{object}) \times 10U_{{\rm{ pred }}}^{{\rm{ truth }}} = \\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;{\rm{P}}\left( {\mathit{clas}{\mathit{s}_i}} \right) \times IOU_{{\rm{ pred }}}^{{\rm{ truth }}} \end{array} $ (2)



2.2 YOLOv2-dense网络

图片通过YOLOv2网络结构中的20个卷积层和5个池化层进行特征提取后,深层几乎不会利用浅层信息,使得高分辨率的浅层特征利用率大幅度减少,对应特征图上的特征往往难以得到充分训练,从而影响检测精度。为了充分利用高分辨率特征,通过嵌入深层密集模块实现特征的复用和融合,本文引入密集连接卷积网络(densenet)对YOLOv2网络结构进行改进,提出了一种YOLOv2-dense网络,如图 7所示。图 7中虚线部分为YOLOv2-dense中的密集模块(dense block)示意图,具体操作步骤如下:

图 7 YOLOv2-dense网络
Fig. 7 YOLOv2-dense network

1) 在YOLOv2-dense网络中,将21层特征图$\boldsymbol{x}_{0}$作为$H_{1}$的输入,经过归一化处理(BN)和激活函数ReLU (rectified linear units),用256个1×1的卷积核卷积成256个特征图,再通过归一化处理和ReLU操作,用128个3×3的卷积核卷积成128个特征图$\boldsymbol{x}_{1}$,然后将$\boldsymbol{x}_{0}$$\boldsymbol{x}_{1}$拼接成640个特征图,将[$\boldsymbol{x}_{0}$, $\boldsymbol{x}_{1}$]作为$H_{2}$的输入。

2)$H_{2}$再经过归一化处理和激活函数ReLU,用256个1×1的卷积核卷积成256个特征图,进行归一化处理和激活函数ReLU操作后,用128个3×3的卷积核卷积成128个特征图$\boldsymbol{x}_{2}$,然后将$\boldsymbol{x}_{0}$$\boldsymbol{x}_{1}$$\boldsymbol{x}_{2}$拼接成768个特征图,将[$\boldsymbol{x}_{0}$, $\boldsymbol{x}_{1}$, $\boldsymbol{x}_{2}$]作为$H_{3}$的输入。

3) 依次类推,最后得到13×13×1 024通道的深层特征图。


$ \boldsymbol{x}_{l}=H_{l}\left(\left[\boldsymbol{x}_{0}, \boldsymbol{x}_{1}, \cdots, \boldsymbol{x}_{l-1}\right]\right), {l}=1, 2, 3, 4, \cdots $ (3)

式中,$\boldsymbol{x}_{0}$为模块输入特征图,$\boldsymbol{x}_{l}$表示第$l$层的输出,$\left(\left[\boldsymbol{x}_{0}, \boldsymbol{x}_{1}, \cdots, \boldsymbol{x}_{l-1}\right]\right)$为对$\boldsymbol{x}_{0}, \boldsymbol{x}_{1}, \cdots, \boldsymbol{x}_{l-1}$的拼接。${H_l}$(·)为归一化处理(BN)、激活函数ReLU及卷积Conv的组合操作,实现第$ l$层非线性变换。本文采用的$H_{l}$(·)操作为BN →ReLU→Conv(1×1)→BN→ReLU→Conv(3×3),其中,Conv($n$×$n$)表示该卷积操作的卷积核的大小为$n$×$n$。由于每一层都包含之前所有层的输出信息,在很大程度上解决了随着深度卷积神经网络深度增加而带来的梯度消失问题,使目标检测效果更强。

3 实验结果与分析

3.1 机器人实验平台

实验搭建的移动机器人平台包括可以全向运动的Anycbot四轮驱动机器人底盘、AVR运动控制器、256核GPU的NVIDIA Jetson TX2视觉处理器、车载摄像头及安装支架、蓝牙通信模块与超声波避障模块、ubuntu16.04操作系统、ROS(robot operating system)系统、OpenCV 3.2、TensorFlow0.9、caffe、darknet等工具与框架。模型训练服务器采用的GPU为GTX1080Ti。图 8为系统整体工作流程示意图。

图 8 扫地机器人工作流程
Fig. 8 Sweeping robot workflow


3.2 YOLOv2-dense网络训练


实验平台包括:11 GB Force GTX1080ti×2 GPU,Intel Core CPU I7-7700K,4.5 GHz处理器,32 GB运行内存,操作系统为ubuntu 16.04,框架为darknet。


$ S=32(7+u) $ (4)


网络训练参数设置:学习率为0.001;学习率衰减策略为steps;样本更新参数为64;最大迭代次数为80 200;学习率变化比例为0.1;动量为0.9;权重衰减正则化参数为0.000 5。分别在训练20 000、40 000、60 000进行学习率的调整,最开始训练时学习率为10-2,迭代2 000次后调整为10-3,迭代60 000次后调整为10-4。网络具体结构如表 1所示。

表 1 YOLOv2-dense网络参数
Table 1 YOLOv2-dense network parameters

操作 特征图输出数量 卷积核尺寸/卷积运算步长 输出/像素
卷积 32 3×3 416×416×32
池化 2×2/2 208×208×32
卷积 64 3×3 208×208×64
池化 2×2/2 104×104×64
卷积 128 3×3 104×104×128
卷积 64 1×1 104×104×64
卷积 128 3×3 104×104×128
池化 2×2/2 52×52×128
卷积 256 3×3 52×52×256
卷积 128 1×1 52×52×128
卷积 256 3×3 52×52×256
池化 2×2/2 26×26×256
卷积 512 3×3 26×26×512
卷积 256 1×1 26×26×256
卷积 512 3×3 26×26×512
卷积 256 1×1 26×26×256
卷积 512 3×3 26×26×512
池化 2×2/2 13×13×512
卷积 1 024 3×3 13×13×1 024
卷积 512 1×1 13×13×512
卷积 1 024 3×3 13×13×1 024
卷积 512 1×1 13×13×512
多密集 256 1×1/1 13×13×1 024
卷积块 128 3×3/1
卷积 1 024 3×3 13×13×1 024
卷积 1 024 3×3 13×13×1 024
融合 26×26×512
卷积 64 3×3 26×26×64
重整切割 13×13×256
融合 13×13×1 280
卷积 3×3 13×13×1 024
卷积 1×1 13×13×150

3.3 检测结果示例与分析

图 9图 10展示了改进的网络YOLOv2-dense在测试图像上的部分检测结果。图 9为单个物体检测示例,图 10为多物体检测的示例结果。

图 9 单物体检测
Fig. 9 Single object detection
图 10 多物体检测
Fig. 10 Multi-object detection

图 9图 10检测结果可以看到,YOLOv2-dense检测精度整体较高,但是仍存在一定的识别错误率,图 11给出了部分识别有误的图片示例。

图 11 识别出错的情况
Fig. 11 Error identification picture((a) picture 1; (b) picture 2; (c) picture 3; (d) picture 4; (e) picture 5)

图 11(a)为同时检测两个不同形状的瓶子,出现了误判塑料瓶为塑料袋的情况;图 11(b)为将检测的塑料瓶误判为易拉罐的情况;图 11(c)检测废纸团与卫生纸,但将卫生纸误判为牛奶;图 11(d)(e)中遗漏了西瓜汁检测。分析本次实验结果可知,样本集数量不充足,模型适应性有待提升,存在漏检误判的问题。同时液体具有很强的不规则性,部分固态物体(例如果壳等)也具有不规则性,检测此类不规则的物体难度很大,容易导致漏检误判的情况。

图 12展示了改进的网络YOLOv2-dense在实时视频检测上的结果。

图 12 实时检测情况
Fig. 12 Real-time detection((a)video1; (b)video2; (c)video3)

视频1(图 12(a))检测的是两个塑料杯和一个纸杯,由于地面反光,导致将地面误判为塑料杯。视频2(图 12(b))检测的为酒水,出现检测过程中部分时刻检测不到酒水。视频3(图 12(c))为检测其他颜色类饮料与橙汁,过程中将颜色类饮料误判成可乐,并在判断过程中,橙汁漏检。三段实时检测视频结果如表 2所示。

表 2 实时视频检测统计结果
Table 2 Real-time video detection statistics

实时视频 总帧数 检测准确帧数 误判帧数 漏检帧数 准确率/%
视频1 1 000 950 50 30 95.0
视频2 1 400 850 550 32 60.1
视频3 1 100 753 347 39 68.3


图 13展示了改进的网络YOLOv2-dense在实时检测上基于不同视角与不同远近距离的检测结果。

图 13 不同角度与距离检测情况
Fig. 13 Detection of different angles and distances ((a)video4; (b)video5; (c)video6)

视频4(图 13(a))检测的为易拉罐,当仅拍摄易拉罐的底面时,无法检测到易拉罐,转动视角与距离,易拉罐能够被检测到,准确率达到80.9%。视频5(图 13(b))检测的为瓶子,与视频4相似,当摄像头拍摄底部与瓶口时,检测效果不理想,转动视角和移动距离,目标能够检测到,准确率达到77.4%。视频6(图 13(c))为远距离观测,当摄像头离物体很远时,无法检测到易拉罐,当靠近易拉罐时,可以检测到物体。三段实时检测结果如表 3所示。

表 3 不同角度与距离实时检测统计结果
Table 3 Real-time detection of statistical results at different angles and distances

实时视频 总帧数 检测准确帧数 误判帧数 漏检帧数 准确率/%
视频4 2 250 1 821 429 125 80.9
视频5 1 160 898 262 210 77.4
视频6 1 370 891 479 301 65.0


将自建数据集上的图片大小归一化为416×416像素,测试原YOLOv2和改进后的YOLOv2-dense的检测性能,结果如表 4所示。YOLOv2检测的准确率为82.3%,速度为27帧/s。本文提出的改进网络YOLOv2-dense的准确率为84.98%,较YOLOv2提高了2.62%,速度为26帧/s,与YOLOv2相差不大,能够达到实时检测的效果。

表 4 网络对比实验结果
Table 4 Network comparison experiment results

输入尺寸大小/像素 最大迭代次数 准确率% 召回率% 检测速度/(帧/s)
YOLOv2 416×416 80 200 82.36 92.04 27
YOLOv2-dense 416×416 80 200 84.98 95.03 26



4 结论




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