
发布时间: 2017-08-16
DOI: 10.11834/jig.160596
2017 | Volume 22 | Number 8




expand article info 王春艳1, 徐爱功2, 赵雪梅2, 姜勇3
1. 辽宁工程技术大学矿业技术学院, 葫芦岛 125105;
2. 辽宁工程技术大学测绘与地理科学学院, 阜新 123000;
3. 辽宁工程技术大学电气与控制工程学院, 葫芦岛 125105


目的 针对高分辨率带来的像素类属不确定性增大及各类属间相关性增强引起的影像分类问题,提出一种模糊神经网络高分辨遥感影像监督分类方法。方法 提出的模型为包含输入层,隐含层(隶属函数层)及输出层的三层前向模糊神经网络,输入层用于接收来自训练样本的灰度值;隐含层每个神经元节点的模糊隶属函数为对各类别定义的高斯隶属函数模型,以实现对输入变量隶属程度的不确定表达;输出层的输入变量为隐含层各神经元节点输出变量的线性组合,激活函数为分段线性函数,该层实现输入变量隶属程度的相关性表达。以训练数据直方图作为期望输出,梯度下降法求解模型参数,最后按最大隶属度准则实现分类决策。结果 利用本文算法和经典算法对合成影像进行实验,本文方法总体精度达到0.931,相对于高斯隶属函数方法总体精度提高了5.3%,相对于最大似然法提高了4.2%,相对于FCM方法提高了5.9%,对真实WorldView-2全色影像的实验中文中方法分割精度也高于传统方法。结论 提出的模糊神经网络模型可以更加精确的拟合高分辨率遥感影像复杂的分布特征,有效处理高分辨率遥感影像的上述分类问题。


高分辨率遥感影像; 分类; 模糊神经网络; 高斯隶属函数; 监督学习; 直方图拟合

Supervised classification of high resolution remote sensing image based on fuzzy neural network
expand article info Wang Chunyan1, Xu Aigong2, Zhao Xuemei2, Jiang Yong3
1. School of Mining Industry and Technology, Liaoning Technical University, Huludao 125105, China;
2. School of Geomatics, Liaoning Technical University, Fuxin 123000, China;
3. Faxulty of Eletrical and Control Engineering Liaoning Technical University, Huludao 125105, China


Objective Image classification is a significant part of image processing, and the accuracy of the classification result has a considerable influence on the following processes, such as feature extraction, object recognition, and image classification.High resolution remote sensing image can present detailed information of the interesting objects, which provides a sufficient basis for precise image classification.However, new questions and difficulties exist in the classification of high resolution image.These difficulties are caused by the increasing uncertainty of the class of pixels, as well as the complexity of correlation characteristics of different classes, which are attributed to the enhancement of spectral heterogeneity in the same object and spectral similarity in different objects.For example, distribution of an object in feature space may be asymmetric, or with multi-summits and distributions expressing different objects may contain many overlapping areas.Traditional fuzzy clustering algorithms, such as fuzzy c-means (FCM) algorithm, can effectively solve the problem introduced by the uncertainty of the class of pixels and obtain satisfactory classification results for low or medium resolution remote sensing images.On the contrary, traditional fuzzy clustering algorithms cannot deal with the influence of correlations between the class of pixels on the classification results in view of the preceding characteristics of high resolution remote sensing images.Fuzzy neural network has a powerful ability on approaching the numerical solution and describing the characteristics of uncertainty.The fuzzy neural network model treats the fuzzy membership function of a pixel as a hidden input to tackle with the uncertainty of pixels and determine the interrelation by solving the model parameters of the fuzzy neural network.Thus, the fuzzy neural network can solve the problem attributed to the uncertainty of subordination of pixels and the correlation between them in high resolution remote sensing images.To this end, this paper proposes a supervised classification algorithm for high resolution remote sensing images based on improved fuzzy neural network. Method A three-layer feed-forward neural network is designed.The network contains input, hidden, and output layers.Training samples acquired by supervise sampling are used to train the network and estimate hidden parameters.Classification of the detected image is carried out by considering pixels of the detected image as inputs.In the training process, the input layer is used to accept the gray values of the training samples.For each class, the training samples are used to calculate the histogram.The input value is any existing gray level in the training samples, and the expectation output is the histogram frequency of the corresponding gray level in its class.If the gray level is not contained in the training data, then its expected frequency is zero.The function of the input layer is to transfer the data directly to the hidden layer.That is to say, the input and the hidden layers have no parameters.A fuzzy membership function in the hidden layer is defined for each node, which is the Gaussian membership function in the proposed algorithm.The fuzzy operations are performed, wherein the number of nodes is equal to the number of classes.The function is the uncertain expression of the membership degree of the input variables.The input of the output layer is the linear combination of the output of each neural node from the hidden layer.The number of neural node is equal to the number of classes, and the active function is the custom piecewise linear function.The defined active function should satisfy the following constraints.When the linear combination of the membership function of each training data falls between zero to one, the output membership function after the training process remains; When the linear combination of the membership function of each training data is less than zero, the output membership function after the training process is zero; When the linear combination of the membership function of each training data is greater than one, the output membership function after the training process is the maximum of the frequencies present in the histogram.Consider the frequencies of all the training data as the expected output and estimate the corresponding parameters through gradient descent algorithm, including the coefficients of the membership function, mean, standard deviation, as well as the weights and offsets in the summation layer.Finally, the fuzzy algorithm segments the images based on the maximum membership function. Result The proposed algorithm, Gaussian membership function algorithm, maximum likelihood algorithm, and FCM algorithm are performed on high-resolution synthetic and real remote sensing images.The fitting results of histogram from the Gaussian membership function and the proposed algorithm are displayed along with the classification results and the precision evaluation index.Qualitative and quantitative experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can characterize the asymmetry distribution exhibited in the high resolution remote sensing images and is a better fit than the Gaussian membership function algorithm.Moreover, the proposed algorithm can obtain higher accuracy results over traditional classification algorithms. Conclusion This paper proposes an improved fuzzy neural network supervision classification algorithm for high resolution remote sensing images based on the Gaussian membership function.The proposed algorithm establishes a Gaussian membership function in homogeneous regions to characterize the uncertainty of pixels and designs a fuzzy neural network model to represent the relationships between different classes.This algorithm also solves the problems attributed to high resolution remote sensing images.The fitting results on the histogram and the accuracy of the classification decision are improved.Qualitative and quantitative analysis demonstrate the ability of improving the accuracy in image classification results of the proposed algorithm through improving the fitting ability on complex distributions.Although the proposed algorithm can improve the quality of the model and the accuracy of classification results, the following problems remain.First, pixel-based image classification algorithms are sensitive to noise and outliers and cannot distinguish pixels with similar features, such as water and the shadows, without considering the spatial correlation of pixels.Therefore, spatial relationships between pixels should be considered in the following research.Second, texture features, which are important for image classification, are not involved.In future work, we will attempt to study and construct the texture features of high-resolution remote sensing images.The texture features of the detected image will be employed to develop an algorithm suitable to most kinds of images.

Key words

high resolution remote sensing image; image classification; fuzzy neural network; Gaussian membership function; supervised learning; histogram fitting

0 引言





1 改进的模糊神经网络模型


1.1 网络结构设计

文中模糊神经网络结构为包括输入层、隐含层(隶属函数层)及输出层的3层前向网络,如图 1所示,其中$FMF$表示模糊隶属函数,$w$为网络权重。

图 1 模糊线性神经网络结构
Fig. 1 Fuzzy linear neural network structure




1.2 网络的训练

对于给定影像$\boldsymbol{Z} = \{ {z_j}, j = 1, \cdots, n\} $$j$为像素索引,$n$为总像素数,${z_j}$为第$j$个像素光谱测度(文中为灰度)。

输入层:用于接收来自训练样本的灰度值。对待分影像的各类别监督采样提取训练样本建立直方图。输入变量为训练样本中存在的0,1,…,${2^b}$中任一灰度值$c$,每个训练样本所对应的期望输出为该训练样本在各类别中的直方图频率,即${\boldsymbol{y}_c} = [{y_{c1}}, {y_{c2}}, \cdots, {y_{cm}}]$,其中$m$为类别数。若某一类别内不存在输入训练样本灰度,则其所对应的直方图频率值为0。


$ {u_{ci}} = {\beta _i} \times \exp \left\{ {-\frac{{{z_c}-{\mu _i}}}{{2\sigma _i^2}}} \right\} $ (1)

式中,$i = 1, 2, \cdots, m$为类别索引,系数0≤${\beta _i}$≤1,${{\mu _i}}$${\sigma _i}$为第$i$个(类)神经元节点的均值和标准差。


$ {\boldsymbol{F}_c} = ({u_{c1}}, {u_{c2}}, \cdots, {u_{cm}});c = 0, 1, \cdots, {2^b} $ (2)

式中,$\boldsymbol{F}_c $表示灰度值$c$在所有类别中的隶属度组成的$m$维特征向量。

输出层:该层的输入变量为特征向量$\boldsymbol{F}_c $中各元素的线性组合。神经元节点数为$m$,激活函数为分段线性函数,该输出函数为

$ {T_{ci}} = f({\boldsymbol{w}_i}{\boldsymbol{F}_c} + {p_i}) $ (3)

式中,0≤${T_{ci}}$≤1表示灰度$c$属于第$i$类的隶属度,满足$\sum\limits_{c = 0}^{{2^b}} {{T_{ci}} = 1} $的约束条件,${\boldsymbol{w}_i} = ({w_{1i}}, {w_{2i}}, \cdots, {w_{mi}})$为第$i$类各输入神经元节点的权重向量,${p_i}$为偏移量,$f$为输出节点的激活函数,该函数为分段线性函数,满足条件为

$ {T_{ci}} = \left\{ \begin{array}{l} {\boldsymbol{w}_i}{\boldsymbol{F}_c} + {p_i}\;\;\;0 \le {T_{ci}} \le 1\\ 0\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;{T_{ci}} < 0\\ \max ({y_i})\;\;\;{T_{ci}} > 0\; \end{array} \right. $ (4)

式中,$\max ({y_i})$表示第$i$类中的最大直方图频率值。

上述模糊神经网络模型需要训练的参数为隶属函数层中模型系数${\beta _i}$,均值${{\mu _i}}$,标准差${\sigma _i}$以及求和层中的权重参数$\boldsymbol{w}_i$和偏移量${p_i}$,将各类别训练数据的直方图频率值作为期望输出,${{T_{ci}}}$为实际输出采用梯度下降法求解模型参数。

1.3 模糊划分


$ {O_j} = \mathop {\arg }\limits_j \{ \max \{ {T_{ji}}\} \} $ (5)

式中,$ \mathop {\arg }\limits_j \{ \max \{ {T_{ji}}\} \} $表示第$j$个像素在求和层中的最大值所在的类别。$\boldsymbol{O} = \{ {O_1}, {O_2}, \cdots, {O_n}\} $表示明晰的分类结果。

2 实验与结果

2.1 合成高分辨率遥感影像

图 2为从盘锦地区World View-2全色影像中截取的不同地物组成的合成影像,影像大小为256×256像素,分辨率为0.5 m。该合成影像涵盖了农田(Ⅰ),冰面(Ⅱ),水泥路面(Ⅲ),林区(Ⅳ)4种遥感影像中主要的特征地物。高分辨率的特征使遥感影像中地物目标的细节特征明显,如水泥路面上的裂痕,冰面上零星的雪、树冠的纹理都清晰可见,上述细节信息,使影像同一类别内部灰度测度的差异性增大,增加了分类困难。

图 2 合成影像
Fig. 2 Synthetic images

图 3为在上述合成影像各类别区域内随机提取30 %训练样本进行最小二乘直方图拟合得到的拟合模型,其中,图 3(a)为高斯隶属函数拟合模型,图 3(b)为文中方法的直方图拟合模型。

图 3 拟合模型
Fig. 3 Fitting model ((a) Gaussian membership function model; (b) fuzzy neural network model)

图 4为应用不同算法对图 1进行分类得到的结果。

图 4 合成影像分类结果
Fig. 4 Classification results of synthetic image
((a) Gaussian membership Function; (b) maximum likelihood; (c) FCM; (d) proposed algorithm)

表 1给出了以合成影像作为标准图的上述4种方法分类结果精度评价指标,包括用户精度,产品精度,总精度及${\rm{kappa}}$值,其中各项指标越大,其精度越高。

表 1 合成影像的定量评价
Table 1 Quantitative evaluation of synthetic image

算法 精度指标 同质区域
原始隶属函数 用户精度 0.971 1.000 0.986 0.682
产品精度 0.927 0.821 0.799 0.965
总精度=0.878;kappa = 0.837
最大似然 用户精度 0.955 1.000 0.886 0.745
产品精度 0.971 0.821 0.919 0.838
总精度=0.889;kappa =0.848
FCM 用户精度 0.770 0.999 0.986 0.789
产品精度 0.998 0.945 0.799 0.747
总精度=0.872;kappa = 0.830
本文 用户精度 0.957 0.991 0.976 0.825
产品精度 0.972 0.983 0.815 0.956
总精度=0.931;kappa =0.909

1)图 2中在高分辨率的条件下,冰面上存在零星的雪,水泥路面的裂痕及灰度差异清晰可见,该细节特征使原本呈现高斯分布特征的两种地物出现非对称拖尾现象(图 3中绿色和蓝色实线)。图 3(a)中应用高斯模糊隶属度模型将无法准确拟合上述两种地物,以该拟合模型为标准进行影像分类,其分类精度将受到拟合质量的影响。

2) 本文方法考虑了同一像素属于各类别隶属程度的相关性,该相关性将会对模糊隶属函数模型变化趋势产生影响,使其更接近真实直方图的分布特征。如图 3(b)中,对于水域右侧下部,水泥路面左侧及农田左侧的拖尾现象,本文模型都能够对其进行很好的刻画,该模型拟合质量高于原始的高斯隶属函数模型。

3) FCM算法依据像素光谱测度与聚类中心的最小距离对影像进行划分,根据这一原理相近的光谱测度将被划分为同一区域。图 3中由于Ⅰ类地物农田的灰度范围分布集中,因此FCM方法对农田的分类可以得到较高的产品精度(0.998),但由于Ⅱ类地物冰面与Ⅲ类地物水泥路面与农田存在灰度重叠,并且由于Ⅳ类地物林区中树冠灰度特征差异性显著(图 3中粉色直方图及拟合模型),几乎遍布灰度测度的整个区域,FCM方法定义原理决定了其无法有效划分不同类别中存在的重叠像素及光谱测度差异性显著的同类别像素。因此,该方法将林区中大量像素误分为农田,将水泥路面中的深色区域误分为与其灰度接近的林区。水泥路面和林区分类结果中存在大量的团状噪声,从而导致整体分类精度降低;冰面对应的蓝色直方图拟合曲线与农田和林区仅有少量重叠,且灰度分布范围比较集中,该特征符合FCM目标函数定义原则,因此,FCM方法对于农田的划分质量较高(用户精度为0.999,产品精度为0.945),相对于其他3种分类方法,FCM方法分类精度最低。

4) 对于水域的划分,基于图 3中两种拟合模型的分类方法,误分像素主要集中在图 3中拟合曲线右侧的拖尾部分,该部分对应冰面上的积雪,高斯函数直方图拟合模型无法对该拖尾部分进行准确拟合。因此,基于高斯函数模型的高斯隶属函数分类方法与最大似然分方法,将冰面上的积雪误分为与该区域直方图曲线重叠的农田和林区,两种方法用户精度均为1.000,产品精度为0.821。本文方法通过准确拟合拖尾部分直方图频率值,使误分像素大量减少,分类质量得到显著改善(用户精度为0.991,产品精度为0.983),分类质量最优;对于农田的划分,由于农田拖尾现象不明显且灰度集中,因此,高斯隶属函数分类方法,最大似然方法及文中方法均可得到较高的分类精度,但文中方法略优;对于水泥路面划分,由于水泥路面与林区的重叠区域较大,虽然本文方法使其拟合模型更加精确,但由于按最大隶属度原则实现分类决策,故距离模型交叉点较远的重叠区域,在不考虑像素间的空间关系的情况下,将较难实现正确划分,为此,虽然本文方法相对于其他方法对水泥路面的划分精度得到一定程度提高,但仍存在少量团状噪声。对于林区的划分,本文方法通过考虑像素隶属度间的相关性使分类质量提高显著。

5)表 1中,对于上述4种地物进行分类,从表 1中可见,本文方法分类精度均高于传统分类方法。上述评价指标验证了FCM方法、基于高斯模糊隶属函数模型的分类方法和最大似然法对具有复杂分布特征的高分辨率遥感影像在特征刻画及分类上的局限性。通过精确拟合高分辨率遥感影像非对称分布特征的方法,可以提高分类精度。

2.2 高分辨率遥感影像

图 5(a)(c)为从World View-2全色影像截取的包含不同地物类型的3幅256×256像素大小的影像,其中影像1包含5种地物,从亮到暗分别为积雪、建筑物、植被、冰和水域;影像2和影响3中包含3种地物,从亮到暗(b)依次为房屋、道路和草坪,(c)中为农田、草丛与池塘。由于在研究中发现高斯模糊隶属函数方法分类精度较低,故对真实高分辨率遥感影像进行分类实验中只给出FCM方法,最大似然方法及本文方法的分类结果,训练样本采用按区域人工提取方式,训练样本数量约为总样本的30 %。

图 5 高分辨率遥感影像及分类结果
Fig. 5 High resolution remote sensing images and the classification results
((a)original images; (b)maximum likelihood; (c)FCM; (d)proposed algorithm

为了评价上述影像分类方法对高分辨率遥感影像的分类质量,文中对已知类别的训练样本进行精度评价,给出其用户精度,产品精度及总精度和kappa值(表 2)。

表 2 高分辨率遥感影像的定量评价
Table 2 Quantitative evaluation of high resolution remote sensing images

影像 地物 FCM 最大似然法 本文方法
1 建筑物 0.830 0.811 0.691
0.846 0.922 0.940
0.894 0.956 0.961
植被 0.946 0.429 0.972 0.933 0.978 0.972
积雪 0.678 0.709 0.830 0.770 0.905 0.794
水域 0.621 1.000 0.997 0.999 0.998 0.999
冰面 0.027 0.024 0.974 0.984 0.981 0.981
2 房屋 1.000 0.982 0.992 1.000 0.976 0.987 1.000 0.988 0.997
道路 1.000 0.980 /0.987 1.000 0.984 /0.976 1.000 0.998 /0.993
草坪 0.972 1.000 0.969 0.991 0.988 1.000
3 农田 0.851 0.972 0.922 0.964 0.913 0.951 0.967 0.923 0.962
草丛 0.969 0.804 /0.883 0.915 0.956 /0.934 0.925 0.968 /0.943
池塘 0.970 1.000 1.000 0.998 0.999 0.999

对于影像1中5种地物的划分,由于冰和水域的灰度特征十分相近,目视上无法判别,FCM方法依据灰度测度相似性测度准则将相近的光谱测度将划分为同一区域,故应用该方法冰面几乎全部误分为水域,表 2中,FCM算法冰面的用户精度仅为0.027,产品精度为0.024。最大似然方法及本文方法通过监督采样依据冰和水域的特征分布曲线对其划分。由于两种地物的特征分布曲线不同,因此,以上两种方法都能够实现对冰和水域两种地物的划分,但最大似然方法由于没有考虑到像素类属间相关性噪声明显高于本文方法;对于房屋的划分,由于人字房顶屋脊两侧亮度特征变化明显,FCM方法用欧式距离定义的非相似性测度对噪声和异常值敏感,故应用此方法屋顶中较亮部分的像素被误分为与其灰度测度接近的积雪。最大似然方法假定每一类别的分布曲线都呈现正态分布特征,该假定无法准确刻画亮度特征差异性显著的人字房屋顶(训练数据直方图呈现双峰非对称分布特征),故应用最大似然方法对人字房屋顶的划分存在较多的噪声。而本文方法通过对屋顶灰度测度的不确定性及类属间相关性的刻画可以准确拟合屋顶的特征分布曲线,有效克服了噪声,因此,只有零星像素被误分,分类质量最高;对于植被的分类,由于植被中包含低矮植物,树木以及裸露的地面,同质区域内部灰度特征复杂,应用FCM方法无法实现对该区域的划分,对于房屋的划分FCM方法分类精度最低,最大似然方法的用户精度0.972,产品精度0.933分类精度显著优于FCM方法,而本文方法的用户精度为0.978,产品精度0.972,分类结果最优;对于积雪的划分,误分像素主要集中在积雪边缘处,FCM方法分类结果较差,本文方法最优。对于影像1的分类,本文方法的总体分类精度相对于FCM方法提高了37 %,相对于最大似然分类方法提高了2.1 %,提高效果显著。

对于影像2的分类,由于该图中3种待分类区域基本符合同质灰度测度差异较小,异质区域灰度测度差异性较大的特征,因此,应用上述3种方法均可以得到较好的分类结果(对训练样本的总体分类精度达到了98 %以上)。3种方法的细微差别主要体现在对草坪的分类,由于草坪与道路的交接处存在过渡性灰度测度,该交接处两区域像素灰度的类属的相关性增强,本文方法由于考虑了该相关性,因此,对该区域的分类效果最好。

影像3的类别区域具有以下特征:草丛的灰度测度差异性较大,其直方图特征与农田的存在较大的重叠范围;池塘边缘处存在延伸到水中的草丛,因此3种分类方法的误分像素主要来自于草丛与农田的灰度测度重叠部分的像素以及池塘边缘处的像素。FCM目标函数定义方法导致影像右下角属于草丛的大量像素被误分农田,池塘边缘处的农田被划分为池塘,相对于其他两种分类方法FCM方法分类精度最低。与最大似然方法相比由于本文方法通过定义像素类属间的相关性处理异质区域间灰度特征重叠像素及边缘处的过渡像素,使建立的模型更加精确的拟合其直方图分布特征,进而提高了模型本身的抗噪性,分类结果优于最大似然方法。通过表 2也可看出,本文方法具有最优的分类精度。

3 结论



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