
发布时间: 2019-06-16
DOI: 10.11834/jig.180568
2019 | Volume 24 | Number 6




expand article info 廖旋1,3, 缪君1,2, 储珺1, 张桂梅1
1. 南昌航空大学无损检测技术教育部重点实验室, 南昌 330063;
2. 中国科学院月球与深空探测重点实验室, 北京 100012;
3. 南昌航空大学航空制造工程学院, 南昌 330063


目的 在序列图像或多视角图像的目标分割中,传统的协同分割算法对复杂的多图像分割鲁棒性不强,而现有的深度学习算法在前景和背景存在较大歧义时容易导致目标分割错误和分割不一致。为此,提出一种基于深度特征的融合分割先验的多图像分割算法。方法 首先,为了使模型更好地学习复杂场景下多视角图像的细节特征,通过融合浅层网络高分辨率的细节特征来改进PSPNet-50网络模型,减小随着网络的加深导致空间信息的丢失对分割边缘细节的影响。然后通过交互分割算法获取一至两幅图像的分割先验,将少量分割先验融合到新的模型中,通过网络的再学习来解决前景/背景的分割歧义以及多图像的分割一致性。最后通过构建全连接条件随机场模型,将深度卷积神经网络的识别能力和全连接条件随机场优化的定位精度耦合在一起,更好地处理边界定位问题。结果 本文采用公共数据集的多图像集进行了分割测试。实验结果表明本文算法不但可以更好地分割出经过大量数据预训练过的目标类,而且对于没有预训练过的目标类,也能有效避免歧义的区域分割。本文算法不论是对前景与背景区别明显的较简单图像集,还是对前景与背景颜色相似的较复杂图像集,平均像素准确度(PA)和交并比(IOU)均大于95%。结论 本文算法对各种场景的多图像分割都具有较强的鲁棒性,同时通过融入少量先验,使模型更有效地区分目标与背景,获得了分割目标的一致性。


多图像; 目标分割; 深度学习; 卷积神经网络; 分割先验; 条件随机场

Multi-image object semantic segmentation by fusing segmentation priors
expand article info Liao Xuan1,3, Miao Jun1,2, Chu Jun1, Zhang Guimei1
1. Key Laboratory of Nondestructive Testing, Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang 330063, China;
2. Key Laboratory of Lunar and Deep Space Exploration, National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100012, China;
3. School of Aeronautical Manufacturing Engineering, Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang 330063, China
Supported by: National Natural Science Foundation of China (61661036, 61663031, 61462065)


Objective Object segmentation from multiple images involves locating the positions and ranges of common target objects in a scene, as presented in a sequence image set or multi-view images. This process is applied to various computer vision tasks and beyond, such as object detection and tracking, scene understanding, and 3D reconstruction. Early approaches consider object segmentation as a histogram matching of color values, and they are only applied to pair-wise images with the same or similar objects. Later on, object co-segmentation methods are introduced. Most of these methods take the MRF model as the basic framework and establish the cost function that consists of the energy within the image itself and the energy between images by using the feature calculation based on the gray or color values of pixels. The cost function is minimized to obtain consistent segmentation. However, when the foreground and background colors in these images are similar, co-segmentation cannot easily realize object segmentation with consistent regions. In recent years, with the development of deep learning, methods based on various deep learning models have been proposed. Some methods, such as the full convolutional network, adopt convolutional neural networks to extract the high-level semantic features of images to attain end-to-end image classification with pixel level. These algorithms can obtain better precision than traditional methods could. Compared with these traditional methods, deep learning methods can learn appropriate features automatically for individual classes without manual selection and adjustment of features. Exactly segmenting a single image must combine multi-level spatial domain information. Hence, multi-image segmentation not only demands fine grit accuracy in local regions and single image segmentation but also requires the balance of local and global information among multiple images. When ambiguous regions around the foreground and background are involved or when sufficient priori information is not given about objects, most deep learning methods tend to generate errors and achieve inconsistent segmentation from sequential image sets or multi-view images. Method In this study, we propose a multi-image segmentation method on the basis of depth feature exaction. The method is similar to the neural network model of PSPNet-50, in which a residual network is used to exact the features of the first 50 layers of the network. These extracted features are integrated into the pyramid pooling module by using pooling layers with differently sized pooling filters. Then, the features of different levels are fused. After applying a convolutional layer and up-convolutional layer, the initial end-to-end outputs are attained. To make the model learn the detail features from the multi-view images of complex scenes comprehensively, we join the first and fifth parts of the output network features. Thus, the PSPNet-50 network model is improved by integrating the high-resolution details of the shallow layer network, which also is used to reduce the effects of spatial information loss on the segmentation edge details as the network deepens. In the training phase, the improved network model is first pre-trained using the ADE20k dataset. Thus, the model, after considerable data training, achieves strong robustness and generalization. Afterward, one or two prior segmentations of the object are gained by using the interactive segmentation approach. These small priori segmentation integrations are fused into the new model. The network is then re-trained to solve the ambiguity segmentation problem between the foreground and the background and the inconsistent segmentation problem among multi-image. We analyze the relationship between the number of re-training iterations and the segmentation accuracy by employing a large number of experimental results to determine the optimal number of iterations. Finally, by constructing a fully connected conditional random field, the recognition ability of the deep convolutional neural network and the accurate locating ability of the fully connected condition random field are coupled together. The object region is effectively located, and the object edge is clearly detected. Result We evaluate our method on multi-image from various public data sets showing outdoor buildings and indoor objects. We also compare our results with those of other deep learning methods, such as fully convolutional networks (FCNs) and pyramid scene parsing network (PSPNet). Experiments in the multi-view dataset of "Valbonne" and "Box" show that our algorithm can exactly segment the region of the object in re-training classes while effectively avoiding the ambiguous region segmentation for those untraining object classes. To evaluate our algorithm quantitatively, we compute the commonly used accuracy evaluation, average values of pixel accuracy (PA), and intersection over union (IOU) and then evaluate the segmentation accuracy of the object. Results show that our algorithm attains satisfactory scores not only in complex scene image sets with similar foreground and background contexts but also in simple image sets with obvious differences between the foreground and background contexts. For example, in the "Valbonne" set, the PA and IOU values of our result are 0.968 3 and 0.946 9, respectively; whereas the values of FCN are 0.702 7 and 0.694 2, respectively. The values of PSPNet are 0.850 9 and 0.824 0. Our method achieves 10% higher scores than FCN does and 20% higher scores than PSPNet does. In the "Box" set, our method achieves the PA values of 0.994 6 and IOU values of 0.957 7. However, FCN and PSPNet cannot find the real region of the object because the "Box" class is not contained in their re-training classes. The same improvements are found in other data sets. The average scores of PA and IOU of our method are more than 0.95. Conclusion Experimental results demonstrate that our algorithm has strong robustness in various scenes and can achieve consistent segmentation in multi-view images. A small amount of priori integration can help to accurately predict object pixel-level region and make the model effectively distinguish object regions from the background. The proposed approach consistently outperforms competing methods for contained and un-contained object classes.

Key words

multi-image; object segmentation; deep learning; convolutional neural networks(CNN); segmentation prior; conditional random field(CRF)

0 前言


早期的算法[4-7]只对一对包含相同或相似目标的图像进行分割。Rother等人[4]首先提出了协同分割算法,他们将分割看做颜色直方图匹配问题进行处理。后来许多协同算法[8-12]发展到对多图像的分割。这些算法大多以MRF(Markov random field)模型为基本框架,通过颜色等特征建立包含图像内能量和图像间能量的代价函数,最后通过最小化代价函数来获取多图像目标的一致分割。但当同一图像的前景和背景颜色相似时,协同分割算法很难实现目标的一致分割。一些算法[13-15]将图像的颜色、纹理信息与图像的场景深度图等3D信息进行结合,形成多图像相似特征之间的连接,可以获得较好的分割一致性。但一般情况下图像准确的3D信息如场景深度图、相机参数等不容易得到。传统有监督学习分割算法[16-17]一般是以某个像素点为中心取一个局部区域,再将图像块的特征(颜色、纹理等低层特征)做样本训练分类器,其分类结果作为此像素点的标记结果。这类方法选择的图像块所包含的上下文信息有限,分割精度有限。当标注的数据量较少时,即使结合了全局信息也很难获得好的分割[12]。而且传统方法通常使用手动特征,为了使其适应未预训练类,通常需要专家经验和时间对特征进行调整。

近年来,基于深度卷积神经网络的图像分割方法取得了较大发展,这些方法如全卷积网络(FCN)[18]等利用卷积神经网络获取图像的高层语义特征, 实现对图像端到端的像素级别分类,取得了较传统方法更好的效果。SegNet[19]针对FCN得到的分割图分辨率较低的缺点,在FCN的基础上增加了上池化层,采用编码解码的对称结构来获取更好的结果。PSPNet(pyramid scene parsing network)[20]针对FCN等网络没有引入足够的上下文信息及不同感受野下的全局信息而造成错误分割的问题,提出融合不同层次下全局场景信息的金字塔场景池化网络。文献[21]对网络的池化操作虽然会增大感受域的大小,但却会使图像细小的特征丢失,提出了基于稀疏卷积核的卷积网络。文献[22]在文献[21]的基础上进行了进一步的优化,提出多感受域的空间金字塔池化结构。图像分割是一个要求多种空间域信息的问题。特别是多图像分割,不但需要单幅图像分割细粒度、局部信息可以获得好的精确度,还需要多图像间获得局部和全局信息的平衡。目前的深度学习算法在前景和背景有歧义或前景和背景的先验不足时,经常会出现局部分割错误,这也导致了序列图像或多视角图像的目标分割错误和分割不一致。但是相对于传统分割算法,深度学习算法能够针对当前问题自动学习合适的特征表示,不需要手动选择和调整特征,受低层特征不足的限制较小,学习到的特征是图片的固有特征,预训练后的模型具有更强的泛化能力,这使得利用少量标记数据对模型进行优化变得更可行。


1 改进的PSPNet-50模型


改进后的网络结构如图 1所示。本文先将PSPNet-50第5部分网络输出的特征进行上采样,然后将第1部分网络输出的特征与上采样后的第5部分网络输出的特征进行拼接。拼接后的输出特征$ {\mathit{\boldsymbol{x}}_{{\rm{ concat }}}} = {\mathit{\boldsymbol{x}}_{{\rm{c1}}}} \cup {\mathit{\boldsymbol{x}}_{{\rm{c5}}}}$。其中,$ {\mathit{\boldsymbol{x}}_{{\rm{c1}}}}$为第1部分的输出特征,${\mathit{\boldsymbol{x}}_{{\rm{c5}}}} $为第5部分网络的输出特征。让网络浅层高分辨率的细节特征与高层的语义特征进行融合,以充分利用浅层的特征和弥补随着网络的加深,高层网络输出的特征图分辨率逐渐变小导致的空间信息的损失。之后对融合后的特征进行了3次卷积操作,以将融合后的特征进一步整合得到最后的特征输出。第1次卷积中$ {\mathit{\boldsymbol{x}}_{{\rm{ concat }}}}$通过权重$ {\mathit{\boldsymbol{W}}^1}$得到256个特征映射,${\mathit{\boldsymbol{W}}^1} = \left[ {\mathit{\boldsymbol{W}}_1^1;\mathit{\boldsymbol{W}}_2^1; \cdots ;\mathit{\boldsymbol{W}}_{256}^1} \right], \forall \mathit{\boldsymbol{W}}_i^1 \in {{\bf{R}}^{60 \times 3 \times 3}} $,其中${\mathit{\boldsymbol{W}}_i^1} $表示第1次卷积中每个滤波器对应的参数,它的维度为640×3×3,其中的640为滤波器的通道数,3×3为滤波器的尺寸,采样间隔为1。最后输出的256个特征映射$ \left\{ {\mathit{\boldsymbol{x}}_i^1} \right\}_{i = 1}^{256}$是通过对${\mathit{\boldsymbol{x}}_{{\rm{ concat }}}} $卷积和激活函数计算获得。每个$\mathit{\boldsymbol{x}}_i^1 $计算为

$ \mathit{\boldsymbol{x}}_i^1 = f\left( {\mathit{\boldsymbol{W}}_i^1*{\mathit{\boldsymbol{x}}_{{\rm{ concet }}}}} \right) $ (1)

图 1 改进后的网络结构
Fig. 1 Improved network structure


$ f(z)=\left\{\begin{array}{ll}{z} & {z>0} \\ {0} & {z \leqslant 0}\end{array}\right. $ (2)


2 融入分割先验的网络模型的训练


2.1 网络的前向传播和反向传播


$ Loss = \frac{1}{n}\sum\limits_i {\ln } [p(x = k)], i = 0, 1, \cdots , n - 1 $ (3)

$ p(x = k) = \frac{{\exp \left( {{z_k}} \right)}}{{\sum\limits_j {\exp } \left( {{z_j}} \right)}}, j = 0, 1, \cdots , K - 1 $ (4)

式中,$Loss $为网络训练损失,$ p(x = k)$为像素点$ x$属于类别$ k$的概率,$ n$为当前训练图像的像素数量,$ {{z_j}}$为第$j $个类别的特征值,$K $为总的类别数,本文中一共有两个类别,所以$ K = 2$

在反向传播更新网络权值参数阶段,本文采用随机梯度下降法(SDG)[26],通过负梯度$\nabla L\left( {{\mathit{\boldsymbol{W}}_t}} \right) $和上一次的权值更新值的线性组合来更新权值,计算为

${\mathit{\boldsymbol{V}}_{t + 1}} = \mu {\mathit{\boldsymbol{V}}_t} - \alpha \quad \nabla L\left( {{\mathit{\boldsymbol{W}}_t}} \right) $ (5)

$ {\mathit{\boldsymbol{W}}_{t + 1}} = {\mathit{\boldsymbol{W}}_t} + {\mathit{\boldsymbol{V}}_{t + 1}} $ (6)

式中,${\mathit{\boldsymbol{W}}_t} $是第$ t$次迭代计算时的权值矩阵,$ {\mathit{\boldsymbol{V}}_t}$是第$ t$次迭代计算时的权值更新值,$\alpha $是负梯度的基础学习率,$ \mu $是权值更新值$ {\mathit{\boldsymbol{V}}_t}$的权重,用来加权之前梯度方向对现在梯度下降方向的影响,本文中$ \mu = 0.9$


$ LR = base\_lr\cdot{\left( {1 - \frac{{iter}}{{max\_iter}}} \right)^{power}} $ (7)

式中,$ LR$表示实际学习率,$base\_lr $为基础学习率,$ {max\_iter}$为最大迭代次数,${iter} $为当前迭代次数,$ {power}$为学习率参数,本文设置$ base\_lr = 0.0001$$ power = 0.9$

2.2 最大迭代次数的确定

合适的迭代次数可以提高训练效率,一定程度上防止模型欠拟合和过拟合,本文用多组多图像集进行实验。图 2为模型训练时的迭代次数和测试时模型分割图像的平均精确度的关系图。由图 2可知迭代次数达到40的时候,精度基本已经保持不变,但为了确保能达到较高的精度,本文最终选择的最大迭代次数为90。

图 2 迭代次数和精确度关系图
Fig. 2 Relationship diagram between iteration times and accuracy

3 多视角图像全连接条件随机场模型


$ E(\mathit{\boldsymbol{x}}) = \sum\limits_i {{\theta _i}} \left( {{x_i}} \right) + \sum\limits_{ij} {{\theta _{ij}}} \left( {{x_i}, {x_j}} \right) $ (8)

式中,$ E(\mathit{\boldsymbol{x}})$为所有像素的总能量/代价,$ {{x_i}}$表示像素$i $分配的标记/类别。

一元势函数$ \theta_{i}\left(x_{i}\right)=-\ln p\left(x_{i}\right)$,其中$ p\left( {{x_i}} \right)$为像素$ i$的标记分布概率。本文中,网络模型的输出为每个像素点属于不同类别的概率值,因此将模型的输出作为一元势函数的输入。

二元势函数$ \theta_{i j}\left(x_{i}, x_{j}\right)$的表达式为

$ {\theta _{ij}}\left( {{x_i}, {x_j}} \right) = \mu \left( {{x_i}, {x_j}} \right)\sum\limits_{m = 1}^k {{\omega _m}} \cdot {k^m}\left( {{\mathit{\boldsymbol{f}}_i}, {\mathit{\boldsymbol{f}}_j}} \right) $ (9)

式中,$\mu \left( {{x_i}, {x_j}} \right) = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}} 1&{{x_i} \ne {x_j}}\\ 0&{{x_i} = {x_j}} \end{array}, {\omega _m}} \right. $为权重,${k^m}\left( {{\mathit{\boldsymbol{f}}_i}, {\mathit{\boldsymbol{f}}_j}} \right) $为高斯核,表达式为

$ \begin{array}{l} {k^m}\left( {{\mathit{\boldsymbol{f}}_i}, {\mathit{\boldsymbol{f}}_j}} \right) = {\omega _1}\exp \left( { - \frac{{\parallel {p_i} - {p_j}{\parallel ^2}}}{{2\sigma _\alpha ^2}} - \frac{{\parallel {I_i} - {I_j}{\parallel ^2}}}{{2\sigma _\beta ^2}}} \right) + \\ {\omega _2}\exp \left( { - \frac{{\parallel {p_i} - {p_j}{\parallel ^2}}}{{2\sigma _\gamma ^2}}} \right) \end{array} $ (10)

式中,$ p$表示像素位置,$I $为像素颜色值,$ \omega_{1}$$ \omega_{2}$为权重,参数${\sigma _\alpha }, {\sigma _\beta } $${\sigma _\gamma } $分别控制高斯核的尺度。

一元势函数${\theta _i}\left( {{x_i}} \right) $表示像素$i $划分为某个类别的代价;二元势函数${\theta _{ij}}\left( {{x_i}, {x_j}} \right) $表示如果两个像素之间的距离越近或颜色越相似,那么将它们划分为同一类所赋予的代价就越低。二元势函数描述的是每一个像素与其他所有像素的关系。通过迭代使能量函数最小化,最终得到多图像的分割结果。

4 实验结果与分析

本文采用Multi-view datasets[28]、Multi-View Stereo Datasets[29]和Cornell Multi-View Datasets[30]的图像数据集测试,并在本节中列出了部分比较典型的图像集的测试结果,这些图像集中既有室外建筑物又有室内常见物体。为了验证算法的有效性,本文算法与协分割算法[12]、深度学习算法FCN[18]和PSPNet[20]进行了比较。为便于比较,本文采用文献[25]的算法交互分割出目标区域,并将其作为真实结果(ground truth)。

图 3为Multi-view dataset[28]中“Valbonne”的实验结果。该图像集共包含15幅图像,图中的“教堂”为分割目标。图 3(c)是文献[12]的结果,由于前景和背景颜色相似,该算法分割错误较多,并且目标分割很不完整。图 3(d)(e)是FCN[18]和PSPNet[20]的结果,它们的训练数据中已包含“建筑物”类,经过大量数据学习得到的深度特征有利于解决这些问题,但在前景和背景有歧义或先验不足时深度学习图像分割算法仍会出现错误分割。例如图 3(a)的黄框处,由于其模型缺少先验,对图中的背景和前景不敏感,算法错误地将部分地面分割为目标;图 3(a)的红框处,靠右的房屋与想要分割出来的目标都为建筑物,这导致歧义的产生,虽然它并不是待分割的目标,但深度学习语义分割算法会将它错误分割为同一目标。图 3(f)的最左侧图像为本文的分割先验,其余为分割结果。本文算法通过融合一幅图像的分割作为先验后,增加了模型的前景/背景的分类能力,完整地将其余图像中的目标分割出来,并且保留了边缘细节。

图 3 “Valbonne”数据集部分分割结果
Fig. 3 Partial segmentation results of "Valbonne" dataset
((a) original images; (b) ground truth; (c) results of references[12]; (d) results of FCN; (e) results of PSPNet; (f) segmentation priori and results of ours)

图 4中分割的目标为纸盒,文献[12]分割错误较多,FCN[18]和PSPNet[20]受分割类别的限制,它们的训练数据里没有“Box”这一类,不能以正确的语义分割目标,只能得到无效的分割结果。而本文算法较好地分割出目标,虽然预训练模型没有训练过“Box”这一类别,但本文先用ADE20k场景解析数据集对改进的PSPNet-50网络模型进行了预训练,经过这些大量数据预训练后的模型已具有较强鲁棒性和泛化能力,该模型对于没有预训练过的目标类在背景/前景纹理或颜色很接近的区域仍发生分割错误,即使多视点图像的分割目标类似也不能避免这个问题。因此,本文加入少量先验提示后,使该预训练模型的参数根据先验目标场景进行了相应优化,对于没有预训练过的类也能取得较好的效果。

图 4 “Box”数据集部分分割结果
Fig. 4 Partial segmentation results of "Box" dataset
((a) original images; (b) ground truth; (c) results of references[12]; (d) results of FCN; (e) results of PSPNet; (f) segmentation priori and results of ours)



$ {f_{{\rm{PA}}}} = \frac{{TP}}{{TP + FP}} $ (11)

式中,${TP} $为正确分类的像素数量,$ {FP}$为错误分类的数量。


$ {f_{{\rm{lou}}}} = \frac{{GT \cap R}}{{GT \cup R}} $ (12)

式中,${GT} $为真实标记区域的像素,$R $为系统预测的分割区域的像素。

图 5为本文算法对测试图像集的部分结果,表 1列出了这些结果与文献[12]算法、FCN[18]和PSPNet[20]在分割精度上的对比。本文算法不论是在一些前景与背景区别明显的较简单图像集如“Couch”,还是在一些前景与背景相似的较复杂图像集如“Valbonne”,获得的PA和IOU值都比其他算法要高。在所有图像集中,本文算法比传统的协分割算法[12]在PA上平均高0.108 5,在IOU上平均高0.137 7;比FCN[18]在PA上平均高0.233 4,在IOU上平均高0.257 6。与PSPNet-50[20]相比,在PA上平均高0.150 2,在IOU上平均高0.171 1。本文算法的平均PA达到0.985 8,平均IOU为0.958 9。实验说明本文算法在各种场景下的鲁棒性较强,在同一场景下具有较好的一致分割性,融入少量先验可以使模型更有效地区分目标与背景,在较准确地预测出目标像素的同时,预测错误的像素也较少。

图 5 本文算法在其他数据集部分分割结果
Fig. 5 Partial segmentation results of the algorithm in this paper in other datasets
((a) Coffee shack; (b) Building #1; (c) Building #2; (d) Building #3; (e) Clock tower; (f) Library; (g) Bear; (h) Couch)

表 1 不同分割方法精度比较
Table 1 Comparison of precision between different segmentation methods

图像集 图像数量 文献[12] FCN-8S PSPNet-50 本文
Valbonne 13 0.832 2 0.729 2 0.702 7 0.694 2 0.850 9 0.824 0 0.968 3 0.946 9
Box 14 0.880 4 0.685 8 - - - - 0.994 6 0.957 7
Coffee shack 8 0.866 8 0.849 0 0.583 5 0.576 6 0.716 3 0.705 3 0.982 4 0.964 1
Building #1 8 0.963 8 0.940 8 0.969 3 0.958 3 0.973 8 0.968 9 0.991 7 0.983 0
Building #2 6 0.888 6 0.786 7 0.773 5 0.749 2 0.843 4 0.805 4 0.988 2 0.938 7
Building #3 6 0.923 0 0.882 9 0.965 5 0.873 3 0.930 3 0.917 0 0.981 0 0.957 6
Clock tower 10 0.820 2 0.796 3 0.671 3 0.557 2 0.949 2 0.900 2 0.975 1 0.954 6
Library 9 0.856 8 0.828 3 0.378 3 0.322 4 0.453 2 0.448 7 0.990 8 0.952 2
Bear 9 0.765 2 0.716 3 - - - - 0.984 2 0.949 5
Couch 9 0.935 3 0.912 7 0.930 8 0.873 0 0.981 6 0.765 2 0.985 4 0.973 5
平均 0.877 3 0.821 2 0.752 4 0.701 3 0.835 6 0.787 8 0.985 8 0.958 9

5 结论



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