
发布时间: 2017-06-16
DOI: 10.11834/jig.160631
2017 | Volume 22 | Number 6




expand article info 郑渊悦, 徐铭恩, 王玲
杭州电子科技大学生命信息与仪器工程学院, 杭州 310018


目的 超声图像斑点噪声会影响诊断的准确性和可靠性。通过分析超声图像斑点噪声统计模型,结合非局部均值滤波算法,提出一种基于超声斑点噪声模型的改进权值非局部均值(NLM)滤波算法。 方法 算法针对超声图像灰度信息对图像进行预处理,利用超声图像斑点噪声模型改进传统NLM算法的权值计算函数,基于图像特征确定最优采样间隔进行下采样,利用改进后的权值计算函数对图像进行NLM去噪处理。 结果 分别采用人工合成与真实超声图像对本文算法性能进行测试,并与传统非局部均值滤波算法、非局部总变分(NLTV)等算法进行去噪效果比较,同时采用均方误差、峰值信噪比和平均结构相似性作为滤波算法性能的客观评价指标。本文算法能快速完成超声图像的去噪处理,峰值信噪比较其他算法可以提高0.2 dB以上,可以降低均方误差,提高平均结构相似性,缩短处理时间,并得到较好的图像质量和视觉效果。 结论 根据超声图像斑点噪声模型对NLM算法的权值计算函数进行优化,使得NLM图像滤波算法能更好地适用于超声图像的去噪,基于超声斑点噪声模型的改进权值NLM算法相较于其他算法,滤波效果更佳,适合超声图像去噪。


图像去噪; 非局部均值; 斑点噪声; 超声图像; 下采样; 权重函数

Improved weighted non-local means ultrasonic image denoising algorithm
expand article info Zheng Yuanyue, Xu Mingen, Wang Ling
College of Life Information Science and Instrument Engineering, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018, China
Supported by: Supported by:National High Technology Research and Development Program of China(2015AA020303); National Natural Science Foundation of China (KYZ193713071, KYZ193716041)


Objective Medical ultrasound imaging, CT, MR, and X-ray imaging are four modern medical imaging techniques. Medical ultrasound imaging techniques are ultrasonic-based diagnostic imaging approaches used to visualize subcutaneous body structures, such as muscles, vessels, tendons, joints, and internal organs. Compared with other imaging techniques, medical ultrasound imaging is widely used in clinical diagnosis, especially in pregnant women and fetuses, because it is non-invasive, inexpensive, convenient, can be applied in real time, and so on. However, due to the influence of the ultrasonic imaging principle, the ultrasonic image is inevitably disturbed by speckle noise during the generation process, which not only reduces the quality of the ultrasonic image but also makes the identification and analysis of the image detail highly difficult. In this study, an improved non-local means (NLM) image denoising algorithm based on the noise model of the ultrasonic image is proposed. Method A statistical model of speckle noise is obtained based on the probability distribution of the ultrasonic image. Then, the Bayesian formula and speckle noise model are utilized to improve the weight function of the NLM filter algorithm. The weight function of the traditional NLM algorithm is based on Gaussian distribution, so it can suppress Gaussian noise well. However, it is unsuitable for speckle noise. In this study, the weight function is improved based on the speckle noise model to make the algorithm applicable to an ultrasonic image. The algorithm preprocesses the image according to the characteristics of the proposed weight function by using a pre-defined threshold. If the average gray value of the image is greater than 155, then the image is processed directly. If the average gray value of the image is less than 100, then the anti-colored image is used for denoising. If the image has an average gray value of 100 to 155, both the original and anti-colored images are processed, and the average of the results is calculated and used as the final result. This step makes the algorithm produce a good denoising effect. Afterward, different sampling intervals are utilized to subsample the image; each sampling interval must be smaller than the similar window size in the NLM algorithm. For each pixel in the sampled block, the filtered value is calculated with the improved NLM algorithm. If a pixel is in the intersection of two sampled blocks, the final estimated value of the pixel is calculated by the weighted average of the filtered values in the two sampled blocks. After all the pixels are calculated, de-speckling performances in terms of filtered time, peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), mean squared error (MSE), and mean structural similarity (MSSIM) at different sampling intervals are analyzed to optimize the sampling interval so that the algorithm can reduce noise while reducing the processing time. Finally, the optimized sampling interval and the improved NLM algorithm are applied to ultrasonic image denoising. Result The search and image window sizes are fixed to 11×11 and 5×5, respectively, in the optimized Bayesian NLM algorithm (OBNLM) algorithm and the proposed algorithm. The optimal sampling interval is fixed to 3 according to the experimental results. Experiments on phantom images and real 2D ultrasound datasets show that the proposed algorithm outperforms other well-accepted methods, including the traditional NLM algorithm, OBNLM, non-local total variation (NLTV) algorithm, and speckle-reducing anisotropic diffusion filter (SRAD), in terms of objective and subjective evaluations (e.g., MSE, PSNR, MSSIM, and computational time). The images filtered with the proposed algorithm have a higher PSNR value than the other de-speckling algorithms, which means the proposed algorithm can preserve the details of the image information better, and the filtered image has similar edges as the noise-free image. Comparison of MSE and MSSIM values indicates that the proposed algorithm has lower MSE values and higher MSSIM values than the others, which means the proposed algorithm can better preserve the structure information of the original image. With regard to computation time, the proposed algorithm does not demonstrate superiority in this aspect, but the speed of the proposed algorithm is almost nine times faster than that of the traditional NLM algorithm. An experiment is also conducted on real 2D ultrasound images, and results show that the proposed algorithm provides a better visual effect than other well-accepted methods. Conclusion Speckle noise reduces the quality of ultrasonic images and limits the development of automatic diagnostic technology. According to the speckle noise model of ultrasonic images, the weight function of the NLM algorithm is optimized to make the algorithm suitable for ultrasonic image denoising. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is better than other algorithms and suitable for ultrasonic image denoising.

Key words

despeckle; non-local means; speckle noise; ultrasonic image; subsample; weight function

0 引言





1 NLM图像去噪算法


已知1幅受噪声污染的图像$v = \left\{ {v\left(x \right)\left| {x \in \boldsymbol{I}} \right.} \right\}$$\boldsymbol{I}$代表整个图像空间,对于图像中任意一个像素点$x$,经过非局部均值滤波后的灰度估计值为

$ NL(v)(x) = \sum\limits_{y \in \mathit{I}} {w\left( {x,y} \right)v\left( y \right)} $ (1)


$ w(x,y) = \frac{1}{{C(x)}}{{\rm{e}}^{ - \frac{{\sum\limits_{{x_i} \in {N_x},{y_i} \in {N_y}} {\left\| {v({x_i}) - v({y_i})} \right\|_a^2} }}{{{h^2}}}}} $ (2)

$ C(x) = \sum\limits_{x \in I} {{{\rm{e}}^{ - \frac{{\sum {\left\| {v(x) - v(y)} \right\|_a^2} }}{{{h^2}}}}}} $ (3)

式中,$h$是用于调节滤波的平滑程度的衰减系数,$C(x)$是归一化常数,用于确保权重系数$w(x,y)$满足条件:$0≤w(x,y)≤1$,且$\sum {w\left({x, y} \right) = 1} $$\sum {\left\| {v(x) -v(y)} \right\|_a^2} $是高斯加权欧氏距离的平方,$a$是高斯核的标准差,其目的是为了提高欧氏距离的可靠性,突出中心像素对窗口邻域相似性计算的影响。

2 超声图像噪声模型及改进算法

2.1 超声噪声模型


$ u(x) = v(x)*{n_m} + {n_a} $ (4)


$ u(x) = v(x) + {v^\gamma }\left( x \right)\theta \left( x \right) $ (5)


2.2 欧氏距离的改进


$ \hat u(x) = \frac{{\sum\limits_{y \in I} {p(v(x)\left| {v(y))} \right.p(v(y))v(y)} }}{{\sum\limits_{y \in I} {p(v(x)\left| {v(y))} \right.p(v(y))} }} $ (6)



$ NL(v)(x) = \frac{1}{Z}\sum\limits_{y \in I} {{e^{ - \frac{{\left\| {v(x) - v(y)} \right\|_a^2}}{{2{\sigma ^2}}}}}} v(y) $ (7)

若令$h^2=2σ^2$,则式(7) 与式(1) 等价。由式(5) 可知,超声图像噪声的分布可近似看成$v(x)|v(y)∈N(v(y),v(y)σ^2)$,因此针对超声图像的NLM图像去噪算法可相应修改为

$ NL(v)(x) = \frac{1}{Z}\sum\limits_{y \in I} {{e^{ - \frac{{\left\| {v(x) - v(y)} \right\|_a^2}}{{2v\left( y \right)2{\sigma ^2}}}}}} v(y) $ (8)


$ w(x,y) = \left\{ \begin{array}{l} \frac{1}{Z}{{\rm {e}}^{ - \frac{{\sum\limits_{{x_i} \in {N_x},{y_i} \in {N_y}} {\left\| {v({x_i}) - v({y_i})} \right\|_a^2} }}{{2v\left( {{y_i}} \right)2{\sigma ^2}}}}}\;\;\mu \le \frac{{\overline {v\left( x \right)} }}{{\overline {v\left( y \right)} }} < \frac{1}{\mu }\\ 0\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;{\rm{其他}} \end{array} \right. $ (9)

$μ$是预先选取的阈值常数,$\overline {v\left(x \right)} $$\overline {v\left(y \right)} $是分别以像素点$x$为中心的窗口邻域(相似窗)$N_x$和以像素点$y$为中心的窗口邻域(相似窗)$N_y$的灰度均值。

2.3 下采样



1) 令$I$代表整个图像空间,对图像进行处理时使用的相似窗半径为$b$,若以$n$为间隔对图像进行采样,则可以将图像分割成相互重叠的以$x_i$为中心的图像块${\boldsymbol{B}_i}$,每个图像块的大小为$(2b+1)^2$,为确保去噪后图像的全局连续性,需满足$2b≥n$,此时$\boldsymbol{I} = \boldsymbol{B} _1∪ \boldsymbol{B} _2∪ \boldsymbol{B} _3∪…∪ \boldsymbol{B} _m$

2) 对于每个图像块${\boldsymbol{B}_i}$中的像素,使用改进权值计算公式后的NLM算法进行估计

$ NL(v)(x) = \sum\limits_{y \in I} {{{\rm{e}}^{ - \frac{{\left\| {v({x_i}) - v({y_i})} \right\|_a^2}}{{2v\left( y \right)2{\sigma ^2}}}}}} v\left( y \right) $ (10)

$ {Z_{x,{B_i}}} = \sum\limits_{y \in I} {{{\rm{e}}^{ - \frac{{\left\| {v({x_i}) - v({y_i})} \right\|_a^2}}{{2v\left( y \right)2{\sigma ^2}}}}}} $ (11)

式(10) 计算得到的是图像块${\boldsymbol{B}_i}$中每个像素点$x$与其他像素点的加权求和,并未对权值进行归一化处理(对照式(8)),$Z_{x,B_i}$是图像块${\boldsymbol{B}_i}$中像素点$x$的权值归一化系数。

3) 如果一个像素点同时属于多个图像块,则将对应区块中的估计值和权值归一化系数进行求和,再进行归一化处理,得到最终的估计值。若像素点仅属于某一个图像块,则直接使用式(11) 求得的权值归一化系数进行归一化处理。



3 实验结果与分析


3.1 下采样间隔$n$的分析


$ u\left( x \right) = v\left( x \right) + \sqrt {v\left( x \right)} \theta \left( x \right)\;\;\theta \left( x \right) \in N\left( {0,{\sigma ^2}} \right),{\sigma ^2} = \left[ {1,2,3,4} \right] $

实验使用的是matlab软件自带的Shepp-Logan模型图像。从图 1中可以看出,在采样间隔较小时,算法可以很好地滤除图像平滑区域的噪声,但随着采样间隔的不断增大,尤其是当采样间隔大于4时,算法的去噪能力明显降低,因此需要选择一个合适的采样间隔,在保证去噪效果的同时降低滤波时间。

图 1 Shepp-Logan模型图像在不同采样间隔下的去噪效果
Fig. 1 Despeckling experiments of Shepp-Logan model images at different sampling intervals ((a) noisy image; (b)—(j) denoised images with the sampling interval from 1~9)

3.1.1 时间性能分析

图 2(a)展示了测试图像在不同噪声强度下,不同采样间隔与滤波时间的关系。可以看出,采样间隔从1增加到2,滤波时间减少了将近4倍;增加到3时,滤波时间减少了将近9倍,这与理论分析是相符的,即随着采样间隔的增大,算法的时间复杂度降低为原先的$1/n^2$。但是随着采样间隔继续增大,曲线下降的速度达不到理论值,这是因为当采样间隔较小时,算法在权值计算步骤所消耗的时间占算法总耗时的比重较大,此时增大采样间隔以减小权值部分的计算时间能有效地减小算法的总耗时;但是当采样间隔继续增大,权值计算部分的耗时占算法总耗时的比重不断降低,最终其他部分的计算时间所占的比重较大,导致滤波时间的下降速度达不到理论的速度。这表明在实际计算时无需为了降低滤波时间而选取很大的采样间隔。

图 2 Shepp-Logan模型图像在不同采样间隔下的去噪性能
Fig. 2 Despeckling performance of Shepp-Logan model images at different sampling intervals((a) performance of filter time; (b) performance of PSNR; (c) performance of MSE; (d) performance of MSSIM)

3.1.2 滤波性能分析

滤波算法对测试图像处理后的PSNR、MSE和MSSIM信息结果图 2(b)(d)所示,其中图 2(b)(d)中采样间隔为0指示的是原始噪声图像的PSNR、MSE和MSSIM信息。从图 2中可以直观地看出,随着采样间隔的增大,图像的去噪效果逐渐降低(PSNR减小,MSE增加,MSSIM减小),当采样间隔大于等于5时,处理后图像的PSNR和MSE信息与噪声图像类似,说明此时滤波算法几乎不再起作用。这与2.3节提到的$2b≥n$条件一致(算法选择的相似窗大小为5×5,此时$b=2$)。而MSSIM在采样间隔大于5时出现明显下降是因为此时采样间隔过大,以采样点为中心的图像块无法完全覆盖整幅图像,导致部分区域的像素点无法得到处理。当采样间隔等于5时,采样间隔刚好等于相似窗的大小,此时以采样点为中心的图像块刚好完全覆盖整幅图像,且相邻两图像块之间没有重叠。由于图像块之间没有重叠,滤波过程没有充分利用图像中的冗余信息,导致算法不能取得很好的去噪效果,因此PSNR和MSE的数值并不理想。因为采样间隔刚好等于相似窗的大小,此时算法虽然不能取得很好的去噪效果,但是有类似于高斯滤波的效果,因此MSSIM并没有出现明显的下降。因此,为了达到较好的去噪效果,本文选取的采样间隔为3作为最优的采样间隔,此时算法有较低的时间复杂度,并且还能保持相对较好的去噪效果。

3.2 与其他算法对比

为了进一步验证本文算法的去噪效果,分别对仿真图像和真实超声图像进行处理,并将实验结果与其他几种经典的去噪算法进行对比分析。表 1为仿真图像在不同噪声强度下使用不同去噪算法的PSNR、MSE和MSSIM,图 3为对应仿真图像的去噪效果图。可以看出随着噪声强度的增加,各类去噪算法的性能对应有所降低,但相比之下,本文的算法依旧能保持较好的去噪性能。在噪声强度较低时,传统NLM算法有较好的去噪效果,随着噪声强度的增大,本文算法逐渐体现其去噪优势。这是因为当图像噪声强度较低时,NLM算法通过计算当前像素与所有其他像素点灰度的加权平均,可以有效地保留图像的细节信息;但是当噪声强度增大后,图像每个像素的灰度值受噪声影响变大,可能会偏离原先的灰度值,使用该方法在计算权重信息时,会把噪声也同时带入计算,而本文算法通过大小为3的采样间隔进行采样,可以一定程度上减小噪声产生的影响,因此可以得到相对较好的去噪效果。SRAD算法结合自适应滤波算法和各向异性扩散滤波算法思想,对同质区域有着较好的去噪效果,因此当噪声强度较低时,SRAD算法的平均结构相似性(MSSIM)一直保持较高的水平。当噪声强度增大后,同质区域受噪声污染加重,因此SRAD算法的结构保持能力也逐渐减弱。本文相较于OBNLM算法,在下采样部分进行了优化,提高了相似区域的像素点对待估计像素的影响权重,因此处理后图像的质量有所提升。图 4~图 5为真实的超声图像的去噪结果,测试使用的真实超声图像均来自Ultrasoundcases.info网站。图 4展示了不同算法对肝脏超声图像的去噪结果,从视觉角度看,本文算法可以在去除噪声的同时有效地保留图像的细节信息。图 5为本文算法对不同组织超声图像的去噪结果。

表 1 不同仿真图像比较不同算法的MSE、PSNR和MSSIM值
Table 1 MSE、PSNR and MSSIM of despeckled images with different methods

算法 $σ^2=2$ $σ^2=3$ $σ^2=4$
噪声图像 176.842 4 25.654 9 0.416 38 394.976 1 22.165 1 0.366 77 660.605 2 19.931 4 0.336 23
Lee 86.178 8 28.776 8 0.695 08 218.268 8 24.740 9 0.422 67 434.574 2 21.750 2 0.358 10
SRAD 131.72 2 26.934 2 0.917 02 181.444 2 25.543 4 0.587 64 290.119 2 23.505 0 0.411 08
NWMD 81.388 3 29.025 2 0.499 42 162.912 6 26.011 3 0.433 14 257.701 1 24.019 6 0.405 19
NLM 39.937 9 32.116 9 0.788 26 131.785 1 26.932 1 0.476 41 215.879 1 24.788 7 0.416 18
OBNLM 48.691 4 31.256 3 0.706 61 113.880 6 27.566 3 0.494 92 184.340 7 25.474 6 0.445 90
NLTV 58.676 6 30.446 2 0.587 31 123.454 3 27.215 7 0.492 41 193.337 0 25.267 7 0.446 18
本文 43.181 7 31.777 8 0.779 72 106.037 1 27.876 2 0.516 88 175.061 0 25.698 9 0.459 99
图 3 不同方法对仿真图像的去噪结果($σ^2=3$)
Fig. 3 Despeckling experiments on simulation images ((a) original image; (b) noisy image; (c) Lee; (d) SRAD; (e) NWMD; (f) NLM; (g) OBNLM; (h) NLTV; (i) proposed algorithm)
图 4 不同算法对肝脏超声图像的去噪结果
Fig. 4 Despeckling experiments on real liver ultrasound images ((a) original image; (b)Lee; (c) SRAD; (d) NWMD; (e) NLM; (f) OBNLM; (g) NLTV; (h) proposed algorithm)
图 5 本文算法对不同超声组织的去噪效果
Fig. 5 Despeckling experiments on real ultrasound images((a) ductal breast cancer; (b) hemangioma; (c) fetal)

4 结论

本文通过分析超声图像的噪声模型,提出一种改进权值计算的NLM图像去噪算法。选取人工合成与真实超声图像进行实验,并与当前主流的斑点噪声抑制算法进行对比分析,实验结果表明,本文算法可以在减少算法处理时间的同时,能得到较好的去噪效果。在与人工合成算法进行对比的试验中可以看出,本文的算法相较于传统NLM算法速度可以提高近9倍,峰值信噪比可以提高0.2 dB以上。该算法为超声图像斑点噪声的抑制提供了新的思路,有助于提高超声图像质量。本文算法在实验中选取了固定大小的相似窗和搜索窗,对于相似窗和搜索窗大小对算法时间复杂度和斑点噪声抑制效果的影响有待进一步研究。


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