
发布时间: 2019-04-16
DOI: 10.11834/jig.180348
2019 | Volume 24 | Number 4




expand article info 周亭亭, 曹卫群
北京林业大学信息学院, 北京 100083


目的 便捷的商品检索是用户网络购物体验良好的关键环节。由于电商对商品描述方式的规范性要求以及用户对商品属性理解差异等问题,基于关键词的检索方法在商品检索的应用并不理想。近年来,以图搜图的检索方式在各大电商平台上得到越来越多的应用,但检索结果往往不尽如人意。为此,提出了一种新的检索思路,从商品外观设计特征出发,将人们对商品的认知模式引入到商品图片的检索过程,从而获得更符合人们预期的检索结果。方法 以时尚女包商品为例,在分析设计师的设计规范的基础上,将外观设计特征分解为形状特征、颜色特征和设计元素特征。利用深度卷积神经网络建模、提取特征,并使用哈希方法和Top3类内检索算法加快检索速度。结果 利用建立的商品数据集构建3个对应的特征模型,并进行分类识别和图像检索实验。结果表明,各个模型Top1的识别准确率均小于95%,而Top3的识别准确率均在98.5%以上;商品检索速度加快了将近3.5倍。实验及用户调查结果表明,本文提出的检索方法与淘宝、百度图片等基于图像的检索工具相比,检索结果更为多样,与原图像相似度更高。结论 本文提出的从商品外观设计规范出发、与人的认知模式相结合的商品检索方法,更能满足用户的检索意图,可用于时尚女包商品检索,对基于图像的其他商品的检索方法的研究具有借鉴意义。


认知; 设计规范; 网络购物; 图像检索; 深度卷积神经网络; 哈希方法

Commodity retrieval method reflecting people's cognitive habits
expand article info Zhou Tingting, Cao Weiqun
School of Information Science and Technology, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China
Supported by: Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (2015ZCQ-XX)


Objective Rapid and convenient product retrieval is the key for excellent user experience in online shopping. The application of keyword-based retrieval in commodity retrieval is ineffective because of problems, such as standardization of the description of goods and the differences in the understanding of the attributes of the goods by the users. In recent years, "search by image" has been increasingly used in e-commerce platforms. Retrieval technology is constantly improving, from text-based image retrieval to content-based image retrieval, and then to utilizing deep learning to achieve image retrieval. However, retrieval results are often unsatisfactory. These methods cannot rapidly and accurately retrieve results that satisfy people's expectations, thereby lacking excellent user experience. Therefore, a new method of commodity retrieval is proposed. From the features of the commodity design, the image feature is obtained using the complete picture information as well as the human cognition of the goods, which is introduced into the retrieval process of the commodity picture to obtain the desired results. Method Human cognition of commodities is a type of subconsciousness formed by human experience, which corresponds to the designers' norms. We can obtain results that are consistent with human cognitive retrieval results by studying the commodity design specifications and designing commodity features and then using these features for commodity retrieval. We select fashionable women's bags as the research object. Women's bags are a necessity and favorable to women; thus, bags have practical relevance to the study. Moreover, the design elements of women's bags are relatively independent and flexible. Thus, using traditional image retrieval methods is difficult to satisfy user's retrieval intentions. Therefore, studying similar searches of women's bags is necessary. The design features are decomposed into shape, color, and design element features based on the designers' specifications (such as tassel, chain, and zipper). A deep convolution neural network is used to construct classification models for the three features. The features of each picture are then extracted, and three feature sets are established for similarity comparison in retrieval. The shape, color, and design element picture sets are established to construct the feature models that correspond to shape, color, and local design elements, respectively. Each picture set must be marked in advance. The shape picture set is marked by 14 categories, including shell, Boston, and platinum bags. The color picture set is marked by 13 categories, including red, orange, and yellow. The design element picture set is marked by 11 categories, including strip closure, zipper decoration, and diamond grille. Adding a Hashing layer into the deep convolution neural network and extracting Hashing layer data as image features can provide feature binarization and simplify the calculation. At the same time, in the retrieval process, using the proposed Top3 within-class retrieval algorithm can reduce the algorithm complexity. Searching can be according to the classification features, namely, shape, color, and design elements, selected by users in real time. Thus, the retrieval results reflect the users' intention of commodity search. Given a picture of a fashion woman bag image to be retrieved, the corresponding classification model is called after the user selects the classification features. First, the classification of the image under a feature is recognized, and the image feature is then extracted. Subsequently, the Euclidean distance is calculated with all the images in Top3. Finally, the retrieval results are returned in order of similarity. Result The dataset is currently the only one dedicated to the search of fashionable women's bags. Notably, the design element picture set contains not only the overall picture of bags but also the segmented design element picture. The dataset and feature models are used for classification recognition and image retrieval experiments. Results show that the recognition accuracy of each model of the Top1 algorithm is less than 95%, whereas the recognition accuracy of the Top3 is more than 98.5%. Using Top3 within-class retrieval algorithm can speed up the retrieval and ensure the accuracy of the retrieval results as much as possible. At the same time, the use of Hashing method and Top3 within-class retrieval algorithm results in nearly 3.5 times faster retrieval speed and greatly improves the retrieval efficiency. When multiple features for commodity retrieval are used, the corresponding weights of color, shape, and design elements are 0.6, 0.2, and 0.2 respectively. These weights can be defined by the users in real time to reflect the changes of users' attention to different features during the retrieval process. Conclusion A method of commodity retrieval that is based on the commodity appearance design criterion and is combined with people's cognitive model, is proposed. In comparison with image-based retrieval tools, such as Taobao and Baidu, the retrieval results are more similar to the original image and more in line with people's expectations. At the same time, according to the user's preference, the proposed method can synthetically query according to single and multiple features, and the retrieval results are diversified. In addition, we use the global features of shape and color and the local feature of design elements to conduct a survey of online users' retrieval satisfaction. The survey results show that the user satisfaction of Taobao and Baidu pictures is similar. However, the user satisfaction of women's bag retrieval results obtained by the proposed method is remarkably higher than those of Taobao and Baidu pictures, which is more consistent with human cognition. The proposed method is suitable for the retrieval of fashionable women's bags and can be used for reference in the research of image-based retrieval methods for other goods. At present, for a given bag picture, the design elements are obtained by interactive manual segmentation in the process of similar bag retrieval. In future works, we can study the method of identifying the design elements of women's package to realize the automatic identification and segmentation of design elements, thereby improving the automation of women's package retrieval and the practical value of the proposed method.

Key words

cognitive; design specification; online shopping; image retrieval; deep convolution neural network (DCNN); Hashing method

0 引言






1) 提出了新的商品检索思路。以时尚女包为例,从专业的时尚女包设计规范出发,提出了与人的认知模式[17-18]相关联的检索方法。

2) 建立了时尚女包商品数据集。数据集与设计师的外观设计规范相对应,不仅包含女包整体图片,还包含分割后的设计元素图片。基于该数据集,可以方便地训练CNN模型,实现与设计元素相对应的分类建模。

3) 检索方法的优化。为了提高检索速度,本文在CNN网络结构中加入哈希层[19],并采用Top3类内检索的方法,降低了算法复杂度。

1 商品外观设计规范




根据女包设计规范,按照形状特征,可将女包分为贝壳包、波士顿包、铂金包、翅膀包、方形包、凯莉包、马鞍包、水桶包、梯形包、小方包、小圆包、新月包、信封包、医生包,共14种,如图 1所示;按照颜色特征,可将女包分为红色、橙色、黄色、绿色、蓝色、紫色、粉色、白色、黑色、灰色、金色、银色、花色,共13种,如图 2所示。

图 1 按形状特征分类
Fig. 1 Classification by shape ((a) shell bag; (b) Boston bag; (c) Birkin bag; (d) wing bag; (e) square bag; (f) Kylie bag; (g) saddle bag; (h) bucket bag; (i) trapezoidal bag; (j) small square bag; (k) small round bag; (l) Hobo bag; (m) envelope bag; (n) doctor's bag)
图 2 按颜色特征分类
Fig. 2 Classification by color ((a) red; (b) orange; (c) yellow; (d) green; (e) blue; (f) purple; (g) pink; (h) white; (i) black; (j) gray; (k) golden; (l) silvery; (m) variety of colors)


由于内袋设计和拉链闭合方式等一般在女包整体图片中无法展示,所以本文未将其作为分类特征,而是设计了与另外几种局部设计元素相关的11种局部特征,如图 3所示。按照闭合方式,定义了抽带闭合、皮带扣闭合、磁扣闭合、锁扣闭合等4种特征;按照装饰设计,定义了拉链装饰、流苏装饰、链条装饰、铆钉装饰等4种特征;按照纹理设计,定义了菱格、压花、印花等3种特征。图 3中各设计元素图片的右侧为对应的女包源图片。

图 3 设计元素
Fig. 3 Design elements ((a) band closure; (b) belt buckle closure; (c) magnetic buckle closure; (d) lock buckle; (e) zipper decoration; (f) tassel decoration; (g) chain decoration; (h) rivet decoration; (i) sideric; (j) embossing; (k) printing)


2 商品数据集

为了构建与形状、颜色、局部设计元素等相对应的特征模型,本文分别建立了与这些特征相对应的女包形状图片集、女包颜色图片集和女包设计元素图片集。其中,设计元素为局部特征,图片数据为从包的整体图片中分割出的局部细节图片及包的源图片,详见图 3




3 基于设计特征的商品检索


3.1 总体思想

本文提出的检索方法流程如图 4所示,包含训练和检索两个阶段:

图 4 方法流程图
Fig. 4 Method flow chart

1) 在训练阶段,首先对输入的训练图像集进行图像预处理,然后训练分类模型,再提取特征集,建立对应的特征集库;

2) 在检索阶段,对给定的待检索女包图片,按照用户选择的分类特征(形状特征、颜色特征、局部设计元素特征)调用对应的训练获得的分类模型,识别女包所属类别,并提取图像特征,然后将该图像特征与识别获得的Top3图像特征进行欧氏距离[22]计算,按照相似性大小排序返回检索结果。当用户选择多个特征进行检索时,需要将多个特征进行欧氏距离加权求和处理。其中关键步骤详见第3.2节和第3.3节。

3.2 构建CNN分类模型




3.3 Top3类内快速检索

本文的检索方法不仅可以实现单一特征的检索,也可以实现形状特征、颜色特征和局部设计元素特征的综合检索。图 4中,在检索阶段,输入一幅待检索女包图片,用户根据个人关注点选择分类特征,首先需要判断用户选择特征的个数。不同的特征个数有不同的检索策略:

1) 若为单一特征,则系统直接调用该特征分类模型,识别商品所属类别,并提取哈希层特征,计算与识别Top3中每个图片的特征向量的欧氏距离,进行相似性比较,并按欧氏距离由小到大的顺序展示检索结果;

2) 若为两个特征,如设计元素特征和形状特征,系统首先调用设计元素模型,识别设计元素特征下图像所属类别,并提取特征,计算该特征与设计元素识别Top3中图像特征的欧氏距离,然后调用形状模型,执行同样的操作,最后计算两个特征欧氏距离的加权和,按欧氏距离由小到大的顺序展示检索结果;

3) 若为3个特征,则计算3个特征的欧氏距离加权和,返回检索结果。



使用数据集中的500×14张女包图片进行形状类建模,500×13张女包图片进行颜色类建模,300×11张分割图片进行设计元素类建模,并统计3类模型的Top1、Top2、Top3识别准确率,如表 1所示。由统计结果可知,各个模型Top1的识别准确率均小于95 %,而Top3的识别准确率均在98.5 %以上。由于前期分类识别的错误结果会导致检索的失败,综合考虑计算量和识别准确率两方面因素,选择在各模型Top3类内进行检索。

表 1 3类模型的识别准确率
Table 1 Identification accuracy of the three types of models

计算方法 形状类 颜色类 设计元素类
Top1 90.07 94.5 91.66
Top2 97.5 97.14 97.17
Top3 98.57 98.93 98.83

同时,使用上述数据集分别对无哈希层和无Top3类内检索算法、只加入哈希层、只采用Top3类内检索算法、加入哈希层并采用Top3类内检索算法这4种检索方法的检索时间进行统计,如表 2所示。由统计结果可知,本文使用哈希方法和Top3类内检索算法,使得检索速度加快了将近3.5倍,在检索效率上有很大提升。

表 2 检索时间统计表
Table 2 Retrieval time statistics table

检索方法 形状类 颜色类 设计元素类
无哈希层且无Top3类内检索 8.746 4 4.318 6 8.165 9
只加入哈希层 5.172 3 2.546 7 4.801 3
只采用Top3类内检索 4.999 8 2.418 4.792 8
加入哈希层且采用Top3类内检索 2.597 9 1.232 3 2.390 1

4 实验结果

本文通过反复建模,优化数据集,获得了较好的检索效果。实验的硬件:CPU为Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Quad CPU Q8300 2.50 GHz,内存为4.00 GB,GPU为GTX 660。实验在Ubuntu系统下完成,配置了caffe框架,并使用GPU加速建模,利用MATLAB接口实现识别和检索功能。


4.1 相似商品检索结果

1) 分别进行颜色类、形状类和设计元素类的检索实验,结果如图 5图 7所示。

图 5 形状类的检索结果
Fig. 5 Retrieval results of the shape class
((a) input picture; (b) result 1;(c) result 2;(d) result 3)
图 6 颜色类的检索结果
Fig. 6 Retrieval results of the color class
((a) input picture; (b) result 1;(c) result 2;(d) result 3)
图 7 设计元素类的检索结果
Fig. 7 Retrieval results of the design elements class
((a) input picture; (b) result 1;(c) result 2;(d) result 3)

图 5图 7可以看出,实验检索出的女包与给定测试对象的颜色、形状和设计元素特征都具有很高的相似度。

2) 进行形状、颜色和设计元素多个特征的综合检索实验,并与淘宝和百度图片的检索结果进行对比,结果如图 8图 10所示。

图 8 检索结果对比1
Fig. 8 Comparison 1 of retrieval results
((a)image to be retrieved; (b)combination 1;(c)combination 2; (d)combination 3; (e)Taobao; (f)Baidu pictures)
图 9 检索结果对比2
Fig. 9 Comparison 2 of retrieval results
((a)image to be retrieved; (b)combination 3;(c)combination 4; (d)Taobao; (f)Baidu pictures)
图 10 检索结果对比3
Fig. 10 Comparison 3 of retrieval results
((a)image to be retrieved; (b)combination 3; (c)combination 4; (d)Taobao; (f)Baidu pictures)

图 8中的待检索图片是一个带有菱格设计元素的黑色贝壳包。实验分别按照组合1(形状特征)、组合2(形状特征+颜色特征组合)、组合3(形状特征+设计元素特征组合) 3种方式进行查询,并与淘宝和百度图片的检索结果进行对比。

图 8可以看出,按组合1查询,检索到数据集中最相似的贝壳包;按组合2查询,检索到黑色的贝壳包;按组合3查询,检索到带有菱格设计元素的贝壳包。查询方式不同,检索的结果也不同;筛选的特征越多,检索到的结果与原图像越相近。尤其是当使用组合3查询时,检索到的结果与原图像基本相同,仅颜色不同。而筛选的标准完全取决于用户的关注点,遵循用户的商品查找意图。


图 9中的待检索图片是一个带有抽带闭合设计元素的红色水桶包。实验分别按照组合3、组合4(形状特征+颜色特征+设计元素特征组合)两种方式进行查询,并与淘宝和百度图片的检索结果进行对比。

图 9可以看出,实验中的4种方式均检索到带有抽带闭合设计元素的水桶包,与原图像比较相似。而按本文提出的组合4进行查询,检索结果相似程度更高。

图 10中的待检索图片是一个带有压花设计元素的粉色波士顿包。实验分别按照组合3和组合4两种方式进行查询,并与淘宝和百度图片的检索结果进行对比。

图 10可以看出,实验中的4种方式均检索到带有压花设计元素的波士顿包,淘宝的检索结果1与原图像的颜色不同,但前两个检索结果与原图像均比较相似,而百度图片的检索结果2与原图像差距较大。按照本文提出的组合4进行查询,检索结果相似程度最高。


4.2 用户满意度调查



问卷调查要求调查者在3种检索方法获得的3组检索结果中选择最满意、最符合个人预期的1组,反馈组别编号。调查样例如图 11所示。

图 11 调查样例
Fig. 11 The survey sample((a)image to be retrieved; (b)our method(1); (c)Taobao(2); (d)Baidu pictures(3))

本文方法、淘宝、百度图片的检索结果对应的组别编号分别为1、2、3。每个调查者反馈5个样本的最满意编号序列,如12312。本次用户满意度调查共获得535份反馈结果,用户满意度调查柱状图如图 12所示。

图 12 用户满意度调查柱状图
Fig. 12 User satisfaction survey bar char


5 结论




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